
Love in the Last City: A Succubus's Love Story

In the last city of Voxsturm, a city surrounded by terrible magical storms, humans find common cause with all the other demi-human species to survive. One dreary evening, a lost succubus is rescued from starvation by a simple human who was wandering nearby. While their time together was short, Lorelei has ever dreamed of meeting him again. Her love having grown into an obsession, and now that she attends the same university, she stalks him daily, constantly trying to summon the courage to stand at his side once again. Can this shy and timid succubus finally overcome her fear and be with the one she loves? * This is a re-telling of "Tornado Alley Summoner" which is also available, but no longer canon. This is a slow building romance with a shy and timid succubus. The world is a bit of dark fantasy, but don't let that discourage you. In this world there are also lots of different monster humanoid species, all of which are just trying to survive without killing one another in petty feuds. Some of the species in this book include - cubi, wolfkin, foxkin, vampires, elves, lamia, and more. * Cover art by Hifarry * While there will be some adult content, I don't intent for this book to become erotica. * Also, while the first chapter of the book will feature Lori and Theo when they first meet, when they were young kids, the rest of the story features them when their much older (over 18 years of age). *Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your feedback.

ScribeSaga2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 1.1: Staring Over

Ten Years Later

The vortex gnawed into the earth, ceaselessly expanding and growing its strength. It appeared as a gloomy stain, a chaotic tempest of wind that completely obscured the sun and its surrounding environment. Stretching for miles, it resembled a formidable wall of ruin, convulsing and contorting, pregnant with the dirt and rubble of a dying world.

Lorelei had seen such tempests before, but never so close, never from such a high vantage point. It terrified her. She could feel the backwash of heat against her skin and smell the enriched ozone of magic lingering in the air. It was accompanied by a static tang, the result of the wind combating the cities shields. If she closed her eyes and focused hard enough, she could actually hear the screeching howl of the vortex grinding its way forward. 

It sounded like the end of the world… 

She couldn't imagine what it must've sounded like beyond the wall. Even from such a great distance, several miles away in fact, Lorelei could feel its wrath. The winds of magic scratched against the shields, furious at its unyielding might.

She stood on the balcony of her tiny apartment, situated near the top of an aged megastructure. It was but one of many in the Daemienne district, a district solely owned and occupied by those of her own species. It was a cramped hovel, with barely room enough to spare a cot mattress and burner stove for warmth. It was her home, or the closest thing she had to one since leaving the orphanage.

Her temporary lodging was cluttered with garbage, but she found ways to make it comfortable. There was a constant smell of mildew, which she resolved by lighting scented candles. The tapping of a leaky faucet had been annoying to her, but after trading for some sealant tape, she was able to manage the simple repairs. It still bothered her though, what she had to do to get that damn tape. 

She had few articles of clothing, a meager collection of personal effects, and precious little food. Her last meal ration was eaten earlier that morning, and already her stomach was growling. The cardboard package was littered next to the overflowing garbage bin next to the sink.

Lorelei took a moment longer to look outside, her eyes slowly drifting from the tornado beyond the wall to the deluge of packed streets below. Day in and day out they were lively. The cobweb of inter-district roads, the main highways of the city, were lit up with packed traffic. The occasional military convoy could be gleamed, along with government hovercrafts accompanying them. The wings of a lone dragonkin could also be seen flying every now and then, often bearing urgent messages for privileged clientèle. 

What I would give to be able to fly like that. Lorelei sighed, thinking to herself.

Down below, a thick blanket of steam covered the streets, small bonfires and streetlamps burned against the shroud. There were thousands walking down below, mostly succubi or incubi, but there were undoubtedly some humans mixed amongst them. The occasional elf might also wander around the Daemienne district in private, hoping to experience the delights of the many pleasure houses. 

Lorelei chewed her lip, remembering the many offers given to her. More than one madam sought her employment, or enslavement, to their brothels. She almost accepted as well, anything to fill her empty belly and frayed nerves. The promise of three meals a day, and mystical nourishment, was hard to ignore, even if it meant sating the desires of several patrons. Most found themselves pregnant within the first year, and few ever found a life outside the pleasure houses once starting.

The idea of selling herself revolted her, not to mention the idea of giving away her virginity to anyone other than her precious Theo. As a young and fruitful succubus, it was extraordinarily rare for one of her kind not to be indulging her natural appetites by now. She often found herself drained of energy, sometimes even sickly. Lorelei had long made up her mind though, she would rather wither and starve than give up her own desires.

Thankfully her life had taken a surprising turn.

She looked back to the vortex, still churning against the city perimeter. It smothered the northern plains, giving her district a menacing view of what lurked just beyond the wall. Rarely had she seen one so massive, so intent on breaking the earth beneath it. Lesser vortices were spawning around it, some were quickly absorbed, while others orbited its elder parent, appearing as crooked fingers reaching in haunting directions.

