

This is a story of a guy who find his love through his friend.

Peace_lover_7168 · Urbano
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1 Chs


Hi! This is my story. My name is "Axel".This story is about, How I met the love of my life. Dreaming of a fantasy love life has always been everyone dream, But thanks to my wonderful wife I have experienced all of it, And now I will be sharing it with you.

My story started when I went to my childhood friend's wedding, It was an average wedding until I saw her, like every movie scene as soon as I saw her it felt like the world stopped. Everything started moving in slow motion. She had big brown doe eyes, a perfect nose and long black hairs. She was perfect from every aspect.

I kept looking at her until my friend named "Austin" came to me and bring me back to my senses. He looked at the same direction I was looking at, He was in a bit shock but then he started laughing and asked me,"Do you like her?" I nodded my head in YES. He told me that she is her cousin and told me that, He would be glad to introduce me to her. But I told him not to or at least not for now.

Then as the wedding ended he asked me, if I want to go with him to drop her to her house.I gladly said yes! with excitement. I was sitting next to driver's seat and she was sitting at passengers seat. I was glancing her secretly,But she saw it and just smiled getting shy.

Well I asked her name and she answered saying, "My name is Stella".And left from there. I asked my friend about her family background and find out some information about her. My friend told me that she belongs to a middle-class family and her father had passed away when she was a kid.

With enough information without wasting a second I told my family about her.And the good thing was that my family approved her. Well a interesting fact about her was that she was ten years younger than me. Well love really has no age.At that time she was 22 and I was 32. Well I was quite older....

My sisters and mother went to their house and asked for our proposal well her mother really liked me as she have met me before. Her brothers were quite impressed by me and everyone agreed for our marriage.

After two months we had a great wedding and invited all of our friends and relatives, We enjoyed our best life, Doing outing, Late night movies, Adventures and much more. After some time we had our first baby girl and named her "Thea".

It's been eighteen years since we married and are living a happy married life with our six childrens in total. two older daughters and four young sons.

Hi! everyone.

Hope you like the idea of the story as I have putted alot thoughts in it.keep cheering me up.

-Thank you


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