
Love flows through the stream

We all want to taste love once in life, so does May but she can't find it in her surrounding. So,she start writing letters and putting it in a glass bottles, letting the waves of the stream take it alway to her destined one. But what happens when a boy,named Ray who is new to the town finds the mysterious letters . The show flow love in both hearts, but destiny never let meet in their teen life. what happens when they meet 5 years later, unknown to each other, will they fall in love again, when Ray, turns to a superstar, arrogant but popular and May to is a struggling song and screen writer. So, let's company them in their journey of love, with many twist and turns.

Morisika · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


We all want to taste love once in life, so does May

but she can't find it in her surrounding. So,she start writing letters and putting it in a glass bottles, letting the waves of the stream take it alway to her destined one.

But what happens when a boy,named Ray who is new to the town finds the mysterious letters . The show flow love in both hearts, but destiny never let meet in their teen life.

what happens when they meet 5 years later, unknown to each other, will they fall in love again,

when Ray, turns to a superstar, arrogant but popular and May to is a struggling song and screen writer.

So, let's company them in their journey of love, with many twist and turns.