
Love Of A Hybrid

Jin finds an almost dead bunny hybrid in an alley. He cleans and patches him up before taking the bunny hybrid with him to the studio where the other boys are. Once Taehyung meets the bunny hybrid named Jungkook. Tae has a need to protect him with everything of his being.

Taekooksangel · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Part 7

Yoongi looks at Jimin and Hoseok before lastly looking at me with a questioning look making me shake my head telling him that it is nothing. He nods before closing his eyes falling asleep after Jungkook who has already fallen asleep. Everyone else goes downstairs to not bother the two. I eventually walk over to the bed and kiss Jungkook on his forehead before going downstairs myself to be greeted by Namjoon.

"None of this is Jungkooks or any of our fault it is his old owners. The abusive sadistic jackass who deserves the same fucking treatment he treated my baby Bunbun with." I say before he could say anything.

"Tae, I promise you I wasn't going to say that. What I was going to say was; I had someone check the alley where Jin hyung found Jungkook to see if there were any security cameras and thankfully there were. Another good thing is that the recordings haven't been deleted or reset in years so everything is still on it surprisingly. Jungkook wants you and the rest of us to protect him with good reason. His old owner apparently doesn't know Jungkook's real name because we found the person who gave Jungkook to him. The guy gave Jungkook's old owner the wrong name and nowhere near close to Jungkook's name and it is a gender neutral name. Jungkook didn't want his old owner to know his actual name and apparently neither did the person who gave Jungkook to him so he let them say the wrong name. We have all the evidence we need to have Jungkook's old owner put in jail for life with endless charges such as hybrid abuse, rape, abandonment, and so much more. He did so to much Jungkook and other hybrids in that alley with no remorse. It's a wonder Jungkook has gotten attached to any one you of us at all with everything he has been through. Like I mentioned if we have to go to court because his owner found out Jungkook is still alive we have more than enough proof to put his old owner in jail no matter how much money he has. Jungkook is his own person but in many ways he is yours. If you want and this is my advice to you; you should adopt him to show everyone how much better of an owner to him you are and thats more evidence than he can ever provide. Plus he has nothing proving that he was ever Jungkooks owner. You will though Jin can help you with that. PD-nim can't tell you not to adopt him it's your choice not his. His views and actions towards hybrids shouldn't effect yours." He says before patting me on the back and walks away.

I immediately go upstairs to my room where Jimin and Hoseok now try to wake up Yoongi. They both look up at me.

I give them a questioning look.

"We are going to ask him if we can adopt him and we got impatient." Hoseok says.

"That's what I'm going to ask Jungkook." I say looking down at Jungkook and then Yoongi.

From the looks of it the two are just acting like they are asleep and Jimin and Hoseok apparently haven't payed attention to their facial expressions or their heartbeats which is funny since the two are vampires. An idea pops up in my head.

"Well I guess I can try and wait to ask Jungkook if he wants me to adopt him or not later." I say as I walk towards the door looking back to see Jungkook with wide tearful eyes.

"Daddy no go.... daddy no go. Kookie an Yoonie were pwaying. Kookie sowwies daddy. Daddy no weave Kookie. No weave Kookie." He says as I come back over the bed sitting on it to be attacked into a hug by a crying Jungkook while not hurting his leg and arm in the process.

(Daddy don't go.... daddy don't go. Kookie and Yoonie were playing. Kookie sorry daddy. Daddy don't leave Kookie. Don't leave Kookie.)

During all of this I don't notice Yoongi sit up and answer Jimin and Hoseok's question.

"It's ok baby Bunbun I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving my baby Bunbun. What's your answer to my question on me adopting you baby Bunbun?" I ask him.

"I says........ YES! Yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes!" He says excitedly as soon as he says this Jin comes in.

"Alright the five of you follow me to mine and Joonies room so we can get this over with and yes I heard everything and let's hurry before Namjoon breaks something." He says as I stand up with Jungkook in my arms making sure not to drop him in the process before following him to his and Namjoon's room to his desk.

He sits down in his chair as I set Jungkook on their bed as Yoongi sits next to Jungkook. Jin gets two adoption forms out. Jimin, Hoseok, and I fill them out and once we're done Jin puts everything into the computer so there is a digital record of it.

Once he gets done we all leave and head down to the living room where Namjoon sits on the couch looking guilty. We all look around to see what he broke when our eyes land on the tv which now lays on the floor in pieces. I put my hands over Jungkook's ears as does Jimin and Hoseok with Yoongi's.


