
LOVE is a weird thing for a Villainess

"I like it when people call me Hel it feels like they're ready to burn in pits of fire." "You know Carbon Dioxide wouldn't spread that much if you learn how to shut your mouth." "Be thankful that you're able to stay by my side. Now stand straight and don't tarnish my beautiful name." "An ugly duckling like you doesn't even fits the standard of being a princess." "You don't have the rights to bully my sister. You're not a goddess enough like me to touch her." "Don't touch my property with that filthy hands of yours. She's one of my treasure chest."

Rui_Lee · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs


This story isn't one of your cliche-filled fairy tales that you're used to. You know, the typical damsel-in-distress having their knight-in-shining armor saving the day and having a happy ending bullshit. This story is about me, and yes, I'm a princess, but not one of those goody-two-shoes types, they're boring. I may be a princess, but no. I'm not on the good guy's side. You might be asking why? No, I wasn't mistreated by everyone, nor they did something bad, for me to plot a revenge against them. I'm not that pathetic for PETE'S SAKE.

Well, I guess you've heard those kind of backstories, but to clear things up I'm not that twisted nor pathetic as I've said earlier. I'm superior than those petty creatures, don't get it mixed up.

I'm different. You're looking at a pure villainess here. And of course, since I'm a villainess I don't need a prince charming nor a knight-in-shining armors. Those men who has the same attitude of my father? I consider them as douchebags, jerks, pathetic little creatures who takes advantage of women. If you ask me personally, villains don't need love, love is a weird thing to a true villain like me, you know what I need? Henchmen, minions, loyal slaves. And if you're against that, sweetheart, you gotta leave.

Who am I in this story you ask? Well, I'm just the step-daughter of the king who bulli---wait, no, who knocks some sense out of the annoyingly pathetic legitimate daughter of the king, and it's surprisingly fun, you gotta try it.

As a side character we were only viewed as the author sees fit. Our stories are not important and are never shown in details. And if we do something that is against the main characters we're gonna be viewed as one of the baddies. As if I care, KEEP THE HATE COMING. I'd like to see stupid dogs like you bark nonsense. How nice of you to give your attention to me, appreciate it, as if. If you think I'll die in the end, well keep dreaming.

Like I said earlier, as a villainess, I need loyal slaves. And yesterday I just lost one. There she is knocking at my door. She opened it without my permission. The Audacity.

"Good Mor-"

"If I get to throw you off outside the window this instant, only then my morning can be good,"

I cut her,

"How dare you betray me yesterday!"

She gave me a confusing look. Acting like you don't know huh. The audacity of this lowly creature to mock me.

"In case you have forgotten, you're MY personal maid and not hers. And you know what you did? You saved her, instead of staying by my side." I'm selfish, I know. Who cares.

"You're no fun." I stood and walked towards her, "Pack your things up and leave the palace. Don't worry dearie, I'll make sure to spread the word that I kicked you out, that way you'll have a hard time finding a new job." I gave away a smirk and rolled my eyes as I turned my back against her.

"But you have another option. My sister is gentle enough to take you. You can be her maid since you tried to rescue her from the accident. She'll accept you eventually. That's how nice she is." I gave her a dismissive shrug as I decided to leave the place.

In my nightgown, I strutted gracefully through the hallway like it's mine— I mean it IS mine— feeling gorgeous as ever. I don't need a magic mirror to tell me that I am the most beautiful woman in the land, because I know I am. With my Cocoa-shaded brown hair, light blue eyes, fair skin, and rosy lips, no one could resist me. Beg to differ and I'll hold you under water until the bubbles stop.

As the guards open the doors, it leads me to the dining room. My ever so light mood earlier changed as I saw the stupid sister of mine munching her share, acting all goody shit in front of everyone. I would've been happy today if not for that stupid slave who saved her yesterday, I wonder how bad my sister would've looked with those injuries, I was looking forward to that though.

She's smart, I'll give her that, but everyone treats her like she's a genius or something, I mean I'm literally smarter than her and better than her. What can I say? She's the favorite. The apple of the eye. The cream of the crop. Pfft. Talking about her this early in the morning makes me wanna throw up, I should probably stop.

