Dana dug through her purse for some tissues and wiped herself off while Beau did the same with a handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans. Without thinking, they'd both resumed their human shapes, so when they started to dress, their clothing actually fitted. Dana sighed. She hadn't had nearly enough time to examine those wings - or to even consider the possibilities of a lover with a tail.
"Some time, some other place," he murmured as they walked back to her apartment after she'd dispersed the circle, "we shall have to fly together. Rural Quebec is beautiful by moonlight."
"I'd like that," she said. She leaned into him as they walked, each with an arm around the other's waist, like a pair of besotted teenagers.
"So shall I," Beau admitted as they climbed the steps to her flat. "But for now, I suppose, we need to return our attention to antique smugglers, don't we?"