
The Great 4th Shinobi War- Ninjas & Mages Unite

Though the Ten-Tails is restored, it will still be some time before the moon is in a position to complete the Eye of the Moon Plan. Madara and Obito therefore opt to eliminate the opposition in the meantime. They take control of the Ten-Tails and use it to try and destroy Naruto, B, Kakashi, and Guy, but the remaining Allied Shinobi Forces arrive in time to stop the attack. They combine their efforts to restrain and bind the Ten-Tails, but the victory is brief; the Ten-Tails transforms and frees itself.

Madara and Obito recognise the coordination involved to bring such a huge force together so effectively and use the Ten-Tails to destroy the Allied HQ to prevent future coordinating. Almost all stationed there are killed, Ao being the only known survivor, but Shikaku Nara is able to communicate one final attack plan to the Allies. Many ninja die as they move into position – including Neji Hyūga – but they are able to pull off Shikaku's final plan and sever the connection between the Ten-Tails and the Uchihas. Freed, the Ten-Tails prepares to use Tenpenchii. Kakashi attempts to send the beast away, but Obito intercepts him and warps them both to the other dimension. Tenpenchii levels the area but none are killed due to the protective cloak Naruto coats everyone with.

Before the Ten-Tails can launch another attack it is stopped by the arrived Hokage, reincarnated by Orochimaru at the direction of Sasuke. Hashirama Senju restrains the Ten-Tails and he and the other Hokage trap it in a barrier. Though it can't move, the Ten-Tails spawns miniature clones of itself to protect it. The Allies fight its copies but it becomes apparent that the Ten-Tails is on the verge of a final transformation. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura join forces against it, badly damaging it.

Meanwhile, in the other dimension, Kakashi and Obito spar. Being old comrades, Obito tries to convince Kakashi that his actions are right and that the world as it is must be eliminated. Kakashi refuses to agree and badly wounds Obito, forcing him to retreat back to the real world. When Madara senses Obito's return, Madara tries to take advantage of him in his weakened state to force Obito to restore him to life. Obito resists and instead seals the Ten-Tails into his body, becoming its jinchūriki. The Hokage, no longer preoccupied with restraining the Ten-Tails, attack it, only to discover Obito's new power cancels out the regenerative advantages of their reincarnated bodies. The Allies try various methods of damaging Obito, but only senjutsu has any kind of success.

With the moon nearly in position, Obito transforms into the Ten-Tails' final form: a giant tree capable of absorbing chakra from anyone it touches. With their numbers dwindling and time running out, the Allies prepare for one final assault. Naruto and Sasuke launch a a final attack while the remaining allies, rallied by their respective newly rejuvenated Kage, provide support. The tailed beasts the Ten-Tails is composed of are stripped from Obito and released, leaving him defeated and unable to move. Because Obito is no longer able to resist, Black Zetsu takes control of him and forces him to revive Madara.

Though living again, Madara is left unable to see, having forfeited his eyes shortly before his original death. Until he can reacquire them he immobilizes Hashirama and absorbs his senjutsu chakra to allow him to sense things around him. His first order of business is capturing the tailed beasts again. He is initially no match for the nine beasts until a White Zetsu delivers one of his Rinnegan to him. He uses it to summon the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path from Obito's body and then quickly seals all the tailed beasts, including B's Eight-Tails and Naruto's Nine-Tails, into it, triggering another rebirth of the Ten-Tails. Sasuke tries to stop him, so Madara stabs him with his own sword.

Magic cirles began appearing on the ground, Mages arrives to their aid. Fairy tail dragon slayers together with Jellal, Lucy, Gray and is being commanded by Erza. She assigned each mage in such strategic assignments based on their skill sets and fought alongside the ninja's which left the reincarnated hokage's in awe and curious to who she was. Sarutobi proudly told them her story and are voting for her to be the next hokage. 

Meanwhile, Tobi keeps the Allied Shinobi Forces and Fairy Tail Mages occupied with Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands to battle them. Naruto, dying from the removal of the Nine-Tails, is delivered to the reincarnated Minato Namikaze by Gaara so that the half of the Nine-Tails' chakra that Minato has can be sealed into him. Black Zetsu intercepts the transfer and takes the Nine-Tails' chakra for itself, but this creates an opening for Obito to reclaim control of his body. Obito, having finally decided he was wrong, escapes to the other dimension with Naruto and Sakura (who is providing emergency life support), Erza commanded Wendy to aid Sakura in provideing life support for Naruto and went with them on the other dimension where he begins sealing the Nine-Tails' chakra from Black Zetsu to Naruto. Elsewhere, a dying Sasuke is approached by Erza and she begins healing Sasuke's wounds.

Orochimaru and Team Taka ran towards dying Sasuke. 

"I can feel someone with Sasuke, the other has a nasty feeling to him but the other is completely strange but powerful" Karin said while running

"That is why we need to get to him fast before anything can happen to him, we need to hurry even more" Orochimaru explained

"Who are you? What are you doing to Sasuke?" Karin screamed at Erza

"Oh so it is you" Orochimaru said

"You know them?" Karin asked

"That's Kabuto, the reason you detected that nasty chakra is because he had absorbed chakra from other and he has mine still left in him" The snake sage explained

"Then who is that woman holding my beloved Sasuke? Stay away from him woman" karin shouted

Erza just gave her a death stare. "Oh, so you did not know Sasuke's betrothed? She is his fiance- the Uchiha Chosen Bride" Kabuto stated. 

