
How it all started

"What!?" I yelled at her the person I hate the most who is now in a relationship with the man I love

"you better not yell at me " she said, but all I could feel was anger because he chooses her instead of me I mean I met him first right? so how could he do this to me.

She just told me that she was going to marry him the man I love, but what I hate the most is she was the one who was tell me this instead of him.

I started to think about how we met it was love at first sight for me


I was standing under the hot burning sun in my school uniform I was just 13 at that time and he was 17 in his senior year, I was waiting for my friend who was in one of the class room talking to her boyfriend well yeah you can say that she can be a b***h sometimes because I mean she left me to sand under the hot burning sun.

And then there is was coming for one of the class room smiling to his friends and I can't stop staring at him so was so handsome for a 17 Year old boy and my heart skipped a beat and then our eyes meet and he smiled a towards me, but then just then a car passed by and there was a girl walking with some juice and then the car nearly hit her so her juice spilled on my uniform and then all the other boys started laughing be he was the only one not laughing.



and rest was history but now he was getting married to her Lucy and he was Samuel the man I love