

"I won't be surprised, if they go bald one day due to their love for each other's hair." -Homeroom Teacher Min Hani and Kang Eric, University's Pride but ready to strangle each other any moment. Where will this enmity take them? Will they fall in love? or already did? A humorous journey of two people who are poles apart. (Author's note-I did add BTS here but they'll be side characters, nothing is related to their real life events.)

Ana_2504 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Hold Me Tight

They started dating, everyone was happy for them of course their ship was sailing.Today was their first date.

Jimin-"Whoa! You're looking so damn good like a poop." Eric looked at him in disbelief and Jungkook face calmed himself.

Taehyung-"Shut up you liliput."

Jimin-"Yah I'm not liliput, I'm not that short."

Eric-"Okay Okay so mom is out with aunty and I request y'all to behave and spare my house."

Jungkook-"Yow! Duh we're going with you to Hani's house.We gotta hangout with hyungs."

Eric-"As you wish."

At Hani's house,

Yoongi-"Where do you think you're going princess?"

Hani-"Huh? What do you mean,I have a date with Eric."

Namjoon-"No No you aren't going anywhere with that scandal monger."

Hoseok-"What does that even mean?"

Namjoon-"One who causes scandals in public."

Seokjin-"But when did he cause scandal?"

Yoongi-"He's going with my sis on a date IN PUBLIC."

Hani-"That's completely legal."

Taehyung-"Yeah she's right."

Hani-"When did you come? Well that means Eric is here I gotta go.Bye"

Jimin-"Hey beau----"

Jungkook-"Haha...The biggest flirt got ignored..Aww..."

Taehyung-"I'm hungry something to eat?"

Seokjin-"Yeah, dumplings are in the kitchen."

Taehyung nodded and went with Jimin.

Namjoon-"We should follow them, I don't believe that scandal monger."

Hoseok-"From where did you learn that word? It seems a little rare word."

Namjoon-"I major in english...bro"

He said proudly.

Seokjin-"And I major in spanking with my slippers, want some?"

Namjoon-"Whatever, Yoongi hyung? What do you say?"

Yoongi-"I-I don't care." He said and went to his room.

Seokjin-"Idea isn't bad though, I want to see them being lovey dovey."

Hoseok-"Yes Hyung, they'll look so cute OMG!" Both of them started squealing.

Taehyung and Jimin were looking at them blankly munching the dumplings in their mouth.

Jimin-"Are we really gonna follow them?"

Jungkook-"I don't think so."

Here Hani went with Eric to a mall.

Eric-"Hani wait for a minute I'm coming."

She nodded and he left.

Later he came back with a bag in his hand.

Hani-"What is it?"

Eric-"A little gift for my love." He said winking at her and she blushed.She took the bag and opened it.She found a beautiful bracelet which was inside the small box in the bag.

Hani-"Oh my god, this is so beautiful." She said and gave him a quick hug.

Hani-"Come let's buy something for you too." She said and dragged him inside the Men's wear section of the mall.

Eric-"Whoa whoa calm down, we'll surely buy something for me."

Hani-"Shut up or I will punch your face."

Eric looked at her in disbelief.

Hani-"Eric? Is this shirt good? Or this one?"

She asked holding two shirts.He didn't say anything.She asked again still he didn't reply.

Hani-"Yah! Why aren't you saying anything?"

Eric-"You only told me to shut up or you'll punch me." Hani sighed.

Hani-"Okay okay I'm sorry.Now tell me."

Eric smiled and said-"Buy whatever you want I know you'll choose the best for me." Her heart skipped a beat when she heard that.Suddenly Eric's phone rang.


Eric's dad-"Hey son!"

Eric-"Oh dad! Where were you? Why didn't you or uncle contact us?"

Eric's dad-"Sorry son we were so busy that we couldn't contact you guys."

Eric-"Oh..By the way when are you both coming back?"

Hani's dad-"We'll come back soon son, by the way Where's my daughter."

Eric-"Oh hello uncle, she's here only." He gestured Hani to take the call.

Hani-"Hey dad."

Hani's dad-"Hello princess, how have you been?"

Hani-"I'm doing great dad what about you and uncle?"

Hani's dad-"Oh we're good too, just a little work is left then we'll come back."

Hani-"That's amazing."

Hani's dad-"Yeah, by the way I talked to your mom and Eric huh?"

Hani-"Dad." She said blushing.

Eric's dad-"Oh come on stop teasing my soon-to-be daughter in law." Her face became like a tomato and Eric took the phone.

Eric-"Ah...D-Dad we'll talk to you later, bye."

Eric's dad-"But---"

He cut the phone and looked at Hani.

Eric-"Thanks for the gift, now let's go to the park."

She nodded and went with him.

In the park~

Both Hani and Eric were sitting on a bench peacefully, admiring the nature and relaxing.

Hani-"Eric!! Look there cute dog."

She said and went towards the dog.

Hani-"Oh my, such a cute do--"

Owner-"Don't touch him, he's allergic to humans."

