
Chapter Thirty-six

Athena's POV

My fingers shake as I sit uncomfortably in my seat. The coldness of the room suffocates me and even the silence makes me cringe. I look down, trying to calm myself; it's going to be fine. I keep on reminding. Everything will be good like it has always been.

Okay, that was wrong. Nothing was ever good in the first place. Thinking back about the past, everything seems to be a lot more tense. How my life just includes around, Jeremy. How I manage to ditch my friends for one stupid guy that ends up ruining my damn life. How I even have the heart to accept him again when I know he's going to cheat on me again. How was I so naive?

My heart clenches when I hear the door open, the detective walking in, holding a file. Sitting here makes me feel like I'm the guilty one instead of him. He sits in front of me, putting the file on the desk. Then he eyes my face, not saying a single word for a few seconds.

''Did he do that?'' He points at my face right at my cheek. I softly run my fingers, touching the spot. Nodding my head carelessly, he leans back, crossing his arms, ''Okay, just simple questions, Athena.''

Keeping quiet, I let him continue, ''How long have you known Jeremy?'' His voice low and challenging, making me wince unknowingly. Then he continues to studies me; slightly making me feel more uncomfortable than I already am.

''Since college.'' I answer.

He nods, checking in the file. ''He told me that you were the one who broke up with him?'' He asks once more. At least he didn't lie about that one. ''May I ask why?''

''He was unfaithful.'' Stating the simplest answer.

His eyebrows furrow in confusion but soon being replaced with a cough. ''You're married, am I correct?'' He asks, looking down at the file again, ''To Alexander Herrera.''

I just nod lightly, not bothering to answer. He closes the file before picking it and standing up, ''Alright, come with me.'' Then he starts walking toward the door. I fasten my step as I follow behind him. Once we both step out of the room, I see Alex talking to one of the policemen. One of them said something and Alex chuckles, nodding his head.

When he glances my direction, his laughter dies and he raises an eyebrow at me; somehow asking me how it went. I shrug and give him a sign saying, later. He says something to the police before making his way toward me, grabbing me by the arm, ''What's going on? What did he say?'' He starts asking.

I look back at the detective who right now is standing near another entrance, ''Walk as we talk.'' I reply, holding onto Alex's wrist. He obeys and we walk side by side, following the detective, ''He asked a few personal questions.'' I say out of nowhere.

Alex turns to look at me, raising an eyebrow. The dim lights give me a better view of his profile; seeing how defined they are. He continues to examine my face, ''Then?'' The confusion is written all over his face.

I roll my eyes, remembering what happened exactly last night,

''Why?'' I ask, somehow feeling out of breath. My voice sounding weak and fragile; something that I never would have expected I have in me. Alex softly touches my face, lifting my chin up so that I would be looking at him in the eye.

His rests his forehead on mine, giving me strength and hope all in one. I don't know how little things can bring such big effects. I run my hand to my face, sighing deeply in respond, ''I can't, Alex. You know that.'' I mutter under my breath; almost inaudible.

''You can.'' He whispers, ''You're stronger than you think. You can and I will be there for you because I won't ever let him lay a finger on you. I swear, Athena.'' His warm breathing hits the side of my face, soothingly caressing me. How?

''But why?''

''Princess, listen to me okay? They want evidence and when they don't have evidence, they can't continue the case. Jeremy is in prison, yeah but they can't just hear his side. They want you to face him in one room where they can watch both of you. You don't have to worry because I'll be there watching you too. He won't do anything stupid, he'll be chain.'' Alex runs his thumb on my cheek, ''I'll beat him up to death if he tries to harm you.''

I chuckle unknowingly, making him smile in respond. I nod slowly and when I look up, he is looking down at my lips. Slightly moving away from him but he pulls me back slowly, brushing his lips against mine but just like that, he lets go of me and only caress me on the cheek one last time.

''I don't know.'' I mutter. When Alex was about to open his mouth to speak, the detective stops walking and unlocks the gate in front of us; gesturing us to follow him in.

Glancing one last time at Alex, I walk in with Alex trailing behind me. Once we're in, my heart quickens when I see Jeremy in the other room through the glass window which let us see what's inside but they only see their reflections. I feel someone holding me by the waist and when I look up, I see Alex looking down at me.

