
Love And War..

[Mature Content; No rape] "Get away from her, Norwig." His eyes were bloodshot, an icy air swirling around him.  "How dare you touch what's mine. She's my mate and you better don't look at her, unless you want to lose your eyes." Shawn threatened. He could feel Emily's shocked gaze on him, but he could hardly care.  "Mate?" Kilan asked. His eyes glanced from Shawn to Emily who was just staring at the ground. "I didn't know she was yours Anderson. And please stay calm. As you can see, she's safe." Shawn could only scoff. "What? am I supposed to thank you? Emily, let's go." Emily, with a shocked look, got dragged away by Shawn. She looked back and gave the vampire a kind smile but Shawn noticed this, so he scooped Emily into his arms, and placed her on his shoulder! "SHAWN! LET ME DOWN! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THIS!" But Shawn never said a word. He took long strides, taking the both of them to an unknown place. "Shawn! We're at an event where everyone can see us! Please let me down." She pleaded but it fell on deaf ears. "Keep quiet. Don't make me handle you roughly." Shawn had a dead serious tone, but this only made Emily angry. "YOU WOULDN'T DARE! You have no right! Not after what you did and said." Suddenly, Emily was placed on her feet and slammed against a wall. Her heart rate picked up, fear enveloping her body as she thought she had finally made him flip. They were at a far part of the estate. Shawn's piercing eyes roved her face, watching her every reaction. Anger, shock, sadness and fear flashed across her eyes.  "Are you sure about that gorgeous? Do I have to remind you that you're my mate? You're mine Emily. No one— and I mean no one— can touch or kiss your skin." Emily was about to protest this but his lips slammed against hers roughly, cutting off her air supply for a moment. She inhaled sharply, her body immediately turning into jelly at the electrifying lip lock. -----------+ Thousands of years ago, a dreadful war befell the earth. A war between two different sides. A war between light and darkness. When all of the supernaturals come together, they defeat this darkness and peace is restored on the planet. But that doesn't mean they've given up. Now, after a thousand years of peace, they return with devious intentions, stronger than ever. ----------+ Emily Hernandez is a typical teenager, but this all changes when her family moves to another country. There, she finds secrets that are beyond her and that an impending war surrounds her. This war defines her destiny and the fate of her loved ones. She now has to fight till the very end to stop these evil doers. Will she succeed? What exactly is her connection with this war? ----------+ MASS RELEASE FOR VOTES Your votes gives me motivation. So I'm going to do this; 100 powerstones a week equals 4 chapter mass release! 200 powerstones a week equals 5 chapter mass release! 500 powerstones a week equals 7 chapter mass release! *Cover belongs to the author* Thanks for giving my book a try(⁠◕∆◕)

FloxyBelle · Fantasia
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169 Chs

Chapter 11: Sightseeing

It's been a week that we've moved to Canada and things have been normal, at least for me. My parents have been extremely busy throughout this week. With their new job positions and the change of environment, they were twice as busy as usual. Meanwhile, I spent my day wallowing in my room, looking things up about Canada on the internet so that I could fit in more.

Believe me, it wasn't my idea, but Courtney's. She said that it might help me in a way. And of course I listened to her.

Other things that were part of my search history were; Hawthorne highschool, how to act cool around teenagers my age, and how to have high self-esteem.

I don't even know why I searched for the last one.

'Probably because deep down you know you need it.' My brain told me. I sighed tiredly. I have been in my room throughout today, and it was already 4pm!

This has been my daily routine for the past week. Wake up and have breakfast, watch a little bit of television or go to my room and only come down when I'm hungry. I haven't stepped outside since I met Karla. I didn't want to run into her again, especially her brother, Carl.

Not that he wasn't nice, but I just wasn't comfortable with a guy flirting with me.

'Shouldn't you be happy that a guy actually found you to be interesting? Who knows when that will happen again.' My brain told me once again.

Now I get why people always say to follow your brain. It always tells one the truth. Even though sometimes, it's extremely painful.

