
About his family

“Alex!” he called and he turned to look a Zack.

He whispers something to Alex and he calms down.

The man looked at Zack but quickly turned to Alex, “Take your hands off my property” he warned him and went away with his men.

Zack took Alex to his office. “So that is your uncle my mother was talking about him, you can’t fight him here, and you can't certainly fight him without your powers."

“But my father never told me about him”

“Yes, that was because he’s an enemy to your father.” Zack looked at Alex and wondered if he knows anything about himself and his family.

“Drink with me tonight, and I will tell you something” Zack suddenly said to Alex.

“Drink with you tonight?” he asked Zack, that was strange, what could be more important, that he wants him to get drunk before he can tell him? But he agreed anyways.

“Hello, I will be with Zack tonight, I might be late so don’t think I’m with a woman,” he told his wife over the phone.

“Is fine” Sandra hang up the phone but decided to call Clara.

“Are you having some doubt? We can go visit that Evelyn if you think Alex is going to her.”


Alex met Zack at a bar and they order lots of drinks.

“Why are you trying to get me drunk?” Alex asked Zack.

‘That is because I’m happy today, and I want to tell you a little about your family.”

“My family!” Alex was eager to know about it, no one has ever told him anything about his family, not even Clara.

He began to wonder what kind of a family he came out from.

“Drink” Zack raise his glass but Alex refuses to drink, he wants to hear what Zack has to say.

“Can you please go straight to the point?”

“Okay, first I want to tell you that the man you saw in the office early is very dangerous, he’s the man Lincoln is working for, and he might be responsible for your parent's death, “

 Alex was quiet because without saying it, he already know what kind of a person the man is.

“He is the only surviving brother of your father”

“What?” Alex shifted from his seat.

“Yes, I heard he warned your father not to marry your mother because your mother is a human girl”

“What? that’s not true,” Alex said because he can remember seeing his mother turning into something the day he unexpectedly walked into her room.

“That’s not true”

“Yes, it is, Alex”

“But I saw my mother changing into something like a snak…” he paused he never wanted to remember that day.

“That’s the truth, your mother was complete human when she met your father, and the same thing will happen to Sandra, the more you keep sleeping with her, she will gradually become one of us, but by so doing, you will continue to be less of who you are.”

Alex went dumb, all he could think of right now is Sandra, how he has ruined her whole life, and now she was going to lose herself to him.