
Love Live: The Starlight Of Adventure

In the world of Love Live there's also unknown mysterious goes across on this wonderful peaceful world... Enter Leon Winchester who's about to start his adventure in Nijigasaki Academy... and uh how unexpected this can be for to be only boy appearing due to unknown circumstances... Join Leon with many popular idol groups and as he learns more about himself times go on... P.S - I do not own Love Live Characters all rights reserved only I own is Leon and many other characters that aren't involved with Love Live

Clubfoot27 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 16 - Friends Multiply?

(Nijigasaki Academy - Lunchroom)

(Leon POV)

Today for something to help with Ai but we all decided to meet up at the cafeteria since we didn't hang out as much being second years...

"Ai you planned our lunch date today?" Setsuna asked confused "Yep I wanted to do something where we all could speak briefly, but baking bread would be the next best thing. Let's all have a nice talk and enjoy our meals" Ai said smiled "Thinking about it other than to Ayu and Yu I would rarely ever speak with other second years...So this might be a good start after all not many opportunities for us" I said nervously chuckled "Hey don't worry much I heard one of the old schools shut down due to a terrible accident so there's gonna be more students arriving soon I think two months from now" Ai explained "Well I can finally relax on not being the only guy in the academy" I said nervously chuckled "Also we could share some food too! Ayumu has a nice delicious dish! I bet you and your mom are wonderful cooks!" Ai yelled...

(...Ai is on fire today...) I thought sweatdrop (It's her personality doofus) Leonidas thought (No more homemade lunches) I thought (NOOO!! I'M SWORRY! FEED MEE!!) Leonidas thought (...Fine) I thought sweatdrop letting him have my leftovers...

"Mom and I made this one day together while prepping meals before that" Ayumu said smiled "Ayu is such an amazing cook especially her rolled eggs..." I said sweatdrop nervously chuckled "..." Yuu said tired asleep "Yuu-chi??" Ai asked confused expression "She's been like that since the train always tired probably didn't get much sleep at home," I said sweatdrop "Oh wha...don't worry I'm okay just a bit tired..." Yuu said ruffling her hair "Though! Leochi your so lucky to have Ayumu cooking! Is it because he's your special someone" Ai asked grin "WHAT?!" Ayumu yelled shocked "Hmm??" I asked confused munching on a subway sandwich "Is that true Ayu...??" Yuu asked wide-awake little "N-NO! WE ARE NOTHING MORE THAN CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!!" Ayumu yelled embarrassed "Alright okay I was kidding though I really wanna try some of your food" Ai said smiled "Well could have just ask to go ahead here try some" Ayumu said smiled "WOW! It's so good! Ayu I take that back I'ma fight over you Leo can go find someone else for cooking!" Ai yelled "I don't mind that I been getting food from Kanata...her cooking is really good too," I said nervously chuckled "WHA-HUH!?" Ayumu asked shocked expression

"Yoo Ai long time no see!" IO yelled "Oh hey IO and Koyko too! Karaoke was fun last night!" Ai yelled, "We were talking about going again you wanna come with some time?" Kyoko asked, "Sure thing just give me a call or text when you're doing it!" Ai yelled "...Wow, Ai that's was like ninth and tenth people talking to you..." I said shocked expression "Yes in the halls or the cafeteria, upperclassmen, underclassmen, and even classmates from your class talk to you," Setsuna said smiled "Oh yeah where was I??? Right, I'm at where Ai asking Ayu-chi that I will fight over her for food Leo-chi has to go somewhere else!" Ai yelled "Don't you even dare say it" Ayumu said, "Say what?!" I yelled flinched "ANYWAY ANSWER IS NO! I was also meant to say we never really talk much Ai but how do you make friends with so many people!" Ayumu yelled shocked "Hmmm...I don't know just act normal I guess" Ai asked confused "Really?? there's should be more details than that...Ai what you mean by normal to you?" I asked confused expression "...Hm..gonna borrow your arm Leon," Yu said tugging it "S-Sure...Yu" I said sweatdrop "Zzz.." Yu said asleep "Well to answer your question Leo-chi, it's like when I talk to friends, their friends come, then they say hello! and BAM! We are friends" Ai said smiled "...WHA?!" I yelled shocked (Wait Leo-chi??) Leonidas thought confused expression (Its nickname she's given me and to most of the club members) I thought confused expression...

"Doesn't that make you mutual friends or acquaintances thought??" I asked confused expression "Well when your mutual friends, you go hang out with each other than boom!! You become best friends right??" Ai asked "...True...but I'm just wanting to make sure you don't accidentally become friends with the wrong people as it happened to me before..." I said sweatdrop "Yeah like Sebastián and his goons they haven't been bothering you at all lately have they??" Ayumu asked worried "No...they haven't been bothering me at all plus I don't even know where they are at anyway," I said sweatdrop "Who are they?" Ai asked concerned expression "Arch nemesis of mine always 5v1 on anyone they come up against well they did try to taunt me that was before I even move here," I said nervously chuckled "Although your explanation works out right Ai? IO and Koyko those are friends of yours?" I asked smiled "Yeppers! One of them had a blister so I give them a bandage then meeting more of their friends at karaoke and sang with them things took off from there! Friends can naturally multiply right?! Ai yelled "I respect that because I'm not good at speaking or making friends right off the start...not till when I met Yu and Leo," Ayumu said smiled "Zzz..." Yu said asleep tightly gripping on my arm...

(...Yu? something wrong she's trembling and cold... but yeah Ayumu was well mostly playing by herself if Yu and I aren't there since Yu always busy too I would mostly have time to spend with Ayu and we rotate since of our busy life schedules...) I thought eyes closed "Well when you first met us Ai I just realized it now how much easy it was talking to you," I said chuckled "I was mostly glad you were able to take time to chat with us," I said "Are you trying to kill me with kindness Leoiko?? Do you really wanna hear one of my puns??" Ai asked grinning "Leoiko?? I apparently got another nickname other than Leo and Leochi...but sure Ai I love your puns too!" I yelled, "Well, Ai loves you too!" Ai yelled, "Wait what??" Ayumu asked, "Glad that was pun too!" I yelled, "Oh right it's a pun!" Ayumu yelled laughing (...Phew...) I thought sweatdrop "I really need to learn how to communicate like you Ai," Setsuna said nervously chuckled "Ai has her own unique way of doing it, so it's hard to imitate it...You might get really good puns!" Ayumu yelled "Although I think Rina would like it so maybe we could give it try to make puns from Ai," I said nervously chuckled "Really?! Okay! We will start special training after we eat! Practice dancing and making puns to help Rinari laugh!" Ai yelled "...Special training???" I asked confused "Yep! We will take turns making puns to brighten Rinari day!" Ai yelled "I would love to join you but I got a student council meeting later," Setsuna said sweatdrop "And you're dressed as Setsuna? Wow...you really divide your time don't you Nana" I said confused "Shh! Not everyone knows I'm Nana" Setsuna said "Okay okay," I said sweatdrop nervously chuckled...

Although I'm more surprised to hear that from Setsuna if she's president and school idol why can't just do both?? I guess something at home maybe...

Dia Kurosawa of Aqours is the School Council President of Uranhoshi Girls High...then there's Eli Ayase of U's is the Student Council President of Otonokizaka Girls High...

Unless there's something preventing Setsuna from doing both places then I should probably not bother her with it after all they are still the same person Nana Nakagawa...

Like how Starlight Sentinel is the same person like me... both with huge guilts and dark pasts we haven't yet shared with everyone...but my heart and trauma aren't ready yet...but one day I will tell them the truth...

To Be Continued