
A place of no magic

Blaze and Sandra are still having a hard time figuring out where in the world, they are.

"I have never seen such magic in my entire life,” Sandra said now sitting under the shade of a massive tree, they had nothing to eat for three days and Blaze is beginning to think they won’t survive this.

“We have to look for something to eat before we die” she left Sandra still sitting down and walked further into the village.

She’s not in the mood to walk another inch without food, she’s sure she won’t be able to take one more step before she tumbles over, so she let Blaze go alone.

Blaze went to the market, and try to use her powers to steal food, but magic don’t work here, all she try to do met with failure and she got tired of it and walked straight to the guy selling food, she didn’t know what kind of food is that, but she just needed it.

“Give me one of that” she ordered the guy but he answered in a foreign language. Blaze is tired of it all,  she grab as many as she could carry and started walking away.

The guy went after her and she start fighting him off.

“Stay away, I needed this!” she raised it up and the guy's gaze travel up as high as Blaze raised her hand.  “We…me and my sister. We are hungry” she made signs with her hand.

The guy speaks again and attacked her but he was no match for Blaze. People start gathering around the scene and Blaze starts running.

They chase after her and caught her dragging her away yelling at the top of their voices. Blaze understands nothing of what they speak so trying to defend herself before them will be useless.

They took her to a stage that looks like a judgment stage and a few older men tries to calm the angry mob down.

They turned to her and speak to her but she just roll her eyes, she did understand a thing they were asking her.

Just then she saw Lily among the mob and gasps “Lily what are you doing here?” she asks in her head, is easy for her to communicate with lily in her head without others hearing.

But Lily didn’t respond, she quickly turned into an elderly woman and speak for Blaze.

After a few minutes, they let her go and Lily paid for the food.

“Wow, that was fantastic,” she told lily taking a bite of the food.

“You are lucky you know? You could have been burned to death”

“Really? so what were they waiting for? Do I look like I want to live?” Blaze asks lily still shoving the food in her mouth as they walk back to Sandra.

“Stop saying that, you are like a daughter to me, I just want you to be happy,” Lily said.

Blaze stops and stares at lily as she walks in front of her not knowing that Blaze has stopped.

She felt something she hasn’t felt before, and that is  family, she has never had someone who wanted her to be happy, and Lily is the first person to say that to her. And she has also noticed that she was always around to help her one way or the other.