"Can three of you clean this up while one of you watches over Kookie and orders a new tv?" He asks and we all nod at once giving him his answer before he goes into the kitchen.

Jimin, Hoseok, and I clean up the mess while Yoongi and Jungkook sit on the stairs waiting for us as Yoongi orders a new TV. When we get done I notice that Jungkook is tense when we walk up to them.

"What is it Bunbun?" I ask him.

"He's here!... I can smell him along with his friends! He's hear Tae! He's here!" He says in a distressed whisper.

Not long after he says this the door bell rings.

"Yoongi go upstairs and teach Jungkook to hide his ears and tail and find him something to wear that is edgier. When you're done come down here." I say quickly as the door bell sounds again and this time Jin comes out of the kitchen.

"Why haven't any of you opened the fucking door?" He asks angerly.

I motion to him to come here.

"Jungkook says it's his old owner and his friends so we aren't very keen on letting him or his friends in. But can you open the door since you have a meat cleaver in your hand?" I ask getting a nod from him before he gets to the door Jungkook and Yoongi come down.

Jungkook doesn't look like his usual adorable self instead he looks like this edgy bad boy. He's wearing ripped black skinny jeans, a body hugging black shirt that shows his muscles but is hidden by a black leather jacket, with black timberlands.

Gah he look hot. I think mentally fanning myself before coming back to the situation at hand.

Once Jin gets to the door the bell rings again.

"Can you open the damn door please hyung its getting on my fucking nerves." He asks Jin almost in a growl making my wolf change whimpering in fear.

Why? I'm not sure but seeing our mate like this scares us but we know that he wouldn't hurt us.

Note to self: Jungkook has two different personalities. Ask later.

You are going to forget that he'll remind himself to tell you.

Shut the hell up Grey

I know when to leave. I'm going, I'm going.

I look at him shocked as does everyone else. Before one of them turns and looks at me before gasping which catches the attention of Jungkook. He looks towards me wide eyed.

"You're an omega now hyung until I change back to a bunny. I'm sorry for forcing your wolf to change. I didn't know or mean for that to happen and from what I can sense without out having to see your wolf form your a pure white omega wolf with bright purple eyes. Ok enough of me talking we'll talk about it later. I'm sure all of you agree with me when I say I want the shit asses gone." He says making us laugh while nodding our heads.

Before the door bell rings again Jin opens the door.

"Yes, how may I help you? Your disturbing us. And for one I didn't have to open the damn door but you were so insistent. What the fuck do you want?" He says sassily while waving the meat cleaver in their faces while the rest of us try not to laugh.

"You have my hybrid." Says the guy in the middle.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." Jin says dismissively still waving the cleaver around.

Without asking the guy pushes past Jin and comes in the house without getting hit with the cleaver. They look around at everyone. All except one looks annoyed while that one doesn't he looks like he's about to faint.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick? Do you need a damn doctor? Cause you seem like your about to pass the fuck out." Jungkook says in annoyance.

Upon hearing this the guy snaps his head towards him and watches as Jungkook comes over to me back hugging me while setting his chin on my shoulder, the guys eyes almost pop out upon seeing this.

"You are all BTS but you are not. Who are you?" He asks Jungkook.

"I'm their new member Jungkook. I'm also Tae's boyfriend." He says growling.

"If you've got a problem with that I suggest you leave or something bad happens to you." Jungkooks says more animalistically scaring the guy.

"What are you?" The guy who was Jungkooks old owner asks.

Before Jungkook answers I can tell Jungkook isn't any normal hybrid. At this moment I can tell he can be a number of animals determining on his mood I can smell it.

"I'm a hybrid mother fucker and no I'm not your damn hybrid whatever animal you had. Oh, wait the scent is light on you but still there let me guess. You had a bunny hybrid?" Jungkook asks.

The guy just nods.

"Sorry to burst your mother fucking bubble but I'm not a damn bunny. I'm a black and red alpha wolf surprisingly due to my other personality. I've also got an owner if you can't tell. If we are done here I suggest you leave before I do something that my owner can't apologize for." Jungkook says before smiling cruelly.

With that Jungkooks old owner and his friends quickly run out of the house to their car and quickly leave almost getting hit by another car on the way out. Jin closes the door and locks it while looking at Jungkook who's still back hugging me.

"Jungkook what was that?" Jin asks him.

