

Silence. Utter silence.

From the moment our eyes met I knew Killian Altair was the worst possible thing that could happen to me.

We stood. Staring at one another without a word being spoken.

My father and his, had decided upon the day of our births that in order to unite the clans we would wed on the eve of our 18th birthdays.

This was our first meeting, at 16, I was under no condition to yearn marriage, let alone an arranged marriage to a boy whom I had a great inclination to assume was a masochist.

Killian stood at the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest and his long auburn hair tossed around his face, with a look meant to kill. He wanted this marriage as much as I did.

Walking over, my father shook Killian's hand and raised his arm shouting, "Today marks a momentous occasion, as we welcome Killian and Connor Altair to our great banquet hall. Let us feast and drink to the marriage that will bound our two great clans together has one."

With that, each member of our separate clans raised their chalices and exclaimed in unison "To our clans becoming one!"

I raised my glass, never taking my eyes off Killian. As I drank, I locked eyes with Doireann, my eldest sister (she had three children of her own and had been married for more than five years at this point) and closest friend. She had met and studied with Killian a year prior and had much needed information.

Lowering my gaze from Killian, I said my goodbyes and excused myself. Following my gaze, I walked to my sister with great hesitance as she seemed unhappy with my abrupt appearance.

"Doireann, I must ask you to tell me all you know of Killian. He is a man I am settled to marry in two years, and yet I know nothing of him!"

Doireann looked at me, seeing the fear and curiosity in my eyes and sighed, "Well, he is brilliant. He's cunning, focused, determined, and all around will be a great leader for the clan."

Sigh. Of course that would be her answer. But what I wanted to know wasn't just how he would be as a leader, but as a husband. "What about has a person? How is he towards women? Is he sweet and kind?"

Doireann looked at me than at Killian. Their eyes locked and I could see a faint smile being exchanged between the two. I shrugged it off as nothing, but something inside told me to take note.

Looking back at me, Doireann continued, "Killian can be cruel and harsh with his judgements of others. However, he can also be kind and gentle. I think once you get to know him, you'll find he's rather an interesting young man, and has a heart worth loving."

She smiled at me and excused herself from the conversation to reunite with her husband. Doireann had married five years ago to a man twice her age. I had thought they were in love, but over time, I began to see Doireann was sad. Much sadder than she put on. Her smiles had faded and her eyes never lit up as they had previously. I felt her sadness radiating off of her whenever she was around. No smile was genuine anymore, which made her smile at Killian even more alarming. She had meant that smile.

As the night went on, I danced and sang. I spoke to generals and politicians. Shared laughs with my sisters and brothers. None of these interactions involved Killian. He was no where to be found for most of the night, and when he did appear it was for short moments and then he would excuse himself and be lost once more. Not that I minded, I was actually happy to be rid of him.

As midnight neared, my father came to me and asked to speak privately. As the clan leader, he was most respected within our lands. I was obligated as both a daughter and a clanswoman to speak with him. "Daughter, please tell me, what do you think of the young Killian?"

I wanted to tell him the truth, that I could care less for him. That he seemed egotistical and rude, but instead I said, "Killian seems nice. I don't mind him."

"Aw, my daughter. You'll learn to get along. It won't be long before you'll marry. When that happens you two will become one. In that moment, everything will change."

He kissed me on the cheek, said his farewells to Killian and his father and bid his good nights to the clans men and women.

As everyone went home, I was grasped by the arm and pulled into a dark hall. No lights shown, but based on he grip I knew that whomever held me was strong and muscular.

Whispering he spoke, "Don't say a word. I will tell you this only once so listen well. You are nothing to me. You are a roach beneath my shoe that I will cleanse from this earth. I will never love you so don't ever try to love me. My heart and soul belong to another, I marry you out of obligation, that is all. Do you understand?"

Twisting around I faced the man in the darkness. I already had known who it was the moment his fingers had touched my skin. Killian stood, staring at me, silent once again. This time, I was the one who spoke, "You can rest assured Lord Killian, that I have no intentions of loving you or expecting your love. In two years, you will be my husband by name only."

I began to walk away when he grabbed me once again, this time he held me still as so I couldn't look at him, "Tell anyone about this, and I will kill you. I believe you understand. Our wedding night will be your last night." And just like that, our conversation ended as quickly as it began.

I hastily ran to my room, threw off my dress and pushed my face into my pillow. Tears began to flow, and I knew I was in deeper trouble than I had thought.

That day marked the beginning of the end of my life as Aine (awn-ya) McCleod.