
Love or love (The Billionaire twins)

"whom do you like more ?" Yeong asked his sister who had been watching him carefully. After carefully considering her brother's question, Ruby smiled. She knew exactly what her brother wanted to hear but she wasn't going to let him have it easy. "jade is kind to the family,to you she shows ultimate love and as for Zen, she's talented and selflessly in love with you so I'd say they are both very charming ladies. Yeong scoffed at his sister's reply "you know that's not what I want to hear " Ruby's expression darkened as it would whenever she was serious. "I like you more and that's why whomever you choose becomes my choice because at the end of the day it's what your heart wants. do ask yourself who you need more" she said and left the room. ************* Three years after parting ways with the love of her life Lee Ruby lives her life as a contract tool for her family's multi billion company not until a proposal for an arranged marriage from her ex is signed by her Mother without her consent. Now she has to go over the problems of their past relationship to build a new one. ***************** After picking up the pieces from his last painful relationship he decides to just open his heart to Yoon Jade, a charming young woman with whom his family has arranged an alliance ,not until Park Zen shows up does he realize that an open mind doesn't equal an open heart. ********** Journey along with the billionaire twins as their respective love story unfolds .

Precious_duru_27 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

12 The Candidate

The next few days passed very quickly and uneventfully, Zen had moved in to her penthouse and had started decorating her showroom. Madam Lee was busy on several business trips, trying to tighten loose ends before the big start up. Ruby had visited her father to discuss about the rush in Yeong's wedding but her father only said, "I'm sure your mother has her reasons for everything, how about you just sit on your hands this time".

The new month swept away all the fuss of the former month, it was painfully quiet for everyone.

Tiffany walked into Ruby's office with a bunch of mails. "I was wondering what happened in Gangnam this month, I mean it's the fourth day of the month and a week and five days after the house warming party but no one is sharing invitations for events but I was wrong, it was just the calm before the storm...."

"Get to the point Tiffany, I don't have all day", Ruby impatiently cut her.

"So we've received invitations for three different events happening next week only, one for the following week and a few more before the month ends"

"Just filter the invites and sort out my schedule"

"Uhmmm that's the problem, these are the ones I personally handpicked for you, they're a must attend". Tiffany shuffled the cards to show Ruby how many they were.

"What do we have there?" Ruby asked looking at Tiffany for the first time since she walked into the room.

"Madam Do's fundraising auction Saturday night, apparently she's dealing diamonds this time. Madam Ahn's Sorority party and the Wang's baby shower. These are the ones I've been able to fix into your schedule for now"

"Okay, I'll work with that " Ruby said and continued with her file.

"So, I'll ask Zoey to send some dress designs for you to choose from" Tiffany said and left.

The buzzing of the intercom distracted Ruby from the files she had been going through, she sighed and answered.

"Mr Han Minho and Mr Lee are here" the secretary said from the other line.

"Let them in" Ruby said.

A few seconds later the secretary ushered both men into the office,served water and left.

Ruby left her desk to sit with them on the sofa.

"The Campaign for the Mayoral elections have officially kicked off and there is no better time than now to pick our candidate". Yeong said.

"The Chairwoman is personally overseeing political affairs for the phoenix project, isn't she?" Ruby asked

"She asked that the decision be left to you and we work with whatever orders you give"

"Which candidates do you recommend Mr Han" Ruby asked Mr Han who had been quiet.

Mr Han took out his Tab and gave to Ruby. "I have rounded up four candidates who will benefit our project if elected. first slide you'll see candidate one, He seems to be on the lead so far, clean slate and he used to be an advisor at the blue house, but rumor has it that Simwon corporation has been sponsoring his campaign. For the second candidate he just retired as the Chief Prosecutor, he's a strict rule follower and not very flexible but he is quickly getting a lot of attention recently".

"Everyone loves a hero no doubt, but I'm not interested in a just and fair hero at all, flexibility is an important quality I want so mark candidate two out" Ruby said

"Okay, Candidate three is new to the game, he is from the same party as the present Mayor and his in-laws own a law firm so he's quite respected. I would bet on him"

"I don't think he's our candidate" Yeong said

"Why is that?" Mr Han asked.

"If he is from the ruling party he automatically lost this election before it even began. The present Mayor is leaving things in quite a bad state, rumors are he didn't compensate residents from the redevelopment areas so I'm not sure anyone would want a mayor from that party anymore and it will definitely be a problem during the debates" Yeong said.

"That's reasonable. Mr Han how about we investigate him further, maybe for internal conflicts within the party" Ruby said

"Don't tell me... You're trying to make him go solo" Yeong asked surprised.

"That is if he's going to be our candidate. What about the fourth one "

"He used to be a Judge, he's simple and has a good reputation and he's not under any party right now" Mr Han concluded.

Ruby stood and paced to the large window which had a view of the city. "Whoever becomes the Mayor with our support will definitely give us full rights to set up our project so I'm considering backing candidate three. Candidate one will not make it to the elections, Candidate two is going to be swept off completely, When candidate three goes solo his only competitor will be candidate four and I believe that will be a piece of cake, You understand what I mean, don't you" Ruby said.

"So you really plan to make him go solo" Yeong said.

"Set up a meeting with the financial officers and decide how much we can use for the election and I'll personally meet with candidate three to show our support "

"But wouldn't it be beneficial to support both candidates, we can afford it " Mr Han suggested.

"No, politics is not business where invest in several assets and we will look desperate that way. We must choose our candidate and make him win by all means no matter what" Ruby stated and took a sip of her coffee.

"I'll arrange a meeting and get back to you" Mr Han said and left.

"Seriously do you really want to go into the dirty fight of politics" Yeong said and walked towards the window to stand beside Ruby.

"Politics is surely a dangerous game, but anything must be done to achieve our purpose"

"You sound just like Mother right now "

Ruby scoffed, "I must be just like Mother, at least right now I should think just like her".

"Is everything okay?, you've been acting strange since the house warming party. Are you okay?" Yeong expressed his worries.

"Your wedding is going to happen next month and that may be my fault. I pissed Mother off by being absent at the house warming party"

"That's not news, When Mother comes back we'll have a family dinner with Jade and her mother to finalize the date, we already found a hall but official preparations will happen after the dinner. Don't worry it's not your fault, I actually want to get the wedding done soon."

"You seem happy about the wedding though"

"Well, I'm not going to be sad about it forever. so I'll cheer up and sincerely look forward to it" Yeong said. "I'm meeting up with Jisoo and Jay later today, we'll finalize the deal and secure their participation in the project".

Ruby gave him an intense stare.

"I just thought I should handle Jisoo since you guys haven't spoken since you broke up, and Jay maybe a little awkward" Yeong said in his defense.

Ruby averted her gaze. "Business is business, I could have taken care of it"

"All you needed to say was 'thank you ' miss Lee and you're welcome. I'll go and finish up before I leave" Yeong gave his sister a small pat on the shoulder and left.

Ruby walked back to her desk and dialed her intercom. "Bring Tiffany to me" She said and dropped the receiver.

Tiffany came in a few minutes later.

"Have this delivered to the district prosecutors office immediately. Discreetly" Ruby said and handed over a brown envelope to Tiffany.

"Right away ma'am" Tiffany said and left.