
Love found but Lost

Daniel_Adunmo · Realista
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - New Girl

'I think there is a clear difference between 'Love' and 'Like', both being the act to cherish something but one you can do without and the other you can't (or won't?).'

A new session begins, the school is full of life and activity like no other, friends catching up and chatting on how they spent the last holiday. Here I was stepping in the class after a long time, seeing my friends, there was that assured smile and laughter that appeared on my face. Being so happy, my focus was mainly on my friends, I didn't bother to really take a look at the whole class. After chatting, laughing and shouting for a while, it was getting silent and I took a glance at the class while going to my seat, noticing some new faces, next to my seat on the next row was a girl, a new student.

I gazed at her heavily for she was like a gem that I've stumbled on, I wasn't sure she noticed my gaze, I then called at her, "Hi, hmm...hello", my mouth and my brain decided to have a conflict at that moment, I composed myself quickly, she then replied "yes", she looked at me and I knew this is what they call love at first sight, there was no other explanation. I asked her for her name, she smiled and said "you want to know my name, you're the first person speaking to me today, do I look scary?", I didn't know what to answer, if I were to tell her what I thought about her, she would think I was weird and creepy, but maybe I am, all these thoughts in about two seconds. I told her she didn't look scary to me at all. She told me "my name is Crystal". Crystal I said, "the name really suits you" I told her, she smiled and continued to write her name on her new notebooks.

After a slight pause, I said "wouldn't you ask for my name?" then she told me "I already know your name, I heard it when you and your friends were chatting over there", my mind at that time came to peace.

While she was writing her name I took a glance and saw her last name, it was a familiar last name I know at our church. I didn't hesitate to ask, "you attend this church" I asked, she said yes wondering how I knew, then I told her I attend the same church, she was surprised so was I, that coincidence was one given by the universe. I knew that was my opening for a conversation, I asked why I've never seen her at church. She said she used to be a boarding student at her former school, before her Dad got transferred to the city. "So does that mean I'll be seeing you at church?" I asked, this was going to determine how close we were going to be, maybe just classmates, or both classmates and church members, the term friend would come later since we just met each other. She replied "yeah you will, I'll find you on the next Sunday service, don't worry ". Looking at my face you'll need some kind of superpower to see the excitement that was hidden under that simple facial expression, we talked for a while, getting to know each other, then a teacher addressed the class to settle down.

Teacher's coming to our class addressing us about the new term and meeting new students, there were some new teachers too, none of that was bothering me, I was so focused on the Crystal I just found, we would make eye contact sometimes and smile at each other, all I wanted to know was what was going through her mind, what she was thinking of, or what she thought of me, what kind of guys were her type, that's what I was thinking.

I was in deep thought that I didn't notice my friends have been watching me and giggling, I noticed them and I knew I was already busted, I shook my head acting serious, then they started laughing. I was just trying to smile quietly, though I so wanted to laugh too, my friends were some non-serious fools, that they were making some funny expressions that it was almost impossible to laugh.

School closing bell rang, my friends and I decided to go buy some snacks when we go out. I was packing my bag when I heard her call my name while she was going out of the class, she had to go early since she was taking the school bus, but I was thinking there was still some time to chat before she left, "David!" I looked at her direction, she was waving at me, I waved back then and told her bye, then she left. As soon as she left, the class shouted "Davido!!!" my friends were calling me Boss, I was just smiling. I think I forgot to go to the details of Crystal's beauty, She has a captivating cute face, her smile was like the bright sun after the rain, shining and radiant enough to blind you with love, so beautiful.

With that kind of beauty in a class with a lot of guys, I was bound to have competition, not just one, this was just the beginning, this turned out to be a war for Love.

It's probably not long enough

Daniel_Adunmocreators' thoughts