Her eyes moved south, far south. The haunting colors from the storm mixed with the extravagant city lights and all its blaring holographic advertisements. The packed towers and skyscrapers made everything seem more oppressive. The skies were choked with smog and acid rain. Far to the south, the great beacon continued to shine, casting its ethereal light through the clouds. It stung her eyes, looking at the beacons light for too long. 

There were no alarms sounding, no warnings on the radio or television broadcasts. Even down below in the red-light districts business was booming as usual. Clearly no one was worried. Even a Jupiter class monster of a cyclone wasn't a threat to the city thanks to the marvels of its beacon.

She turned away, having had enough of the apocalyptic view, and shut the crooked door behind her.

Lorelei sighed to herself, realizing she kept a tension in her shoulders and tried to relax. She brushed the clutter from her lounge chair and curled up in the seat. Her tail extended forward between her legs and reached up to her cheek. 

There was a chill in the room, causing her to shiver. She took a deep breath before reaching deep within herself, summoning a tiny ball of flame in the palm of her hand. Its heat was bountiful, easing away the frightful chill. She wouldn't be able to keep it for long.

Ball of flame in hand, she reached with the other for the remote, turned on the crooked monitor, and flipped through the channels, trying to find something, anything, that wasn't mundane advertisements or news broadcasts. She eventually settled on a game show, just to create some background noise. 

Easing into her seat, Lorelei then made sure to run through her mental checklist one more time. She had packed everything, what little she had, and made sure her final bills were paid. It felt good to no longer tire over her work schedule at the local tavern. She only ever worked as a barmaid and host, but she feared all the leering eyes from the outsider patrons.

Looking over to the lone mirror in the corner, she saw a lean woman looking back at her. Her pink skin had grown somewhat pale, her ribs were starting to show. She had a fever twice this month but had been feeling better as of late. Her jet-black hair was kept short, easier to deal with and less noticeable, and her clear yellow eyes were piercing in the dim light.

The gray tank top she was wearing was stained and too short for her voluptuous frame. Sometimes she worried that all her nutrients were going straight to her boobs, as everything else seemed too lean and peckish. There were crows feet forming in the corner of her eyes, and her cheeks appeared gaunt. She was so hungry, and not just for normal food.

Curled up, she reached over for a spare blanket. The sheet was itchy to her skin but sufficed to help keep her warm. She was careful to maintain her tiny flame while she wrapped the blanket over herself.

Slightly more comfortable, she then looked over to the small nightstand next to her tiny mattress, eying the embroidered parcel of mail which was gently laid out next to the lamp.

When that mysterious letter came, it was like a gift from the gods, everything changed. And now, maybe she wouldn't have to worry about hunger anymore, or at least not for much longer. She couldn't wait to see Theo again, hopefully he would recognize her. Then again, what if he didn't?

That brought a whole new sense of dread.

She remembered when it arrived at her mailbox several days ago, a pristine thick envelope sealed with the great waxed emblem of the Voxsturm Academy. She had applied numerous times, having learned that Theo was there, but never expected to hear back from them. It pained to give her hopes up. After all, one not only had to pass a rigorous exam to get in, but also needed a sponsor. The only way to get around that was to earn top scores in magic, for there were few things the city feared more than a powerful up-and-coming mage without proper training. Without the sponsor, Lorelei just had to hope she earned their attention the old fashion way. She took the exam months ago, but had no idea whether her scores were enough, even after weeks of studying.

When she opened it, her eyes poured over each and every syllable. Expecting defeat, sensing rejection. Her heart leapt up her throat when she read the bold underscored results. Somehow, she had been accepted! But as she read through her scores, she couldn't help but notice they were all average. 

Confused, she continued to read. 

Someone had offered to be her sponsor. She was offered entry for the next semester, all she had to do was go to orientation at the assigned date, which was now tomorrow. She would leave first thing in the morning; her schedule was already set.

It was like a dream come true. She remembered holding her breathe for so long after reading the letter. Since then, she had been preparing, and now this was her last day living in this dirty complex. 

Her stomach was growling, Lorelei already knew the first thing she would ask for when meeting the faculty on campus. She heard food was free for students and prayed that was true.

All her affairs were in order, she just had to wait for one more night. She was counting down the hours. Her hands were clammy, her heart racing, but she was ready. She was ready to see Theo again…

Carefully, she pulled out a small photograph, one she always kept close to her heart. She often tucked it away inside her shirt. The image was a younger scrawnier version of herself, laughing while chewing a pastry alongside Theo who was sporting a wide grin. They looked so young and innocent in that picture. 

"I'll see you again soon," she whispered to the photograph. "I just hope you might recognize me… After all these years."