My eyes focus back at Jeremy; who looks tired. I can tell by the darkness under his eyes and how dull his complexion looks. He used to have a bright complexion which glows, not dull and dead. From here, I can also tell that his body has loosen a few weight even a few muscles. He looks unhealthy.

''You ready?'' I break from my thoughts when I hear the detective ask me. Nodding slightly, he starts to open the door for me, letting me in. Sucking in deeply, I turn to see Alex eyeing my every action as I walk in and see him disappear from my sight.

The door closes leaving me and him, only.

I turn to face Jeremy who is looking straight at me. His hazel eyes seem lighter just by the paleness of his skin. Slowly, I sit the opposite from him; and he does not even look away from me.

From his stare, it's intense. I play with my fingers under the table, trying to not provoke him. Glancing up, I see him looking at his own hands, keeping quiet so I continue to keep quiet too. Within seconds, I hear him speak, ''How are you?'' His voice cracking slightly at the end.

I look up, not replying. He just looks back at me, eyeing my every feature. I'm scared of being near him. I'm scared of thinking what he is actually capable of doing.

''Athena, please speak.'' He continues, ''I miss your voice. I haven't heard from you for awhile.'' I don't trust him. Closing both of my eyes as I take a deep breath, the Jeremy I know isn't a psychopath; he's not like who he is now.

''How are you?'' I repeat the same question, not answering him. Jeremy's lips curve up into a small smile, nodding his head, ''You look bad.'' I add.

''I'm fucked up.'' He replies, sighing. ''Look where I am now, look what I'm wearing, look at what's holding me back. You can tell how am I just by looking at me.'' It's true. His hair even looks lifeless, he, himself looks lifeless.

Both of us keep quiet, not uttering a single word. All of a sudden, he breaks the silence, ''Was I the cause of that?'' He asks, looking at the fading scar on my cheek. I bite hard on the inside of my cheeks.

He knows the answer without me needing to tell him. Jeremy smirks unknowingly, ''Looks like our promises have been broken. I promised to protect and cherish you but I did the opposite. How, foolish?'' He says but somehow, his voice sounds like he doesn't even care.

''Baby, look at me.'' He uses the same voice when we were a couple. The voice when he wanted something, the voice when he pleads for kisses. ''Baby,'' He adds, making our eyes meet.

''Don't call me that.'' I mutter, loud enough for him to hear.

He looks down at my fingers, eyeing my wedding ring. I quickly pull my hand back down the table, looking away. Not daring myself to face his anger. ''Did he gave that?'' His voice low and I know that I can sense his anger forming.

How can someone who used to say he loves me, breaks me at the end?

''It's none of your business.'' I say, accidentally adding oil to the fire.

''You know, I was supposed to give you a ring and pop out the question. Unfortunately, you betrayed me and look where we are now.'' His eyes pierce right into mine, as if exploring every inch of my memory. ''Do you even love him like you love me?''

I know that everyone could hear our conversation, including Alex but there's nothing to hide. Jeremy is like opening every story, telling everything. ''I don't love you.'' I shake my head, denying.

''You used to.'' I hear him mumble. My eyebrows furrow, I can't take it anymore. I can't listen any further. ''But I still love you. I want you back, you know that right? When I get out of here, we'll start our life back together and we'll get everything fix. I can promise you my heart, Athena.'' He starts to lean forward, making me lean back; holding in my breath.

''I don't want you, Jeremy. Get that in your head. I don't need you.''

His expression changes, ''It's because of him, isn't it? Because of that rich, pretty-faced boy. I can give you more than what he has given you. Anything you want. Everything.'' When he tries to reach out for my hand, I move backwards, not letting him.

''Including torturing me?'' I fire back, ''You said you love me, you said that you want me, you said that you need me. What happened to all those words? All those promises? Where are you, Jeremy? You're not the Jeremy that I want. You're never the Jeremy that I met. You're gone. You're starting to show your true colours and I'm not going to fall for you, ever.'' I breathe out, ''When are you going to accept that?''

