
1. Caught again

A blonde was dragged into a room by two guards "Boss, the lady tried escaping again" 

 Hi! I'm Leonora Doublin. I'm from a middle classed family of four. Five days ago, I was dragged by this cold hearted man to his house and ever since I've been trying to escape but every time I would get bursted.


Dante turned around ro look at them with his cold eyes. Everyone including Leonora looked down"Leave us alone". The guards bowed and left the room

 Dante advanced towards Leonora who was by now shivering, squat to her level and held her by her jaw" Look at me". Leonora stubbornly replied "I'm fine with my eyes on the floor". Dante chuckled and Leonora looked at Dante surprised.

 Dante tilts Leonora's head to look at him "I love it when you are stubborn but I'm far more stubborn than you are" Leonora pleasingly looked at Dante " Please just let me go"

 Dante got up and looked down at Leonora "So you can meet up with that bustard?" Leonora flared up "Don't you ever call him a bastard". Dante's aura became imposing "Hiw brave if you to defend that dolt in my presence. Our wedding is in two days, till then you aren't allowed to even leave your room except for reasonable reasons.

 Leonora paled out "You don't mean it. Do you?" Dante smirked"I can't wait to have you in my arms" Leonora knelt down "You can't do this to me". Dante shrugged "That's your punishment for backing up that bastard" He then lowered his voice "If you misbehave on that day, your darling younger sis will go for it". Leonora's face paled the more. He then continued "And if you try escape, that bastard goes for it". He pecked Leonora's cheek and behaved as if he just commented on the weather "See you the day after tomorrow, my bride. You'll have beauty treatments today so you'll have makeup artist visiting you" With that, Dante left the room.

 Tears felllf rom Leonora's eyes. The two guards led her back to her room.