
Love is like a Lemon

Hillary_Davis_0970 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Ben meets his neighbor

As Ben was settling in at his new place, joy was written all over his face, and all he thought about was the life he was planning to have. Davis and Dan left Ben to admire his new house and Davis told Ben to call him when he decided to go the town in case of anything. His dreams were finally no longer going to just be in his head but he was going to put them into action. He always remembered the words of a wise man back in his village Kakoro, he said a boy has plans but a man executes plans and these words ran up and down his mind. Ben sat in his apartment for a few minutes letting the fact that he had a house in the city sink in because this still looked like a dream and he regularly pinched himself so he could wake up if it was a dream. Ben, minding his own business and lost in thought heard a voice at the door. And went towards stretched out his hands to open the wooden mahogany door made with gold color hinges and locks. He saw the caretaker at the door and he handed him a file of some papers he was to sign with the agreements of the apartment and he perused through them as his eyes swept through the details quickly, he took the paper signed them and paid the house rent with a three-month deposit because this was the rule of the apartment. After the brief conversation that they two gentlemen had, Ben had now snapped out of his daydreaming and was now had plans of heading to Milestone and buy house items that he would be settling and start his life. Ben grabbed his wallet and phone from his bag that he had put down in one corner of the house and headed for the door one foot after the other he headed for Milestone town center.

Ben left his house in a hurry and as he was leaving his house he had a voice from the door opposite to his

"Hi!" The sweet soft voice that immediately stole Ben's attention uttered.

"Hello" Ben now turning towards the direction the voice was coming from answered.

"I am Sandra, you are the new tenant and my new neighbor, nice to meet you." She added.

"Nice to meet you too I am Ben, yes I am your neighbor, and thank you for the introduction."Ben now easing into the conversation continued.

The two who lived side by side had a conversation that turned out to be a long talk. Ben who was headed for the town center to buy house items got so lost in the conversation that he never remembered he was to go and buy a few things at the center. Ben was sucked into the conversation with this young beautiful and very curvy lady. They talked for hours and time swang by so quickly that by the time Ben was realizing there was somewhere he was supposed to be heading to it was already four in the evening. He was shocked at how deep a conversation could go and how fast time went when you were having fun. The girl kept laughing and smiling at Ben the whole time. She gave him food and they drunk a soft drink, this whole time Ben is flabbergasted by how a person can be this nice to someone they had just met. In the whole conversation, Ben noticed the girls' beauty was unmatched she had smooth black hair that fell on her back. Her hips were wide and she did have a behind that was huge this was a feature that made her stand out in any crowd of other women. Her eyes were big and with her blue eyes that though she claimed they were her real eyes Ben still felt like these were contacts. She was about five foot four with smooth dark skin like an African model. All these were very attractive and any man would fall for them. While the conversation continued Ben realized that she laughed a lot, and in his head, he was surprised that this pretty girl found him this funny. Ben was sure he was funny but not this funny. She once in a while smacked and stole glances, and whenever Ben would catch her glaring he would smile and she would look at the ceiling bord as if trying to think as if Ben did not know she was staring. Whenever this happened and awkward silence swept the room for a few seconds before Ben found something else to say to escape the weird scene they had both created. Ben now noticed she was throwing hints but not even this beautiful African queen could rob Ben of his newfound attraction to the girl at the Hotel. Miss Natalia is all Ben could think about and nothing else. No one was going to get Ben's attention if that person was not Miss Natalia.

After the long talk and the awkward hints Sandra had tried to throw at Ben who pretended not to understand even one, it was now time for him to go and buy his house items.

"I was going to the center to buy some house items and it seems that time is not on my side" Ben mumbled.

"Ok, no problem I can take you if you will be ok with that " Sandra replied.

"No no no it is ok I will go with you another time when we have planned I am meeting a friend first then we can link up before but thank you very much for the offer." Ben hurriedly replied.

He planned to go and meet Miss Natalia and there is no way he had a chance if he went with another woman. Ben made up the excuse of meeting with a friend so quickly it was as if he was expecting her to offer. She couldn't insist anyway because they had just met but the disappointment that was written on her face was so obvious that Ben felt guilty And decided to cool the situation a little bit by offering to have a reign check.

"Hey, but can we make a reign check on that and maybe go tomorrow cause I will still be buying some house items that I will not have bought today, ok? " Ben guiltily said in a low tone.

"Yes, no problem we can do that next time." She disappointedly answered.

Ben and Sandra parted ways and after saying their goodbyes and Ben was off to the town center. In his mind, all he had was not even the things he was going to buy but Miss Natalia. He would as well just sleep hungry but at least he had to try and spend even if it was one second with this girl again. Ben was willing to spend just one more second with her and this would be satisfactory for him. He was into this girl so much that his whole mind was now occupied by the image of Miss Natalia and her soothing voice kept playing in Ben's mind. Ben left the compound hamming and headed for the grassy path he had been shown by Dan and Davis as they came to his house. He walked in haste to the hotel directly without making any turn, his whole mind was now drowning in thought. The whole conversation he was going to have with Natalia was ringing in his head. That whole conversation had been played in Ben's mind and all he was waiting for was the execution. The near Ben got to the hotel, the more he got scared and it was like confidence was escaping his grip. He has never had a hard time making contact with a woman before, but in this case, chickening out would not be entirely a surprise.

Ben got to the hotel entrance and could see Miss Natalia from outside. Fear crept and his whole body went on a cruise as he stood there rooted to the ground. He remembered that women loved confident men and looking at himself at this spot, his confidence levels were less than a spoon full. As Ben was still standing outside the hotel and trying to find the courage and not look stupid in front of his 'future girl' a name he had been playing in his head all day the guard started walking towards him.

"Hello sir, you were here in the morning I think I remember you, did you forget something?" He said in a rough old voice.

"No sir, I am here to see Miss Natalia she was to help me find something," Ben answered.