But it was impossible not to run into them, especially with the high probability that I will be attending Hawthorne. It was the only highschool and it's quite popular. So why don't I start now.

Our doorbell rang throughout the house. I wonder who that could be. I headed down the flight of stairs and plopped the door open. And before me was the exact person I was talking about. Karla.

"Hi Emily, can I come in?" She said with her usual beaming smile.

"Hi, sure." I wasn't that bothered about her presence. She seemed to be a normal, cool teenager. At least that's what I think.

"I haven't been seeing you. Don't tell me you've been cooping yourself up in here all day on your phone?"

'That is exactly what I've been doing.'

"I've just been busy. And I don't really know what to do around here so…"

"So? That's why you have me. I'll help you with anything." She stopped and gave me a weird look.

"It's because of my brother's behaviour right? That's why you didn't come by?"

'Yes, that's the exact reason. I'm I that obvious?'

"No, that's not why…"

"You don't have to lie. I would do the exact thing if I were in your shoes. Don't worry, he won't try such ever again." She looked very serious.

"Thanks Karla."

"No problem. Now let's go." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Go where?" I asked, completely confussed.

"Sightseeing of course. I'm giving you the VIP treatment so don't act out."

"Oh, well…"

"What are you waiting for? Go get changed….wait, you look perfect!" She then started dragging me out.

"Wait!! I have to get my bag, and my phone."

"Oh, make it quick." She let go of my hand and gave an apologetic smile. I then went back to my room. I grabbed my backpack, phone, credit card and jacket. I took a quick glance in the mirror. Karla said I looked perfect, but do I really do?

I was wearing a simple white shirt over some baggy jeans and I put on my denim jacket in case it got cold. So in all, my look was simple. That's ok, right? In a snap, I was out with Karla, hoping the day would go well.

"So where are we going exactly?"

"I'm just going to show you around. You know my favourite restaurant, stores and maybe Hawthorne High."

"Ok, sounds great."

We spent at least thirty minutes at Karla's favourite restaurant and an hour at a store. I figured that it was good, because I kinda needed to go shopping. It was actually quite fun, just like with Courtney. We came out of the store laughing.

"The look on her face when I told her that I forgot my credit card." Karla said between laughter.

"That was cruel. You literally dragged her around the store to help you find the perfect heels." The attendant had no choice but to be polite, so she followed us, actually Karla around. And when we were supposed to pay, Karla said that she had forgotten her credit card to mess with her. 

The woman was obviously annoyed beyond words. She became flushed and her eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. Later, Karla 'pretended' to have found it.

"So what's next?" I asked as I got into her car. Yes, Karla has a car. I was feeling so energised and at ease.

"Hawthorne High." I suddenly started panicking. Although it wasn't obvious. I didn't even know why I got so nervous. Within five minutes, we were at the school gates. I'd already seen the school from pictures online but God it was nothing compared to what I was seeing now. The school was definitely for the rich. Standing as tall and as breathtaking as a castle, the grounds were vast, covering at least 350,000 square feet. At least to my estimation. It was so huge! 

"Wow!" I muttered. I got out of the vehicle, but my eyes were still transfixed on the school.

"It is very beautiful and the awesomest school ever!" She exclaimed. I only hoped awesomest meant nice and normal teenagers.

"Yeah, it should."

"Anyway, it's closed now. I guess you'll be seeing the inside in less than two months."

"Yeah, sure." I said, still staring at the building. All of the things that could go wrong here flashed through my mind.

"Earth to Emily. Are you there?"

"Uhh, yes. I'm okay." Karla's eyes then shifted to a figure at her right. She then shouted a name so loud, my eardrums almost exploded.

"Gosh!!" I moaned, as I rubbed my poor ears. I looked over to where she was looking and saw a boy who also seemed shocked at Karla screaming his name. I saw him smile and run up to us. 

'Great, another introduction.'

"Karla, I appreciate your enthusiasm when you see me, but wasn't that too loud?" The boy asked. I carefully assessed him. He was probably two inches taller than Carl (Wow, did I really register Carl's height in my brain?) Light brown hair and quite handsome. Why are Canadian boys so good-looking? 

