

She jerked up from her sleep but was stopped almost immediately.

"Relax baby, you are alright now." An older lady said smiling.

It was her mom. The only person who was overprotective when it came to her.

She was still trying to access where she really was. It took her a while before she realized she was at home in her own bedroom. She felt something on her right hand. She turned and saw that she was taking an IV drip. She sighed and sat straight leaning on the bed rest.

"Did i... did i...." she stuttered trying to get the words out of her mouth.

" Shush... it's okay. You blacked out but it's alright now." She patted her daughter's head.

"I guess I made a fool out of myself again." Her voice was low and her eyes were sub consciously fixed on her mother's fingers which wrapped hers gently.

" Shannon sweetheart it's not your fault..." Her voice died when she saw the tired but angry look on her daughter's face again.

" Do you think I'll ever get better?" Without waiting for her mother to answer;

" Well I don't think so. I don't think I'll ever get better."

" You will. If I'm not sure of anything in this world, I'm sure of this. You'll get better." she squeezed Shannon palm lightly.

" I promise you."

They both fell into a warm but tight embrace with hot tears flowing from both ladies cheeks.

" Hmm mmh" someone interrupted by clearing her throat.

The duo separated from their heart melting embrace.

"Don't tell me you guys were having family time without me no?" She said as she approached Shannon and sat on the bed right beside her. She took Shannon hands into hers.

"Hey how are you doing?" The girl asked.

Shannon pulled the girl's cheeks a bit hard.

"Ouch! that hurts! What do you think you're doing?"She yelled playfully.

"No matter how tough you act, I know you'll always care for me and you'll always love me more than anyone else." She gave the girl a bright smile.

She was Julie, Shannon's twin sister. The troublesome one of the twin . They were twins but not identical in anyways. Julie was a blond with large grey eyes but Shannon was a brunette with gold eyes. Ever since they were little, people had always said that Shannon was the prettier twin and when it came to curves, her's were killing. Julie had a nice body too but not as sexy as her sister's. But even with all these differences, Julie had never felt jealous for her sister. Not even once rather she felt it was her duty to protect Shannon who actually was the elder twin.

"Baby sis, I bought us some snacks. We have to eat it quickly 'cause I'm dead hungry " Julie said playful ly as she pulled up the shopping bag no one had noticed earlier.

"Oops! since you guys are busy I'll come back later." Their mom said and hurried out of the room.

They both watch their mom leave and when she had finally left, Julie turned to Shannon;

" Guess what?" Julie whispered.

"What?" Shannon curiously replied.

"I've got gist for you baby girl." Julie said as they both smiled.