
Prince Charming appears (2)

I don't know how much time had passed, but Bai Yun opened her eyes and looked at the familiar man, his glowing eyes, his heart still burning with the passion he had felt earlier, and it seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.

Richard tied Baiyun's suitcase carefully and then carried her to the horse, sitting behind her and hugging her. The slow sound of the horse's hoof beats lazily in the air, and Bai Yun smiles shyly as she feels herself so close to him again. She said, "How did you find me? How did you know I was here?"

"I followed the scent of love to find me, too." Richard said meaningfully.

Bai Yun took advantage of his inattention and squeezed his hand, saying, "Are you being slick again?"

Richard's lips were pressed against Bai Yun's hair, and he took a deep breath, as if to inhale the scent of hair blowing in the wind, and he said seriously, "I'm telling the truth.

Bai Yun's voice seemed to have a satisfied smile in it, "Why do you think that?"

Richard hugged Bai Yun tighter and tighter, afraid that she would fly away, and whispered, "He's rich, he's powerful, he's good with people, I don't think any woman can resist him?"

Bai Yun smiled and said, "You really think so?"

Richard said with a straight face, "Yes, it's a fact that my sister stopped forcing me to marry her because she met him. My sister has a long line of men chasing her, and I've never seen her fall for anyone, but ever since she went to see you and met that Lee, she's been a different person.

Bai Yun said happily and worriedly, "Your sister has fallen in love with him? If that's the case, that's good. Your sister has good qualities, but she seems to be a bit willful and spoiled by you. But I hope your sister takes him seriously, because he's a rare and good man."

Richard's voice seemed jealous, "I'm going to be jealous if you say that."

Bai Yun laughed, "I'm telling the truth, if you treat me badly one day, maybe I'll regret it ..."

Richard's hand covered Bai Yun's mouth, cutting off what she was about to say. He said seriously and confidently, "I will never let you have the chance to regret it. "The voice was deep and melodious, as beautiful as the sound of music. Bai Yun was mesmerised by the voice and the sweet words, a man's promise, from the only man she had ever loved in her life, and leaning against his warm chest on horseback, she looked out over the endless fields of Provence, the purple sea of lavender flowers showing a different colour in the night.

This is the night in Provence. The deep blue sky, the gentle night kissing every inch of their skin. A black night with the seduction of an elf. It was a summer night, with a brisk breeze, and you could reach out and touch the warmth of the air. Suddenly, there was a scream in the air, accompanied by a giggle, and Bai Yun felt her whole body lift off the ground, and Richard grabbed her from behind and gently picked her up.