To my surprise, he laughs. He laughs out loud, slamming his hand on the table, making me wince at the noise. He continues to laugh, his voice hurting my ears. Jeremy looks straight at me. If only looks could kill. When he stops laughing, he clenches his jaw hard, ''Fuck you. Fuck you and fuck everyone that revolves around you.''

He starts to kick the table before shout loudly, making me stand up in shock. I lay my back against the wall; staying away from him as far as possible. ''I will fucking kill you when I get out of here! Don't make me think I won't do it. Don't make me think that I will ever regret hurting you. You're a fucking slut, you deserve it.''

The door starts to swing open, revealing the detective with Alex trailing behind him; looking at me worriedly. My body is shaking violently as Alex touches my arm, pulling me out of the room.

''Athena!'' Jeremy shouts once more but Alex continues to pull me out of the room, holding me tightly. I cling onto him for dear life as we walk out of the room, fast. As soon as we're out, my legs drop down to the ground, letting out the tears that I have been holding in.

''Shh, you're okay.'' I hear Alex whisper in my ear softly, soothingly rubbing my back. I continue to cry, holding onto his arm. ''You're strong.'' He says, somehow trying to give me strength.

My head falls down to his chest, sniffing. Tears wetting his shirt but he doesn't seem to care as he continue to rub my back; sometimes touching my neck, holding my hair back from my face.

Minutes passed, people passed, but I still remain in his arms. My eyes are almost dry but I know they are shining red. Slowly lifting my head but I don't have the courage or strength to let go of my grip on his arm.

''I'm sorry for your shirt.'' I mutter under my breath. ''Oh god, I look weak, don't I?'' My fingers move up to wipe the tears away once they have fallen.

''No you don't.'' Alex slowly pull all of my hair before placing them behind. I continue to stare at his chest, not even looking into his eyes. ''Are you okay?'' He asks, after a few seconds of silence.

I shake my head in denial, ''How can I be okay? He threatened to kill me. How can I be okay when someone threatened to kill me, Alex? Didn't you see the way he looked at me?'' I wrap my own body with my arm, ''He was looking straight into my eye.''

I cover my face with my hands, holding back the tears from slipping, ''Fuck.'' I curse under my breath.

''Athena, come on, listen to me.'' He pulls my face up, ''He won't do anything to hurt you. He wouldn't. I promise you, he won't ever have the chance to see you again. He will never be able to even catch a glimpse of your face. You're strong, you have courage, you swear a lot, you're not who you are right now. You're not weak. You will never be weak. I know you Athena. I may not know you long enough but knowing you for a month seems like I've known you for a year. Your past, your story, your life, it's like I'm reading an open book.'' His words surprise me. I would never expect him like this.

''What if he does see me?''

''I'll be there for you. I'll protect you. I'm here for something, Athena. Even if it's only for protecting your, I don't mind.'' He frowns.

''You don't get it. Yeah you can say that you will protect me. What happens then when this whole five months is over and we'll go on our separate ways? After that, what happens to me isn't your business anymore. I'm worried about my future, I'm worried about what's to come.'' I state.

He clenches his jaw as he keep quiet, thinking as he do so. Breathing in, ''You're right. You win when you say that. In a matter of five months, we'll be going on our own separate ways and it's almost impossible for us to see each other anymore. But remember one thing, keep this in your head, keep it in there, always; you are going to meet someone new, you are going to start a life with that someone and you're going to get married, have kids, have a family, have everything you've ever wanted. He will take care of you, he will love, cherish, protect, want and need you with all of his heart. I may not be there but he will. He will and you will be his first responsibility. Do you trust me?'' Alex lifts my head higher, so that I wouldn't look away from him.

''Alex.'' I call out for his name but he continues to lift my head higher, not letting me deny, ''I trust you.'' I say, slowly.

''But for now on, I will be that guy until we go on our own ways. Continuing our life like how it used to be before we met. That's going to happen but not in twenty weeks.''

He holds my hand tightly, entwining our fingers together; making me breathe heavily. I look down to see his chest moving up and down, as he continues to stare at my face.

I nod.

But for now on, I will be that guy until we go on our own ways.