"Well.... hyung I'm a multi hybrid my animal changes determining on my attitude. A minute ago I had three animals to choose from: Black bear, Black and red wolf, and Black panther. When I'm my normal self I have three to choose from as well: grey bunny, white hedgehog, and a black ferret. I can turn into a purple and black skunk instead of stink I have determining on who you are the scent verys but its your favorite scent. If your favorite scent is the smell of rain when it first begins then that is what I smell like. Tae when I told you about someone spoke to me and told me to wake you well that was this side of me the alpha side of me. All of my other animal selves approve and love you. I couldn't show my old owner that I was a multi hybrid or he would have done much worse to me than he had already done. He had one other multi hybrid who I had befriended well we were more than friends in secret but I'll explain in a bit. Because of our similarities we got close. His name was Boo Jeonsan. He was a red panda hybrid.  He didn't have as many animals as I do. Now here is why I said what I did just now, I'm not going to hide this from you because you need to know I don't want you thinking I kept it from you intentionally but I loved him. I loved him a lot. I even told him that and vice versa so I know my feelings were accepted and given back with the same force. One night when my old owner was out with his we were intimate. We had waited for him to leave and we knew where they was going that night and we were desperate to be alone in the house together at that time we were the only hybrids in the house but that night we were intimate and I got him pregnant. We both knew the risks of it but we didn't care at the time and he was about to have his first heat so he really needed me. He didn't want Anthony to help him so he had to hide it as much as he could the whole day. When we had any alone time I would try and help to ease him. One off my old owner's friends found out he was pregnant 🤰 and asked my old owner if he could take him for a while and he agreed but when Jeonsan gave birth I knew my old owner's friend would bring him back because he had to not because he wanted to. I smelt dread on him as soon as he walking in the door when he brought Jeonsan back. My old owner never found out Jeonsan was pregnant which is a good thing. I do want to know where and what our child is. I want them in my life." He say as he lets me go and walks over to the couch and sits on it getting a tissue from a box that sits on the coffee table.

"Sorry, I got off subject." He says wiping the tears from his eyes.

"It's fine Bunbun."  I say making him nod as I walk over to where he sits on the couch and sits with him.

He may think I'm upset with him for loving someone else and getting that person pregnant but I'm not. I have no right to be. If we knew where his and Jeonsans child was we could try and get them. I would treat them as if they were my own. I would never treat them differently. I'm not sorry like that. Anything about Jungkook I will accept. I don't want him thinking he can't tell me anything out of fear.

"My old owner new what Jeonsan was and tortured him for hours making him switch his animals when he shouldn't. The last time he switched animals he passed out and never woke back up. All of the animals he had their energy and life support gave out. He knew I cared about him. I know he knew and he took away my only comfort in that horrid place. Any normal hybrid would have been dead by then with the ruthless nonstop torture. I couldn't tell him what I was because I didn't want to suffer the same fate yet every time Jeonsan had to endure the torture I wished every ti.... every time that it was me instead of him. No one deserves that no one not even someones worst enemy deserves that kind of torture. Jeonsan was made not born like me. He never deserved what he was subjected to. Would I be out of place to say this? I felt the pull with him as I do with you, Tae. I'm sure that if he was still here that he would be both mine and your mate but that's what I think. I've always felt it like that." He says as tears fall down his face while looking down in shame.

I comfort him as much as I can and thats when I smell it.

It's the smell of rain.

"It's ok baby everything is ok now. You couldn't have done anything to have helped Jeonsan. It's not your fault and your old owner is going to get what he deserves in the end. Never feel ashamed to admit something like that to me and I believe you when you say that. If your child was here I would treat and care for them as if they were my own and if Jeonsan were here I'm sure I would love him as much as I love you. Grey always told me that we would have two mates but one day he said something was wrong and that we would only have one mate and now I know what he meant by saying that. I feel your pain so yours and Jeonsans child is as much mine as they are yours. When you mentioned that you are a skunk as well you are now a skunk aren't you?" I ask him only feeling a nod on my shoulder making the others laugh.

I feel my wolf change back to being an Alpha.

"Well I'm going to go finish cooking dinner. The rest of you do whatever and keep Namjoon from touching anything he shouldn't please." Jin says before walking back to the kitchen with the meat cleaver in hand making the rest of us shake our heads laughing slightly.

He is scary but goofy as hell. Grey says out of nowhere.

You are not wrong.

I know I'm not and mate is fucking hot as an alpha. I spoke to his wolf during your whole ordeal with his old owner. I got scared for a moment then I wanted to kill the man. Mates wolf showed me everything without passing it on to you. You might get bits and pieces when you sleep. He says before fading away.