
A place of no return

“Fuck…shit….shit…!” Jack hit his head repeatedly.  “Get out of my head Clara, please get out of my head” he hit his head with his hand.

Jack has gone to a place of no return with Clara, he can’t seem to stop thinking about her.

He has tried severally to talk himself out of it but no, it just got stronger, the feelings he has for Clara keep growing every single minute that passes by.

“How I hope Alex understands me, how I wish he knows I’m not using any code on her.”

Alex got home and went about his business not letting Clara know what he did.

Sandra and Blaze planned on visiting Alex to confirm if truly it was him, she has never set eyes on Alex since the incident of him dying.

“I think is a bad idea” Blaze warned “you could be killed”

“Alex can not kill me, you know why? the boxes, if he killed me, he will never get to those boxes and his life will be miserable without his parent's wealth they are running out of money as we speak”

“How did you know that?” Blaze asks because she knows that she has been the only right-hand man…oh. Sorry, right-hand woman for Sandra, so who is giving her this information!” She reasoned but didn’t dare to ask.

“Don’t worry I have eyes on him, if I can’t get to him then I will get to his loved ones”

Blaze didn’t want to argue with her, she went with her to Alex's place.

“What are you doing here?, are you not afraid that I could kill you?” Alex asks Sandra.

“I am, as a matter of facts my father told me how powerful you have become and I’m here to see for myself,” Sandra said smiling wickedly at Alex and Clara while Blaze stood at her back and Clara at Alex's back, all were ready to fight except Alex. He didn’t see any reason to fight with girls he has never done it and he sees no reason to.

Clara start walking closer to Sandra but Alex stopped her.

“Let her go”

“Why?”  Clara asks angrily.

"Because he can’t kill me," Sandra said in a mocking tone "If he kills me you can’t get access to the box."

Alex's eyes lighten up, that’s right, he wasn’t thinking about the box until Sandra mentioned it.

“Lock the door” Alex order Clara but Blaze got to the door first.

"Remember if you kill me, you can’t get the box."

"What about her?” Alex asks Sandra pointing at Blaze.

Sandra turned to look at Blaze and then back to Alex and gave him a weak smile. “Go ahead, kill her, it won’t matter” she laughed and walk away,  Clara and Alex looked at her walking out without reacting.

Blaze only leaves the door when her mistress is out and safe at a distance from the house.

“What just happen?” Clara yells at Alex, we have been waiting for this opportunity and you just let her go!”

“Not like that, calm down, killing her now will only make us lose. How much of mum and dad did you know?” Alex ask Clara and she paused.