
Love has no bounds

A girl name rishika an archeologist by profession bhopal to search of paras stone but she does no that this new journey change his life completely.

Anisha_verma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Bus Stop

A girl comes to the bus and see the whole


Girl- Finally I am comes here. This is my

dream project that's why I come to bhopal.

In Bhopal fort their and lost of interesting

things to search.

Girl comes to hotel and booking their. Then

go to their room and set their luggage . then

she goes to window and stand their and think

Girls Pov

My name is Rishika. I am a archeologist by

profession but I am a orphan. I don't know who was my parents.since childhood I was live in orphanage.after 18 I was did a part

time job for my expenses and studies. Archeology is my passion. I just love to roam and search old and antique things. that's why I come to bhopal to search a very special thing. A Stone yes a stone who was convert anything to gold. In Normal language people call that 'Paras Patthar'.

After lots of search I found that paras stone is hide in Bhopal palace. so I come here to search paras stone but I also listen that in palace has some supernatural things. Many of people's feel this but no body has search that. I don't know that I will search paras stone and these supernatural powers but I know that I have learn lots of new things here.

Rishika does not know that this new journey take her in which direction but this is a start a new experience of her.