
Love, Hate and Billions

I had two great loves. The first had the power to weaken me. The second broke me. Vincent Stone was my addiction before he turned out to be my disease. Our love was forbidden, he was my stepbrother. But that wasn't the worst of it all. No, you see he was a Made-Man and I was his muse. INSIDE THE BOOK How could life tumble in turfs that are unraveling to the human mind? How can I succumb to this latitude of proportions that takes me to this darkness? It's breaking me. I keep believing that the world is whole, that my mind isn't. It is like my soul is pushing me to this place I can't see, but my heart is taking me somewhere else, to a place where I can't fathom. How do I see it happening when my very existence is slipping through my fingers? When I look in the mirror I barely recognize myself. I am just empty, dying. I feel that there are days where I want to end it, end this treachery of these unknown parts. I am scared. Oh god, help me. This weight is beating me down, taking me in. I breathe every second, telling myself I am human, I should feel something, but I can't because every time I think, every time I even consider it he goes and takes more lives. He says I am his muse, yet all I see in the mirror, all I feel is a monster, a killer. He kills them in my name, he takes their lives because they took me. He makes me watch, he forces me to accept it. I know it's wrong, I know I should stop him, but when he touches me something awakens in me that I can't feel unless I am with him. They say to be strong is to face your weakness, but how do I face him when he is also my strength. Vincent Stone is a Made-Man and I am a pawn in his game Love, Hate and Billions is a story about a woman who loved a Capo with everything in her. This suspenseful thriller is packed with twists, thrills, and a storyline that is unique

Shan R.K · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


She isn't donning any jewelry at the moment but my mama is without a doubt going to make a show stopper with one of her pieces that Uncle Hector so lovingly paid for last week, later on today.

A typical Christmas with this lot.

After another thirty minutes of endless chit chat with my mother and Diamond while watching in gleeful delight as my sister chopped on those peaches, I am finally done with my daughterly tasks and enjoying my third glass of champagne.

Ever heard the saying look now. When I was younger I used to stand in the same room full of the same people- my family , my friends, friends of the family, wondering if they liked me.

I have never been the pretty pageant beauty like my mother and sisters, soaking up the oohs and aah's and tenths of gossip.

I could never stand the chit chatter like my cousins and their parents did when they all got together this time of year, even if it was just small talk.