
Crazily handsome

Athena's POV

'That crazy fool just increased my anger ahhhhhhh I hate him so much. He's such a scumbag I feel like dipping his face into mud and ruin his handsome face' I thought angrily as I knocked on my best friend's house's door.

" hey you. you seem to be in a bad mood" Kayla said as soon as she opened the door

" I know one crazily handsome scumbag caused it"I said in annoyance and hugged her

" wait a minute did u just call a guy handsome like an actual guy" Kayla said

" what do you mean by that" I said and crossed my arms

"come in and sit first" Kayla said

"ok mom" I said and stumbled in

"who's your mom stupid"Kayla said after closing the door

"who is stupid" I said andsat down on the couch

"uhhhhh whatever so who's the handsome guy" Kayla asked AMD chuckled

"I don't know him" I said

" did you collect his number,do you know his name, do you know his family, do you like him, are you in love with him.."

"hold it right there. one question at a time okay"I said cutting her off

"OK so do you like him" Kayla said

"I don't know" I said and blushed

"OMG, you are blushing I can't believe it" Kayla said happily

"urrhh what is that supposed to mean" I said and crossed my arms again

"I've never seen you blush about a guy before" Kayla said

"whatever, it doesn't even matter if I like him. considering how handsome he is he would have millions of girls bowing before him even girls prettier than me" I said and signed

"oh come on you are beautiful the way you are" Kayla said and sat down beside me

"thanks"I said

"whatever, so about the guy. do you know his name"Kayla asked

"no" I said

"whaaaat??" Kayla said and stood up

"what is it"I asked

"you are supposed to know his name"Kayla said

"why" I asked curiously

"well duurrrh so that you can find him. you are such a fool" Kayla said

"you are definitely crazy Kayla. you are totally out of your mind"I said

"no I am not"Kayla said

"yes you are" I said and winked at her

"ohhh please"Kayla said

"do you have any food I'm starving"I said and smiled

"sorry girl no name no food"Kayla said and smiled back at me

"really. you are only making me hate that scumbag the more" I said frowning

"whatever. there's food in the refrigerator. feel free to eat your fill"

"OK" I said and madey way to the fridge