"Princess Helvetica enters the dining room!" Both guards yelled. Ugh! Every single day!! Do these shitty slaves want to make my ears bleed?! I don't want to waste my energy upon these fools, I'll deal with them later.

Anyways, whilst annoyed I still strutted gracefully towards my seat, because I'm still a princess. Mother greeted me with a smile as I sat beside her. I glanced at father, and as always, he's glaring towards me. No offense, but I'm grateful that my looks didn't take after my former father, I'm not saying he's hideous, but maybe I am. Maybe average? No, I'd say below average. Good thing mother's both beautiful and smart enough to seduce and even marry the king. Kudos to her, she wakes up to that face everyday. "How's your sleep, dear?"

"Horrible. That personal maid you assigned to me killed my joy this early in the morning. Because of that, I did what a normal person would normally do, I fired her and made sure she'll suffer." I explained to mother, acting like I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't though.

"Not again?" she looks disheartened. I know, it's a bother to find another servant, but they should at least find someone who fits and would definitely stay ONLY by my side unlike their previous choices, horrible really. Father looked at me with disappointment plastered in his face. "What?" I said.

What's with him, it's not like it's his job to find me another servant, he has a man assigned to that job, he doesn't even need to lift a finger. In fact, I am more disappointed in him. I know polygamy is common for the royal bloodline to prosper, but he's still married to Lithia's mother for Pete's sake. Awful, am I right? Meh, I don't care that much anyways since because of that I got what I have now. But such a shame though, it's rare to find loyal people these days.

He tried to retain his composure and looked at me. "Hel," I like how he calls me that. It feels like he's ready to be sent down in the pits of fire.

"Your Majesty?" tilting my head slightly towards him and locked eye contact. He inhaled a quite amount of air, preparing himself to scowl me. "Why didn't you help your sister yesterday?" What a dumb question you have there father, were you always this dumb? Of course I can't say that, you know why.

"I'm sorry? Why does it sound like it's my fault? It's not my job to care for her, let alone save her. It's her fault for being a weakling in the first place. She could've ask a servant to do so, but NO, she insisted. That was the result of her foolish actions. Not mine." Silence filled the room. I can see him finding another error in my ways, as always.

"What I mean is, you could've helped your sister." Really? That's the best you could think of?

"Why bother when she said she's alright. She can walk. Why do you act like that stupid daughter of yours can't walk. She can clearly walk," Yes, I called her stupid in front of the King. I can literally see the smoke coming out of his nose. I turned to Lithia and raised an eyebrow, "Do you prefer me carrying you then?" she was about to utter a word, but replied:

"NO." in the end.

"See father? She's perfectly fine." I smirked at him.

"Let's just not talk about what happened yesterday, father. Like sister said, I'm alright." she looked at me wearing her soft, disgusting smile. I feel like throwing up. Father's face was filled with disagreement. I guess I've won.

Mother sensed the awkwardness in the air and tried to change the subject.

"So, uhm, Helie darling. About your personal maids. Can you at least take the kicking out down a notch? It been hard to find good help these days, so please, stop throwing them like trash. Understood sweetie?" She looked into my eyes pleading. I have to break contact.

"I don't know about that mother. Their faces are so boring that I'm easily fed up with them, and it annoys me everytime I see them." Mother massaged her temples as she took a deep sigh. "It'll be hard to get new one."

"Well then girls, we'll take our leave." Both the King and the Queen stood and left the dining room. Thereafter, the only ones who was left was me and that creature sitting across mother's seat earlier. I can't stand her disgusting face.

"Bring another batch of meal in my room. I don't want to eat the same thing that she does nor stay in this room with her. I lost my appetite." I stood up and left the room.

While waiting for my meal in my room, I looked through the sent invitations for me.

There's a lot, AS IT SHOULD BE. It would be such a waste if they don't recognize and acknowledge me, that would only mean that they have to taste and also disrespect for the princess.

Oh! This one's for tonight. I shall attend then, since I don't have anything better to do anyways. I looked at my temporary servant and signalled her to come closer. She curtsied and proceeded to asking,

"What can I do for you Your Highness?"

With my beautifully made light blue and golden Quinceanera dress that fits with my light blue cloak and white brooch pin, I walked with a proud gait towards the carriage.

