

A great loss

We start by meeting Juliana, a young woman fleeing for her life but she is suddenly shot.

18 years back, we meet Juliana as a young girl. She is the daughter of Ramirez, who works as a security personnel of Governor Salvador Del Mundo. Salvador is a corrupt politician and his fellow senator Arturo Galvez is looking to oust him by exposing his illegal gun trade business, which he sells to the local rebels.

Senator Galvez's Aide, Celeste Ramos is an acquaintance of Ramirez and is therefore able to get classified information about Salvador's illegal business dealings. Ramirez gives Celeste a call about a gun shipping that will be arriving the following day. Celeste and her two male colleagues jump on the opportunity to expose Salvador and head to the area to film the arrival of the shipment. It however turns out to be a false alarm as the shipment only contains cloves of garlic.

Celeste contacts Ramirez to tell him that they were not able to get any evidence. Ramirez decides to help by stealing a recording from the Governor's office. He is supposed to hand it over to Celeste and her team but on the way, Celeste is ambushed by Salvador's men and her two male colleagues are killed. She however manages to escape.

Juliana has an older sister called Katrina. Katrina has a huge scar on her face and the other children always bully her because of it. Katrina feels that her parents do no love her either because she is not as pretty as Juliana.

Juliana consoles Katrina and even offers her piggy bank savings to her so that she could pay for the surgery she needs to remove the scar on her face. Katrina gives Juliana an angel medallion and says it will protect her from danger.

Ramirez goes home to spend New Year's eve with his family. He asks his wife to pack up their things because they might be in danger. Celeste calls Ramirez and tells him about the ambush. Ramirez therefore decides not to hand in the evidence because his life and that of his family might be in danger. Celeste convinces him to give her the evidence so that they could finally put an end to everything. They agree to meet on New Year's day but their phone conversation is tapped and Salvador's men are able to hear everything.

Salvador is married to Hilary, the couple are suffering after losing their child in a fire. Hilary refuses to go out to celebrate the inauguration of their new president. Salvador urges that she go with him because it would make him happy to share his achievements with her. During the party, Salvador announces his intention to run for congress. This content belongs to Kenya meets the Philippines and should not be posted on any other pages.

Meanwhile, Salvador's Chief Strategist, Miranda Ojeda sends men to set fire to Ramirez's house. Ramirez is trapped within the burning flames with his family but he is able to get his children out. He dies along with his wife after their house explodes.

Celeste goes to meet Ramirez as agreed but finds his house burned to ashes. A neighbor tells her that the couple died but their children were still alive. Celeste seeks the help of Senator Galvez to find the children and she is able to find the orphanage .