"What?!? So many rivals" the glassed eye girls sighed

"She is not just an ordinary rival, she is an Uchiha Queen" Kabuto explained

"I'm not an Uchiha queen, I am Titania the queen of the fairies. If my mother is dead then I maybe the queen but she is still alive we met a few months ago and I learned my past and that my mother is a dragon making me a half human and a half dragon, I'm just an Uchiha princess. And so to atone for her sins she agreed to be my summon to aide me in my battles whenever I need her and lent me some of her enchanting powers" Erza narrated not moving an eye from Sasuke as she continues to heal him.

suddenly a girl with a blue girl jumped from nowhere "Erza Shuryō, there are many ninja's wounded in the battle field" she reported 

"How about our mages, what's the status?" the red head replied

"They are still fighting, some a little injured but can still do their jobs" she stated

"Shuryō, I'm here to make sure you're safe, I felt number of presence surrounding you so I came here to check" Jellal said

"Status report, talk to me" she commanded. He narrated the mages and ninja's statistics and probability.

"Wendy, use your magic to heal everyone. I'll summon Katsuyo and Grandine to help you. I assign you as the medic division head, use Grandine to restore mage's magic and katsuyo for ninja's chakra" she instructed

"Hai, De kita to omou Erza Shuryō" as she flies with Carla and Erza summons the two instructing them what to do.

"Jellal be my second in command, I'll be busy here and I will be fine, these people are not the enemy. I need you back in the field" she asked the celestial mage

"Alright, be safe okay" then he disappeared

Madara, now the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki, is left to deal with the stragglers. With nobody else who can perform senjutsu around, taijutsu is the only means of combating him. Might Guy decides that this is a worthy cause for him and decides to give his life to defeat Madara. He opens all Eight Gates and assaults Madara with his Evening Elephant. This takes a heavy toll on his body but doesn't stop Madara, forcing him to resort to his final attack: Night Guy. This time Madara is badly injured, but still he survives. Spent, the life fades from Guy.

While on the border between life and death, Naruto and Sasuke each meet with the Sage of the Six Paths, who offers them a portion of his power to defeat the Ten-Tails at long last. Once each is restored to health, Naruto saves Guy from death and they engage Madara with their new powers: Sasuke's Rinnegan and Naruto's simultaneous access to all of the nine tailed beasts' abilities. No match for Naruto and Sasuke, Madara becomes determined to reacquire his remaining Rinnegan. He steals Kakashi's Sharingan and uses it follow Obito to the other dimension where he takes the Rinnegan Obito has been using. Restored to full power, Madara returns to the real world and initiates the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Erza went to heal Kakashi's wounds and eyes, releasing the blood curse seal from the Anbu mark and restored not only the sharingan on his left eye but for both eyes and told him that she'll explain everything after the war.

The Infinite Tsukuyomi is cast upon the world. Sasuke shields himself, Naruto, Kakashi, Erza and Sakura. All others except for the reanimated Hokage are trapped in a dream and wrapped into the God: Nativity of a World of Trees, their chakra acting as fuel for their own confinement. The four emerge from Sasuke's protection, the last resistance against Madara. Before they can have their final battle, Black Zetsu, once more in control of Obito's body, transfers to Madara and takes control of him instead, converting him to Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Kaguya transports them all to one of her dimensions, wishing to eliminate the only remaining obstacles.

Like Madara before her, Kaguya has difficulty fighting Naruto and Sasuke at the same time. At Black Zetsu's suggestion, Kaguya sends Sasuke to a different dimension so that she can fight them individually, starting with Naruto. While Naruto keeps her busy, Sakura andErza helps Obito – who is now back in control of his body – find the dimension where Sasuke is and reunite him with Naruto. Frustrated by Sasuke's return and her own failure to kill Naruto, Kaguya transports them to all to a dimension with powerful gravity. While Naruto and Sasuke are unable to move, she attacks them with All-Killing Ash Bones. Erza jumped in front of them to block the attack sacrificing herself but Obito and Kakashi use themselves as human shields to block the attacks, with Obito also using Kamui to save Kakashi as well, though at the cost of his own life.

Kakashi, with the blood curse seal that Erza released granted him the power of dual Mangekyō Sharingan. Using Susanoo, Kakashi and Erza joins Naruto and Sasuke in their fight against Kaguya, creating an opening for Naruto and Sasuke to surround her and strike. When she tries to escape, Sakura punches her, forcing her to stay put long enough for Naruto and Sasuke to initiate the seal given to them by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths. The tailed beasts are removed from Kaguya's body, she is made to spit out Madara, and she and Black Zetsu are trapped in the Six Paths — Chibaku Tensei that is, itself, stuck in another dimension.

The battle won, Team 7 wonders how to escape Kaguya's dimension. Hagoromo anticipates their need, combining the efforts of the four reincarnated Hokage and all the spirits of the other deceased Kage to summon them, the tailed beasts, and Madara back to the real world. Hagoromo congratulates them on their victory and Madara, before dying from the Ten-Tails' extraction, acknowledges his own defeat. Hagoromo and the four reincarnated Hokage acknowledges the help of the Fairy mages and started the unity among two worlds and declared Titania as the official commander of the mage division. With the Fourth Shinobi World War finally over, Hagoromo returns the four reincarnated Hokage and all the spirits of the other deceased Kage to the Pure Land.