
Intermediate Beginning

My mornings are usually the hardest to me as I struggled to get out of bed. Mom is tired of waking me up and since I turned sixteen she let's me bear the consequences of being carefree and sleeping so much into the morning, that has caused me several strokes from Mr.Ifekwe long whips.

Mr. Ifekwe is one of the most dreaded teacher in my school. He is our chemistry teacher and God knows I dread that subject so much. The cafeteria Is usually the safest hide out in school where all deviant students like me hide.

This morning was going to be different because I pledge to turn a new leaf this session due to the fact that all students vying for prefect positions in school would be under probation.

I stood up to the standing mirror in my room, it showed a perfect reflection of me.

I wore my favorite night gown, it is sleeveless and very curvy it showed all my curves, a perfect depiction of what daddy calls a "Heavenly princess". I smiled in content; "I am indeed a river goddess.

"Good morning mommy, Good morning daddy" I said as I made my way to the kitchen, swiftly. Aunt Shade was preparing toast bread and Quaker oat.

"Aunt Shade how was your night?"

"It was fine and yours?"

"It was okay" I responded

"Yummy Yummy! Aunt please can I have some of the Oatmeal?" I asked softly.

"No, go and take your bath first then you can have all of it" She said

"Okay then, I responded sadly

I took the steaming water to go have my bath. Gosh!! Its already 6:25am. Bathing is not one of my fun activities I have to summon momentum each time I had to bathe to school.

"Shelia!", Aunt shade calling out my name.

"Yes, aunt I will be down stairs soon, just a moment please", I answered

"Wow! mommy you really look so nice in that suit"

Thanks dear, your Dad got it for me" Mom said.

"Dad surely has a superb taste when it comes to fashion"

"Yup, now hurry up you don't want to be late today ",She added

I was done with my breakfast. Gave my sweetest aunt shade a good bye kiss.

"Common Shelia, I don't have time" Mummy said from the parking lodge. My Daddy usually drops me in school before going to the office with mommy .

"Bye mommy, bye Daddy" I said as I reached out for the school gate.

I took a snappy look at my wrist watch and saw it was 7:01 am.

Thank God I made it early today

I hastenly rushed to my class dropped my school bag and moved to the assemble arena. After rounding up the assembly with the National Anthem, The principal came on stage.

"You all must be wondering what I have with me,well; let be cut the suspense, This here is the list of students who have been newly appointed as this School pe

refects. I want you all to pay keen attention" He said as the all whole students maintained absolute Decorum. He called almost all of my classmate and gave them their position in the school. It was now time to call out the person who will take the Assistant prefect position.

"David Stephen – Assistant Senior Prefect"

Everyone clapped but I noticed his glaring look, I knew he wasn't happy. "Well, what's my business let me just pay attention" I said to my self

"And for the Senior Perfect is none other than...Shelia Andrew " Said the principal. I leaped for Joy and headed for the stage.

"Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate" I said while extending my hand for a shake.

"Now I want you all to give the prefects the respect they deserve" the principal added.

Matching orderly back to our classes....

David deliberately stepped on my shoe

"What was that for?" I asked in furry

"Mtchewwww!" He made a weird sound and left


David has always been a thorn in my flesh since our junior class , though he's kind of cute but unfortunately troublesome and stubborn.

Time for Tutorials, the biology teacher came in and class went smoothly

All other tutor took their turns teaching in accordance with the Time table


Bing Bing…." that must be the school bell" I said thoughtfully


"I'm really exhausted yet Daddy Is still not here to pick me up" I said as i sighted David from afar he stood in his blazer suit, well ironed trouser he had a sly smile as he waited patiently for his driver. The sun wasn't friendly at all today, it's rays were very harsh on my skin and I could barely rise my head up because it affected my eyes badly. It is 4:30 and the school compound is almost deserted, safe for kunle ,sherwa and of course David my ultimate rival. The score between I and David is never ending, I could extend a hand of friendship though but what makes a woman virtuous is her ability to refrain from pursuing irrelevant things. I was deep in thought when a black Camry car halted in front of me. I inquired with my eyes but the glasses were all tinted. The car window wined down slowly, to my utmost surprise.

Da…vid! I barely muttered out those words, what in the world does he want from me now, I am just a tired-hungry school girl who wants to go home. I can not stand yet another fight with this jerk.