

He thinks he can seduce me, have a one night stand with me and desert me. I think I can give out my virginity to him and things will remain as it was. Him to his wife and I to working for his wife. But one day, I walk into the billionaire's house for business, only to meet him alone without wearing anything but a towel. The next thing, we have sex. Then he says, " It's you I want Jeanette and not my arrogant wife. " Could this be love?

Virginia_Njoku · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


" I apologise, " he muttered. 

" For what? " she asked anxiously. 

" You know what, " he said with a grimace. " I swear, I have never ever felt the need to apologise to anyone else before. . . Sarah exclusive. . . " 

Jeanette was nodding. He was trying to say, he had never stepped on any toes before. What a jerk! 

" Well, I'm apologising for yesterday nigh___ " 

" It's all right, " she chimed in. " We were drunk. I believe it is a mistake, we are willing not to make again. " Did she really say that? Was it all right to take away her pride, her virginity in that drunken state of hers? Gosh! She knew it wasn't all right. 

Donald stared down into her beautiful frightened face and blinked in complete agreement. There was little more than an inch separating them. In fact he was standing so close, she was arching her back in an effort to maintain the distance. 

He was stunned. " My wife is hell but I can manage her. " 

Why was he telling her this? 

" And. . . I had to marry her because I needed someone who could change me to a gentleman. Not a cold, arrogant billionaire but marrying her, being with her only makes me worst, " he said hoarsely. 

" I have to go sir, " Jeanette said hastily. 

" I think you should wait a little bit, " he said. 

" I am sorry but I won't. I have something to do, " she said and began to walk away. 

His hand snaked out, caught her by the waist to bring her to a standstill. The feel of his hand on her waist, turned her senses into live wires that forced her to draw in a sharp breath. 

He laughed huskily. " Sure you want to go? " 

She lifted her face to spit out the answer at him. Eyes clashed with eyes, hot and elemental. She parted her lips on a shivering gasp. Donald dipped his head down and covered them. She fell into the kiss like a suicidal lemming. 

What shocked Donald more was that he did the same thing himself. He had no idea where it all came from. One minute he was apologising for the past night, the next he was locked into hottest, darkest, most sexually arousing kiss, he had ever experienced in his life! He could feel every quivering inch of her as if they were already naked. Her perfume filled his head, and the desperate little groans she was making as she tried to fight what was happening and knew she did not stand a chance vibrated in every one of his nerve cells. She gave in and began to kiss him more.

A sound beyond the door infiltrated the madness. With a tug Jeanette managed to separate their mouths, then took a jerky step back. Shocked and shaken by the whole experience, she leaned against the wall, while trying to clear the dizzy fog from her head. 

" What made you do that? " she choked out when she could manage to say anything. 

He laughed harshly as if she had just told a really bad joke. But the really bad joke was the way he was standing there calmly fastening shirt buttons she must have unfastened! Horrified, she looked down, and saw her jacket was hanging open revealing her skimpy black lace bra. Pure vanity had made her decide to wear nothing else beneath the jacket, so as not to spoil its smooth line. But now she had to deal with the mortifying knowledge that he knew she had come to work only half dressed! 

Her skin was flushed, her nipples hard. " I don't believe this is happening, " she breathed shakily, while urgently redoing buttons with numb fingers and wishing she couldn't still feel his hands on her body. 

" You are at fault, " he said grimly. 

" What! " she cried. 

" Take my advice and go back to your office. " Turning, he strode back. " And if you have any sense at all, you will either avoid me or not attempt to. " 

He was a ruthless, heartless, arrogant devil, she never thought he was, until today. 

Forcing her stupid legs to carry her weight, she walked away without uttering as much as a sound. She pictured him staring at her. She heard her brain tell her, Donald was dangerous. If he could seduce her to take her virginity away, her pride away, she was in for the worst. Avoid him! the walls around her echoed. 

A knock on her door, sent a chill up her spine. " Come in, " she managed to say. 

George opened the door and walked in. " Hey, " he said, slumping on a seat. George was just one guy who could compete with Donald when it came to looks. He was a handsome, tall, muscular build and blonde haired guy. With the brightest set of blue eyes ever. Unfortunately, he was always taken for granted by girls. 

" Hey George, " she said with a wan smile. 

" I wanted to ask if you were too busy not to have lunch with me, " he said. 

She stared at him. " I have got a lot on my table but that doesn't mean, I won't have lunch with you. I'm seriously starving. Is it time for lunch? " she asked. 

He laughed. " It's still ten thirty, " he said. 

" Oh, " she said flat-footed. 

" But don't worry, I can get you snacks, " he said cheerfully. 

" Oh, that's so nice of you, " she said. " I will just finish this and by the time you come back, I will be ready. " 

" Okay, all right, " he said standing. Then he left. 

Jeanette's office telephone rang. She answered it. " Hello, " she said. 

" Come to my office right this instance, " her boss sneered. 

Jeanette stood and hurriedly went to answer her boss. 

* * * 

" Jeanette, " Sarah called, as Jeanette closed the door. " Have a seat dear. " 

Jeanette sat down. " About the vodka. . . You had no right or whatsoever to go to my wine cabinet. And about barging in on me and my husband, you had no right too___ " 

" I can explain, " Jeanette said hastily. 

" I know, " Sarah snapped. " Of course, everyone has an explanation. " She was smiling. " But an explanation from you____ save it. I. . . don't need it. " 

Jeanette looked confused. 

" Your little brain must be wondering what punishment I have planned to give you, " Sarah said smartly. " We are both young, yet I have the ruling power, the money and a wealthy good looking husband. Tell me the truth, you envy me___ " 

" No, " Jeanette responded. " I would never envy you. " 

" But you hate me, " Sarah sneered. 

" You know I don't, " Jeanette said in a low pitched voice. 

" Anyways, don't worry, I will let your mistakes slide. I will forget your misdeeds, " she said solidly. 

Jeanette didn't believe her. 

" I was thinking of inviting you to dinner. Billionaire's dinner happening in my house this evening, " Sarah said coolly. 

" I don't think that's a good idea ma'am. I. . . I mean, I am no where close to your class. You guys are pretty rich. Very rich and famous and influential. I'm just a nobody___ " 

" Don't say that darling. We are all human beings. We are rich by luck. I'm inviting you and I wouldn't like it if you turn me down, " she said softly. 

" Okay, " Jeanette said. " Thank you so much. " 

" Oh, stop being silly. It's just dinner. I haven't done anything special, " Sarah said. " Well, come by seven. And wear something nice dear. . . " 

Jeanette was astonished by what Sarah actually said. The Sarah she knew, would never do such a thing. What was her motive? Did she find out that she had something to do with Donald? No! Considering the fact that Sarah if ever slapped in the face or stabbed at the back would react immediately without thinking. And the funniest thing was she never regretted her actions. Instead she amended it. 

But there was something fishy about her invitation. She could only figure that out later in the evening during the so called billionaire's dinner. 

Jeanette feared, she hoped and wished. She wished she could just turn down the invitation.