
Time is Gold!!!

"Mom, Dad Yul and I are going to spend the weekend with our fiends in Tiffany's beach house. Please, I promise I'll behave and take care of myself." Jessica swings her daddy's right arm as she pleadingly eyed her mother.

"Okay honey just be careful okay?" Kahi responded. Jessica jumps up and down hugging her parents while mumbling her thank you's.

Daniel glance at the quite young man, "Yul can I talk to you?"

Yul nodded his head and warmly smile at his second mother. He even calls the couple mom and dad as he claims to be their son.

Entering at the office, Daniel heave loudly and sat down on his swivel chair.

"Someone sent me this Yul!" Daniel pulled out a white folder.

Grabbing the folder, Yul eyes widen and look at the older man in horror. Pile of pictures welcome him, pictures of all of them, their routine, the car they used and a tape. A video the tape, Yul glance at it for a quick second then walk towards the player, Yul breathe hitch, the video contains the exact routine, route, activities they do everyday. Literally their life has been exposed to who ever send this.

"Do you know who did this?" Yul asked, clenching his fist.

The older man sadly shook his head. "We're still looking at it!" He said then stood up and went to the nearest window.

"That threat note, I have a really bad feeling on that, so I'm gonna ask you and Jessica to move out in this house. I already have a safe place for you two." Daniel blurted out his plan.

"No Dad! You need me in here. I'm not gonna leave you guys."

"I know son but I need you to protect my daughter. You are the only person I trust for my daughters life. But you need to be careful Coz she might suspect about it."

"Dad, who's doing this to us?" Yul angrily asked.

Daniel closed his eyes, he needs to keep the truth. Maybe in time he will reveal the whole truth but not now. The life of his two kids are the most important right now. The videos and the simple sentence that they received makes the known powerful man shiver in fear. He already took measures of course and already acted to it but something in his gut tells him big thing will happen.

"I don't know Yul. Just promise me that no matter what happen you will take care of Jessica for us."

"Dad don't say that, we will take care Jessica not just me. You sounded like something will happen. No! I won't let anything happen to us."

"Son!" Daniel called out and open his arms. Yul hesitating to comply but who is he kidding? He adore the said man anyone can imagine. This gesture of the older man always works whenever the young man is in so much stress and is about to lose his own self.

Hugging the younger man tight, the older man whispered he's thank you's and his affection towards his son.

"Dad did you change everything in the house?"

A soft chuckle came out in Daniel's mouth and softly patted the younger man's head.

"Already did and added more bodyguard. It just this time we need to be careful and be aware of our surroundings. Being on top of the tier Yul, comes with so many enemies than friends. We got a lot of enemies from the start Yul and we were able to defeat them all. Don't worry to much, I just want to remind you to be careful." Daniel comforting the panicking young man.

"I know dad but those pictures and videos shows that whoever is doing this knew all your routines and everything you do. This is serious dad. How come this person is able to follow you without getting caught."

Daniel let out a soft laugh then patted then squeeze the younger man's shoulder.

"Son, did you forgot who's your father is? Are you doubting my abilities now?" The old man fake a sad tone and to his pleasure the younger man bought it and believe his words.

"Of course I believe in you Dad. Okay, just be careful too okay? And change your routine now just to be sure. I'll check the security in our house before I'll go today!"

"That's my boy!" Daniel chirped then ushered the young man out of his office.

"You two be careful okay and enjoy your weekend!" Daniel bid he's goodbye and close his office door. Grabbing his phone.

"Did you fine him?" Daniel immediately asked after the other man answered his call.

~~~ "I'm sorry sir but we can't find him"~~~

The other man shakily responded.

"Am I just paying you for nothing?" Daniel angrily roared.

~~~~"I have the his wife location sir."~~~

"Take her here!"

"Yes sir!"

Ending the call, Daniel let out a heavy sigh then tiredly lean his achy head on the head rest of his swivel chair.

While downstairs, Jessica impatiently waiting for Yul to finish loading their things on their car.

"Hey, take care of yourself and don't bully Yul okay? He's your brother honey."

"He is not my brother mom!" Jessica softly answered and avoided her mother's piercing eyes.

"Okay, he's your brother because you two were raise like a sibling. Go bid goodbye to your father!" Kahi pushed the pouting young woman then glance towards the door as it swung open.

"Mom!" Yup called out, acting like a child.

Kahi smiles widely and open her arms.

"Mom I'm gonna miss you!" Yul announced and tightly hugged the older woman.

"My baby boy so is your girl friend going too?"

"Mom I don't have a girlfriend, I only have two women in my life, you and Jessica!" Yul answered and peck the older woman's cheeks. Kahi force a smile then lean her head on the young man's broad shoulder.

"You two are big now, probably tomorrow you two will leave me and have each own family. " Kahi fake a sob which always work with Yul.

Hearing her so called mother whining, the young man turn around and hug the older woman tight.

