
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Poisoned,Dead or Alive

I said to myself as I turned back to the kids and gave them a tight hug.

"Your Grace; are you okay asked the girl I saved in a worried tone. I'm fine, by the way, I forgot to ask your name.

"Oh, I'm Lucy, and my little sister is Luan, that one is Ming, Aidren and Austin; she introduced as they all gave me a warm smile.

"Okay lucy, from now on you and your friends will me staying here in the palace with me.

"Here?!" exclaimed Lucy in a shocked tone. "Yes, here. Zao; I called out. Yes your Grace; she answered. Take Lucy and her friends to the Soraha Villa, they'll be staying there with you, which means you also have to move there.

"Yes your Grace, I'm really grateful for your kind gesture and I watched as they walked away full of joy and excitement. I wish I could have done much more of this sooner; I said to myself, soon a knock was heard on the door as I watched as one of royal messanger walked in.

"Your Grace, The Emperess Dowager has sent for you; exclaimed the messanger Okay, I'll be right there, I replied as the messanger left. What does the Emperess Dowager want from me, I stood up to leave but immediately fell to the ground(hold chest tightly).

"(cough's) Blood?, it must have been from the poison, it looks like I'm not completely cured; I said to myself as I slowed down my breathing in order to allow oxygen to slowly flow through my lungs, soon memories of the Emperess Dowager came rushing through my head, I couldn't stand the pain anymore as I blacked out.

"Your majesty; exclaimed one guard to what seemed to be a spy and the most trusted man to the Emperor.

"Any news for me?; asked the Emperor.

" Yes your majesty, I spied on the Emperess as you commanded and she gave the Soraha Villa to the children and maid to live in apart from that nothing unusual has happened but...

but what?; asked the Emperor as he stopped what he was doing and paid attention to what the guard was about to say.

"But the Emperess received a notice from the Emperess Dowager to visit her at her place but once she stood up to leave, she immediately fell on her knees and started coughing up blood.

"What?!; said the Emperor furiously, where's she?.

"She later passed out so I helped her get onto her bed and called for a doctor and rushed her immediately to report.

*Stands up*

"What did the doctor say?;

"I didn't stay to hear what he had to say but judging from the blood she coughed up, I would say that she has been poisoned.

Poisoned?!!; who will dare poison the Emperess. Come with me, we're heading over to the Flousent Villa immediately.

Zao runs in to meet the team Emperess lying in bed with the doctor next to her. What happened here?; said Zao anxiously. Soon after that the Emperor along with the Emperess Dowager and the rest of Cocoubine's entered.

"What happened here?; asked the Emperor furiously.

"Your majesty, her Grace seemed to have been poisoned with the most toxic flower which has no cure, when taken in, the person dies immediately even the sent of the flower kills, I'm shocked her Grace has been able to stay alive all this while; exclaimed the doctor.

"What?!! who would there do such a thing; asked the Emperess Dowager furiously, can't you even find a way to detoxify the poison.

"I'm sorry madam but right now, nothing can be done, her body has turned cold and her face has become pale, now all we have to do is to wait for her to stop breathing; exclaimed the doctor.

"No,no something must be done, her Grace is a kind and loving person, who would do such a thing to her; exclaimed Zao has she knelt down crying.

"(clench his fist and grits his teeth) Everyone get out of this room now!!!; exclaimed the Emperor fuming with anger and sorrow as everyone walked away. He walks over to the Emperess and picks up her hand, soo cold are you going to leave me, even before I never got to say sorry to you and confessed how much I loved you straight into your eyes; says with teary eyes.


"Where am I?, am I dead again?; I asked to myself confusedly as I floated in the air but soon landed under a cherry tree.

"Welcome Alice; said a beautiful young lady who looked like the owner of the body I was in.

"Lin Juluu right?, the owner of the body I'm in.