
Love me brother.

"Did you realize, you are talking to your brother? he said with a death stare. " we had sex few minutes ago, Don't you realize I was your sister then why pounding on me like a wide cat.

kudz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

chapter Twenty: coming for you.

" promise.

promise Anna. " He whispered and pressed a kiss on her forehead.



Regan threw punches at those guys face one after the other, he was burning with anger, hitting those guys hard. patrick grabbed him wrapping his hand round him.

" That enough now now, after all she is fine. patrick said to him and that upset him more but he was holding him tight or less he could have threw punch at his face for what he just said.

there dare lay a finger on my girl. " He yelled burning with anger.

she is fine now. He said and let go off him as he moves closer to the three guys tie all together, He smiles lightly and went down on his knees holding a police stick. " I won't have to break every pieces of your bones if you answer all my question.

" Anything sir. one of the man said with a shaking voice.

Good. He said with a smile.

Who pay you to do this? Patrick asked.

It was mrs. susan, she paid us to do this. The man cried out in pain.

Regan was shock. he never for once think susan think susan could hurt anyone, he stepped back ward.

" She was with an old lady. The third man said. they pay us to do this.

" Mom try to kill Anna. He was shocked and could not believe his ear and wondered which mom could try to hurt someone else daughter all because he was fuckin her. She does not even realize she was trying to hurt her own daughter.



" Susan smiles lightly and in take a deep breath, she serve herself a treat already, just waiting for one call that confirmed Anna dead and the celebration begins, she places her hand on her tummy and smiles.

" Finally your Dad focus will be on us. your ganny and I could surely get ride of that bitch. she said sounding so excited. The bell rings, she slowly get on her feet and held to the door, she opened the door and saw a post man.

" How can I help you? Susan asked and the post man smiles at her nicely.

You must be Mr. Regan wife. the post man said and she nodded her head. I got a latter for you,

oh. She watched as the post man brought out an envelop, he handed it over to her and make her sigh. She closed the door just as the post man left. She smiling thinking it was a latter from the men she hired to kill Anna. but her smiles fade away and clouded with fear and panic.


THE RIPPER!!!!!!! #

She grasp with fear as the paper fell off her hand, she was the next victim and target for that ripper, meaning she had only tomorrow to lives, Hot tears stream down her cheeks. she quickly grabbed her phone with a shaking hand and called the police.

" Hello...



Klara nipped her lower lips looking down on Anna's pretty face, she glance up when Regan walks in with a new cloth for Anna.

" Thank you for protecting her. Regan said with a smile, he had never said thank you to any of his staff but now he did just for Anna. That girl had change so much in his life, he does not even knew if he was in love with her or not, he could felt her pains, he was worried about her but he had a wife, why not think of his wife and his unborn child, but her alone. he only think about her.

You say thank you sir. " klara said looking astonished.

Yes. " Regan nodded his head.

Am glad you protect Anna, fighting those men alone. thank you.

Like I said, I like Anna, if I can't have her at least I can protect her. She said with a smiles, Just don't try to hurt her feelings. you did I kill you. " She said looking so serious.

Regan smile and put down the clean cloth on the bed. " Please help her to change into the cloth. He said and klara glance at him. " He said and was gone without a word.

Klara swallowed hard, she had seeing Anna standing naked in front of her before, She could tell her body was made for sex, every man could want to f**k her seeing her naked, even as a lady she knew how her body reacted just seeing her naked body and once again she was having same feelings just having the image of her body in her mind.


" What??

Regan was shock. He was called from home, he needs to go back home and protect his wife and her unborn child, but the other part of him don't want to go, He wants to be with Anna, he was wrong leaving her alone and she got attack, he does not want to make same mistake again leaving her now. Founding himself in a state of confusing not knowing who to protect his WIFE or ANNA?