
Introduction part two

when she arrived at the Palace everyone has been informed by the Prince of they should treat her so when the guards saw her they bowed and quickly let her in when the doors to the Palace opened there where maids and butlers lined up and and greeted her and infront was the Prince and his parents and they were smiling at her and when she gotta them she curtsey and greeted them "Good morning your majesty's "; then she heard the queen say "beautiful and well mannered my dear you are welcome to this humble castle of ours"; hearing this she said

"thank you for welcoming me your majesty's "; and they smiled at her ofcourse when their son said he has a lover they thought he was joking but seeing her now they knew she had captured their sons heart beside they hadn't taken his best interest lately so they don't want to be selfish so they agreed they have a relationship because its okay to have a lover and having a political wife so after conversing a little with valentina they left because they had work to do when they left she and Jay left to go to his room and when they got in she was going to sit down but Jay had other plans he stopped her by gripping her waist and pulling her to him nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck and she couldn't help but giggle then he took along snif and kissed her neck then turned around and kissed him wanting wantingly as they kissed with so much affection from the kiss it ended up with clothes every




while somewhere in a club someone sat at bar thinking of how valentina started dating the Prince and he was angry about it ever when they dated it was valentina that broke up with him saying things can't work out between them he didn't object because he didn't want to force her but in truth he still loved her and was waiting for the right only to hear now that she is dating the Prince

"is this seat taken handsome"; hearing a voice he turned and looked up to see a hot lady infront of him checking him out yes he was handsome but its like the Prince was handsome than him so looking at her he said

"wanna go into a room and have fun ";hearing that the lady smiled and he took her out of the bar and into a nearby hotel and as soon as they entered the room they were hastily removing their clothes to get what they came her to do done.