
I Can Do This

'I can do this. I've bled way more than this before. I've been in worse pain. I did not go through everything I went through just to falter here,' Casey thought fiercely. 

Torture. He had been through literal torture. This was just a hike. A very steep, very painful hike carrying a lot of deadweight. But a hike nonetheless. 

'I've fingerpainted in my own blood. I've been stabbed with candy canes and gone into anaphylactic shock more times than I can count. I've lost gallons of blood in my life and I'm still here. I can do this!'

Casey's memories had always weakened him before. He never thought they could be a source of strength. What he had been through had prepared him for this. If he hadn't known worse pain, he would still be back in that car unable to move and no one could save them. 

Motivating. His worst memories—things that still haunted him in his nightmares to this day and probably always would—were motivating him right now. How absurd.