Hani-"Huh? But you're also touching him."

Owner-"I'm a special human." He said and went away from there while She was looking at him weirdly, when Eric came.

Eric-"What happened?"



Jimin-"Taehyung seriously? You went all the way back to your hometown just to bring your dog here?"

Taehyung-"Hey hey!! His name is Yeontan."

Jimin who was disguised as an Ice-cream seller looked at him in disbelief.

Jungkook-"You guys are weird, I knew it was a wrong decision to come.Now I'm going bye."

Taehyung-"Hey kook!"

Jimin-"He went already."

SeokJin-"Excuse me sir can I have one ice cream please."

Hoseok-"Hyung, one for me too."

Jimin-"Wait, Jin Hyung? Hobi Hyung?"

Seokjin-"Huh? Who are--"

Jimin took off his mustache.

Hoseok-"Jimin? And Taehyung?"


Namjoon-"Excuse me sir, your dog is biting my shoe can you plea---"

Taehyung-"MOTHER OF YEONTAN!!! Namjoon Hyung?"

Yoongi-"Namjoon they're too close, there should be distance at least 6 feet."

Seokjin-"Yoongi, what do you think they are? Strangers?"


Jimin-"Taehyung!! Your dog is licking my nose."

Taehyung-"He says you look like dog food." Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon bursted into laughter while Jimin glared at him.

Yoongi-"Argh!! Shut up you dorks! We lost their contact, where are they now?"

Hoseok-"Oh come on leave them let them enjoy."

Namjoon-"Oh yeah? Then why were you both here?" He pointed at Seokjin and Hoseok.

Seokjin-"We wanted to see our babies being lovey dovey and romantic."

Yoongi-"Hmph! Whatever!"


Hani and Eric came to the cafe.

Eric-"Did you see them?"

Hani-"Haha...of course, when Taehyung came with his puppy then only I knew it was him."

Eric-"They're weird."

Hani-"I know right?" Both of them chuckled.

Eric-"Okay so, what do you wanna eat?"

Hani-"Umm...nothing just a coffee would do."

Eric-"Okay." He said and ordered two coffees.After some time the order came.

Eric-"So? How was today's date?"

Hani-"It was good I had fun."

Eric-"I'm glad." He said looking lovingly at Hani.

Hani smiled at him and passed him his cup of coffee, but accidentally the cup fell on his lap causing a burning sensation there.

Eric-"Owww!!" He winced and immediately stood up.

Hani-"I-I'm sorry." She said as tears started building up in her eyes.

Eric-"N-No I'm fine, ouch."

She suddenly left the place and Eric followed her.

Eric-"Hani!! Hani? Aish that girl" he said.


Eric reached her home.

Eric-"Where's she?"

Jungkook-"In her room, did something happen?"

Eric-"I'll tell you later."

Jungkook nodded and Eric went upstairs.

He opened the door slowly just to see her crying.

Eric-"Hani?" She didn't reply instead looked at opposite side.He sighed and went to sit beside her.

Eric-"Baby, what happened?"

Hani-"Eric I-I ruined everything I didn't mean to hu---" He hugged her tightly.

Eric-"Shh...who said you ruined everything?"

Hani-"But...are you f-fine now?" He broke the hug and cupped her cheeks.

Eric-"Of course look at me I'm perfectly fine.Now stop crying."

She nodded cutely.He chuckled looking at her.

Eric-"And nothing is spoiled we still have time."

Hani-"Huh? But what will we do now?"

Eric-"Come let's watch movie okay." She smiled widely.

Hani-"Eric?" he hummed in response.

Hani-"Always hold me tight...yeah?"

Eric-"That isn't even a thing you need to ask for." he said and pecked her forehead.

Hani-"I love you."

Eric-"I love you too."

Then he set the movie and went to sit beside Hani, she kept her head on his shoulder and intertwined their hands.



Jimin-"Guys I'm holding his legs, someone hold his hands."

Hoseok-"Wait let me help you." He said and went towards Yoongi and held his hands.

Namjoon-"Hyung!! I'm trying to open the door, don't worry."

Seokjin-"For God's sake!! They're in damn relationship leave them alone."


Taehyung-"So what? let her be she's a grown ass woman."


Hoseok-"Oh no no Yoongi no one's gonna do that."

Namjoon-"Hyung it's almost open."

Taehyung-"Yeontan!! Bite that human."


Seokjin-"Hah! Serves you right!"

Jungkook-"Will they ever..I mean like ever grow up?" He said drinking his banana milk.

Author-"Oh no honey, believe me they would never. Not at least in next 200 eternities."

Jungkook-"True that, but why do you keep on popping up like that?"

Author-"My story, My rules and my wish kid.Got any problem?"

Jungkook-"Huh? No no why would I have any problem."


Okay so, people might think why Hani behaved like that and started crying. Let me clear it out. Guys, everyone can't be Savage and carefree Everytime. This relationship is a new thing for both of them and it was their very first date which kinda got ruined because of that accident, so yeah. That's my point.

Ana_2504creators' thoughts