


I went back to my dressing room instead of going to my apartment.

“Pfft... that he hates the eyes that roam my body. Fuck him.” I said tersely. I changed into my working outfit, wiped off my makeup, and applied another, then stepped out of the room. I walked with my head high, not thinking about what or who was looking at me.

“What are you doing here, Ronnie?” Kyle whisper-asked me the moment he laid his eyes on me.

“As you can see, I'm taking my place on the stage.”

He looked confused for a minute before he asked me what happened between Jabari and me.

“Nothing, nothing happened,” I said with a smile but he was not buying it.

“Even I don't want you up there,” Kyle said.

“Are you some kind of a pimp?” I asked.

“What? No, no, why would you even ask me that?” He asked.

“Good, excuse me then.” I smiled and left to the center where I used to dance. I saw how the audience was beginning to gather around. I saw how the audience was beginning to get crazy seeing that I was back to my spot.

Trust me, I hated it, but as long as I didn't get to see Jabari and his cocky attitude, I was alright.

Some men got up to spread out money on the stage, and whoah! I was grateful for the fact that no one was allowed to touch us when we were up there, and also grateful for the fact that I, in particular, chose to wear a mask when dancing.

After a while of dancing, I got off the stage and made my way to my changing room until what I did not expect happened.

“Hey, cutie,” one guy standing next to the door called. I paid no attention, not that he wasn't handsome and I didn't want to give him attention, but I was still pissed and didn't want to be distracted.

“You don't have to ignore me, darling,” his annoying voice sounded in my ears and the next thing I saw was him griping my wrists so hard, that it hurt.

“Let go of me,” I began to yank my hand from his grip but he was way stronger than I was.

“Don't worry.. it'll just be a quick one. How much money do you want?” He was slurring his words like he was drunk.

“I said let go of me.” I fought back. At this point, I was getting sick. I hated how his hungry eyes were feasting on my body.

“Bitch! Just stay still.”

“No. Let go of me.”

“She said let go of her.” That voice, that voice, I would recognize that voice anywhere. I rushed to him the moment the jerk left my wrist. I was panting.

“What are you going to do, lover boy?” He asked.

“You wouldn't want to know. Now get out of here before I lose it.” Jabari rather spoke softly and as funny and scary as it was, the jerk rushed off. We stood there, face to face, quiet. All of a sudden, he took off his coat and placed it around my shoulders.

“Come with me,” I asked myself if that was a command or a request, but I followed him anyway. I have worked at Aphrodite for a year, and I never knew there was a lift in the red room that led us outside.

“Where are we going?” I asked when we got outside but he did not say anything. I stood back, waiting for him to answer me. When he noticed I wasn't following, he came back to me.

“Why have you stopped walking?”

“I asked where we’re going to?”

“I’m taking you home.” He replied.

“I can go on my o—”

“Can you not be stubborn once in your life?” He asked but I still did not move. Suddenly, he carried me, putting me on his shoulder.

“Put me down. Jabari I’m warning you.” I kept screaming and hitting his back with my hands but he didn't stop till we got to the black Benz that I assumed was Jabari's. He opened the passenger’s door and set me down on the seat. I huffed and watched him also take his seat.

“Where exactly do you live?” he asked.

“Since you know everything, why don't you figure out where I live,” I said with so much stubbornness, I could feel my insides shaking with mockery like a kid.

Jabari smiled, and for once, I realized how beautiful it was. “I’m going to take you to my house and I will assume you will not be bothered.”

“You wouldn't dare,” I said.

The ride was peaceful. Half an hour later, Jabari pulled up in front of my apartment.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

“It's okay.”

“Your, er, your coat,” I pointed at it, about to take it off.

“Keep it. You are not properly dressed.”

“Mm, yeah. Thank you.”

“Where did your feisty attitude vanish to?” He asked, a smirk kicking up his lips.

I smiled at him, not in the mood to retaliate, or, actually, I just wanted to be cool with him. I shook my head with a smile and got out of the car.


I lay lazily on the sofa, thinking. Things did not seem clear to me anymore. Before I came to know about Jabari's personality, I used to see him around. Not all the time though.

He would always stand in the dark, in one of the corners. He had seemed like nothing excited him.

His appearance screamed dominance, and I craved him. Oh! His lips.

“Earth to you missy.” Jerome flicked a pillow at me.

“Sorry, did you say something?” I asked.

“What's going on with you?”

“Nothing at all,” I fixed a smile. “Are you going out?”

“Did you forget? I'm hanging out with the guys tonight.”

“Oh yeah, yeah.” I did forget. “Have fun.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am.” I lied. I was dying to talk to him, but I didn't want him to miss out on his time with his boys.

“Are you sure? I could—“

“Stop it, 'you could' nothing. Go and have fun with the boys. I'll be fine.”

“If you say so. Don't wait up.” I nodded and hugged him before he exited the apartment.