"What are you talking about mom? Hmm.. don't think about it coz that's too far to even think about. "

"Let's go!" Jessica announce cutting off Yul and Kahi's moment.

Aiding the blonde girl climbing on the car, Yul then turn around and bid goodbye to Kahi.

"Ready?" Yul asked, Jessica just hummed in responds and lock her eyes outside.

"Is everything okay?" Yul asked, sensing Jessica quiteness means something is bothering her.


"You know you can always talk to me—"

"Just drive and shut your mouth!" Jessica coldly muttered as she look at Yul eye to eye.

Being as stubborn as Jessica and is used at Jessica temper, Yul drove off the shoulder of the road to safety park the car then face the blonde girl.

"Who made you upset?" Yul seriously asked. He can't stand seeing the blonde girl annoyed and specially sad. It breaks his heart!

Jessica annoyingly scoffed then face the tan man.

"Why do you care so much?"

Yul furrowed his eyebrows and was about to respond when Jessica thrown another questions.

"What really am I to you?"

"What? Yul? Do you see me as a woman? Am I beautiful to you? Do you see me like someone you want to spend the rest of...never mind!"

"Okay, I see you as a woman that's why I don't want any guys to be near you. And you are like my —-"

"We need to go now, I want to see my girls!I don't want to talk to you. I'm just your sister and that's it!" Jessica stop Yul from finishing his answer knowing what would it be. "Sister!!Fu**** sister!"

Feeling down and defeated, Yul glance at the mad woman beside her.

"You're my woman Sica!" Yul softly mumbled but enough for Jessica to hear. Feeling something rushing to her veins, Jessica fan her cheeks then looked once again elsewhere.

"Me too!" Jessica responded, not sure if it's the right answer but to avoid herself to mumble incoherent words she just simply shorten her response.

"Are you still upset?"

"So, What now?"

"Huh?" Yul dumbfounded but seeing Jessica brown orbs, he once again park into a safe place and took a very deep breath.

"I thought my action is very clear and you just impulsively rebel for whatever reason so I just let you off a little. I like you Jessica! Just you!" Yul bravely confessed. Jessica's cheeks heated up as it turns dark red. Her mind is a mess so she just throw herself up in Yul arms then hug the latter so tight.

Pressing his lips on top of Jessica head, Yul let out a big sigh of relief. Ow.. how scared he was letting out his feelings for he is unsure what will be the latter reaction if he will confess but seeing what's going on and having Jessica snuggled on his chest. He sure knows the blonde girls response.

Feeling Yul lips agains her head. Jessica pulled away enough to fully face the tan guy.

"You still have to court me." Jessica shyly said.

"I do?" Yul teasingly answered. Jessica covered her flushed cheeks but a big hands softly pulling off her hands off her face.

Brave enough, Yul leaned in forward and softly peck Jessica's lips. Jessica breath hitch and her eyes widen.

"How's that?"

Jessica softly poke Yul's check then rushed to buried her face against the man's chest.

"Do you like me too?" Yul asked. He also need to hear it so it will ease his worries too.

"You just kissed me!" Jessica muffled her response against Yul's chest.

"Will you better seal it with a kiss too!"

Yul lightly huff in pain after Jessica buried her fist in the latter chest.

Pulling off Yul shirt, Jessica then roughly and fast as a lightning place her lips over Yul's lips then went back again hiding her face.

"That was rough!"

"Shut up!"

Yul chuckle loudly and grab Jessica's hand then intertwined their fingers.

"It's perfect!" Yul exclaimed and sweetly smiled at her girlfriend.

"So you really love me?" Jessica curiously asked. Yul teasingly answered, " I just kissed you didn't I?"

Jessica softly punch Yul's right arm and let out a soft growl.

"Sica, I love you. I'll prove to you that what I feel is true. I'm not playing around and you know me. Knowing you feel the same boosted my confidence. From now on I'll pamper you even more." Yul honestly confessed while lovingly eyeing the blushing blonde girl.

Pressing her lips for a second, Jessica then look up meeting Yul's loving gaze. "You better!" She murmured and hug Yul once again.

"Let's go?" Yul asked.

Jessica shook her head and muttered, "Let's stay here for awhile. You said you gonna pamper me, so start it now. I want to savor every second with you. Have you heard the saying "time is gold"?" Jessica arrogantly chanted causing Yul to chuckle looking at the latter cute antics.

"Of course baby, time is gold." Yul responded and back up his seat so he'll have enough room. He then lifted Jessica up and carefully laid the latter on his lap.

"Should I call you baby too?"

Yul pressed his lips as he was thinking.

"You can call me whatever you want. I'm yours, all yours!" Yul answered and peck Jessica's forehead.

"What about mom and dad?" Jessica worriedly asked. Yul furrowed his eyebrows, confused at Jessica's worries. Does they really need to worry?