
Love in second life

Li san, a beautiful and successful woman , who is said to be very lucky in business world. But if you ask her are you happy? She will probably say, "So what! I've still never kissed anybody yet ". And this is the biggest regret in her life that running behind success she actually forgot to get a handsome man to love. So she is eventually given a second life. But the main point is" Will she fall in love in her second life???? "

V_Venom · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Li San

An elegant woman standing near the window was looking at the busy road. Every thing could be seen clearly. And how it would not?!!

It was the office of one of the top 10 companies in the province " The Santan group ". An the woman who was looking outside the window was one and only Li San, The CEO of Santan group and one of the most desirable woman in province.

'" May I come in mam? "' came a sound from outside of the door.

"' Come in "' the woman said in her melodious but firm voice. It would have soundef wonderful if said sweetly. But the devil woman, (a title given to her by people who know and who don't know her) doesn't know the meaning of being sweet. And maybe this was the reason she was still single even when she was thirty five.

The door opened and a young man in his late twenty came in. He had not the sharpest feature but still he had a handsomness of his own. He was the assistant of Lin San and had been almost working for six years now and still he get amazed by woman whose back was facing woman.

"'Are you here only to stand at the door'"? rebuked Lin san. Irritation was clear in her voice.

'"S.. oorr.. yy ma... amam" stuttered Ku Manas.

"' Ku Manas you are assistant of me, Lin San. Still you stutter just hearing a harsh sound. Is it a signal for me to change my people '" saying this Lin San turned around.

The poor assistant was once again mesmerized by the beauty standing in front of her. She was 35 this year still you can't tell that she is that old. Sharp eyes like Phoenix, a cute small but firm nose, full lips these all were already looks to be killed. But still the touch of makeup enhanced her beauty by many folds.

'" Ku Manas where are you lost? '" Lin San again disrupted her thoughts.

Ku Manas flushed and quickly put down his sight '" I'm ... I'm so.. rry mam. I mean I'm sorry mam. I'll not do it again. '"

"' Shut the crap and speak, why are you here? "' said Lin San in harse voice.

The assistant had sorted his thoughts now. He knew that the woman in front of him was only beautiful by face her inner self was not at all beautiful or it was what he and other people used to say.

So, he said in a firm voice "' Mam, Mr. Han Sinoi has accepted to meet us. His assistant has called and said that the meeting will be held today at K.M restaurant at 2:00 pm according to Mr Han's instructions. And he will talk rest during the meeting. "'

You can clearly hear his voice full of vigour and power after all he was the assistant of the number one business woman in province. Ku Manas is known for his mind sharpness and his capability. It is just that his poor heart still skips a beat looking at her power ful boss. ((Hehe, just kidding)) He respects her the most because she was the one who took him out of his miserable life which we will know in future. Let's come back to our track.

Lin San nodded and said "' Well done, you can go now. I'll go there myself. I've to go somewhere before that. "'

"' Ok Mam "' said Ku Manas and left the office closing the door.

Lin San sat on her chair and started staring at nothing. She was thinking about how all this started. She was aware of her nickname' devil woman ' given by people. But she couldn't do anything regarding this because she brought this herself. In the hungers if success she forgot to maintain her sweet side which she burried even when there wasn't any need to.

If someone would ask if she had ever regretted being like this, she would still answer in no. After all for her, success was everything and all emotions, humanity comes after her success. Which resulted in her losing her closest relatives and friends one by one. And she hated herself for that. Above all that she felt disgusted with herself that she doesn't feel any type of remorse or regret for what she had done. And this hatred of hers made her want that she would kill herself and end this madness of hers. And how could she not hate herself, she was the reason of her one and only family , her best friend Li Tan's death. Even if she was not directly related to her death still Li Tan died because of her negligence. Because she couldn't give her support when she needed it the most. The guilt which she feels still now can never be described in words. And it was the death anniversary of Li Tan today. And today, her guilt, her hatred for herself, her regret for not being there for her only family was the strongest. All this emotions made her uneasy. She wanted to cry that how incompetent she was that with all the clear signs, she left her dearest friend to die alone. Which was the starting of the situation today that everyone else had left her alone.

But she doesn't blame anybody. It was the result of her own deeds. Still she felt hurt, because now there was no one who would ask her if she was ok, if she ate or not, if she took her medicine or not, if she slept well or not. There was no one who wished on her birthday warmly or would arrange a surprise party for her. Even the New year wishes were just formal which was by her clients and her fellow CEOs. She really felt left but there was no one to hear her out, every body just see what she wants to show....

**Hey, it's me your author. I'm really deeply sorry for some mistakes I would have made unknowingly. And the store can also somewhat messy. But please bear with me. I'll work hard on myself. Just don't give up reading my story. Thank you and sorry again**

Hello, I'm totally new and fresh writer with a lot of ideas some good, some shitty. Please support me, I'll not disappoint everyone. Please give your support and love❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

And there can be many mistakes as it's first time I'm writing a long period story so please don't get inpatient and read till last

Thank you ❤❤

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