"To the White house manor." I said as I stepped into the carriage. With no servants beside me, it really is such a pain to carry my own things by myself. Father said it's my punishment, to hell with that.

After a long ride, alas, I have arrived. The place is not too shabby I guess.

"Greetings to Her Majesty, The Princess." Greets Luna Moonvielle, the one who runs the White House manor at the age of 19. She's one of the people that I acknowledge in this kingdom. I expect her to bring me luck when the time I get to rule the Empire comes.

I don't need the throne. The throne needs me. Compared to that weakling I am more eligible than that shitty dweeb.

"Glad you're here. Here, take my things. It's heavy." I said as I give my small pouch. "This isn't even heavy, Hel."

"It's PRINCESS Hel for you. And since you find it light, then you shall hold onto that for the rest of the party." I scowled at her.

"You never change, don't you?" I chuckled after hearing those silly remarks from her. "What for?" She let out a sigh and lead the way to the garden where the other nobles are waiting.

I haven't seen these women before. Is this Luna's other circle? "Greetings to the Princess of the Empire." They all greeted me with a smile. Fakers. I didn't even bother to glance let alone nod to them. Average faces, average dresses, ugh! Clearly no one here has better taste.

Entertainment Luna! Give me some. I don't think I can stay for some time in this state. "This bores me." I said. People started to talk and mingle with me. Luna just sat quietly, watching people trying to get into my social circle. There's no way in hell they would, as if.

They tried to drown me with compliments and admiration to win me over. Unfortunately, my name is not Lithia.

I managed to break free and sat with Luna. As soon I sat she immediately shooted me a question. "Don't you think we're old enough to marry someone?" Now that I think about it, father did mention something about marriage back then saying that we're old enough to marry. But isn't 18 a young age?

"My mother already arranged me with someone." She sounds disheartened. Now I'm interested.

"How was it? Is he kind? Is he nice?" A random girI joined our conversation. I can't really tell her off since it's a party. But isn't the right question for that is: 'Is he rich?' I mean the common standards these days is the older the better. As soon as they die, you hog all the riches that they have in store.

"He is a good person with a good title. A son of a baron." One word. Boring. Too average.

"Must be good to marry someone like him~" The random girl exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. She's starting to get on my nerves.

"How about the princess?" Now her attention is towards me. I sighed.

"Marriage is not in my mind right now. And besides I'm still young. I'd rather marry Luna than marry a man. Men are trash. " Luna choked on her drink. And looked at me with such disgustment on her face.

'I'm straight for Pete's sake. Even if I'm not, I'd die than marry someone like you.' Is clearly what she wanted to say based on her expression. But of course, she doesn't want to be executed for committing treason. As a noble lady, she has to smile to uphold her family's honor.

"Someone like the princess can't marry a woman like me. In fact, I'll never get pass your standards." Right you are there Luna. I'm glad we understand each other.

"As I thought, the princess wants someone Prince-like." That random girl again. I want to shut her up so badly.

"I'd rather marry someone who doesn't have a royal nor noble bloodline. Someone who doesn't have a title." As I said those very words, Luna seems intrigued and eager as that random girl.

"But I do require some qualifications." I continued. "Obviously not a man, but a woman. Someone who looks innocent but actually evil, of course she has to match me. Loyal, obedient, would do anything for me and CLEVER of course, I don't want to deal with dumb people any longer. If those requirements are met, I might consider marrying that person." I'm actually describing my ideal slave here.

"Are you by any chance describing a mai—" I cutted her words with a glare. If this girl speaks one more time, I will not hesitate strangling her here and now. Good for her, she can determine a servant from a spouse that quick, makes me wanna laugh.

I will commit to my words regarding me liking women, this will surely spread throughout the capital and father will have a hard time finding me a suitor. Basically, it's a way for me to escape any marriage talks.

I bidded farewell as the party is getting boring.

Luna gave me back my handbag as she looks at me with a worried face. "You know that carelessness of yours will spread through the capital and you might not be able to get a husband."

"That's the point Luna. I am utterly fine without love and marriage." As I sat in the carriage, I looked at her. "All I ever need is people who can stand by my side until I die with utmost loyalty."

All Rights Reserve 2021

"Who needs love? When money can make me happy."

- Helvetica Ethereal


Rui_Leecreators' thoughts