"Sorry, just wanted to say hi." She said sheepishly. I really hoped that he wouldn't notice me, but it was totally impossible.

"Great, and who's this?" He asked now with his gaze on me! I slightly gulped. Ok, just breathe Emily. This is not the first time a cute boy is noticing you. 

"Mike, this is my friend, Emily. She's new here."

"Hi Emily, any friend of Karla's is a friend of mine." He stretched out his hand and I took it.

"Nice meeting you Mike." I croaked. It actually sounded better than I expected. He gave me a big grin.

"So what are you doing at school at this time?" Mike asked Karla.

"Just showing Emily her future school."

"Oh really, another new blood. I will officially welcome you when you go through those doors." He said as he pointed to the huge wooden doors. I hummed slightly.

"What are you even doing here coming out of school?" She paused to check her watch before continuing. "It's six o'clock."

"I was just practising." He stretched his arms and his biceps bulged, showing his toned muscles. Karla smiled sheeply and turned away, a small hint of a blush rising up her cheeks. 

'He is definitely showing off.' I thought. But who wouldn't do so if they looked like he did? I mean, who has arms like that? Unless he's an athlete. Yes, he's definitely an athlete. But none of the soccer players back at Fairfield were this…built. 

'Really Emily? You're drooling over a guy you just met? Who does that?'

"Alright, I'll see you later Karla. Nice meeting you Emily, see you around." He waved at us and jogged away.

"Isn't he so cute?" Karla said with a breathy sigh. I quirked an eyebrow at her and poked her in the ribs. She immediately snapped out of her daze.

"You alright?"

"Uhh, I'm alright. Let's go." Once again, she was looking away. I might not be good at conversing with people, but I knew that she likes Mike. But seriously, who wouldn't? He's too cute! 

We got into her car and drove to my house. In twenty minutes, we were there."

"Thanks Karla, I actually needed this."

"No problem, I figured that you might be lonely. Did you enjoy the magnificent tour I gave you?"

"It was nice. So Mike is a friend of yours?"

"Umm, yeah. But he's actually one of Carl's close friends. She said shyly.

"Oh, he's really nice." For some reason, I wanted her to admit that she liked him.

"Oh, yeah and so hot." She said dreamily. She then let go of the steering wheel. She really reminded me of Courtney. 

"Hmhm, the hottest guy you've ever seen?"

'Probably the same for me?'

"Hell no! Not even close. Her phone then started to ring. She immediately picked it up. I stared at her perplexed. Can there be any guy hotter than him? I mean, I'm not falling for him or anything, it's just that he's so cute and good-looking and sweet.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." She then hung up.

"Time to leave, thanks again Karla." 

"Once again, it's no problem." With our goodbyes said, I got down and watched her drive off. It was almost dark. 

When I got into my house, I could clearly hear my mom singing. She was already back from work.

"Hey mom!" I greeted when I entered the kitchen.

"Oh honey, I was wondering where you were. How was your day?"

"Better than usual. I went shopping."

"For clothes and not for food, right?" I gave her a big grin.

"You know me so well." I sat at the counter and stared at the TV. Yes, we had a TV in our kitchen. There was nothing interesting. But then, a newsflash came on.

"Today in the southern path of Montreal, Larron estate, a body has been found. It was found next to the neighbourhood river." Mrs Hernandez's head snapped towards the television.

"The body was completely charred beyond recognition and passersby's who raised the alarm said that the body had weird circular blue markings. The police have begun an investigation to find out the victim's family. It was definitely a well orchestrated murder." The woman in the Tv said 

"That's really horrible." I frowned at the sight of people carrying a bag that definitely contained the dead person. My mom became awkwardly quiet.

"Emily, do not stay out after 8 o'clock. No matter what."

"What? But why? If it's because of the news…"

"Just do as you're told. And Larron estate is just a few miles away from here." She told me. I didn't expect that. I don't know anywhere else other than our neighbourhood. This was totally shocking! 

'Great! we moved into a murder town!'