

you've fought. lost. died many deaths at the hands of your kin's sins

Child of earth

let nemesis bear witness to your wounds

be the eyes on your quest to

break free

forgive: no you won't forget

; and break away.

Rain. it's the little things that are there to remind that life was still worth living.

Once the clouds greyed and were heavy with the possibility of a downpour. She's never missed a chance to take a seat by the window watching droplets fall from an expanse seemingly unreachable, whenever her hands caught rain water it felt like she had touched heaven itself.

the wind hummed carrying with it droplets, gently slapping them across her face and in a few minutes the gentle drops drummed the rooftop with an intensity that doubled with the passing minutes.

With her hand held out and cool drops seeping through the spaces between her fingers,she closed her eyes and drew in the calming scent of freshly watered earth wishing its solace to steal her from the miserable present.

If only wishes were horses.

Since life had taken a drastic twist letting her overdose on the bitter pills fate dished along with it she had long lost her inner peace and no matter how much it rained, the peace brought with it was no match for the turmoil bottled inside of her.

It was a tacit battle between peace and chaos and chaos had emerged victor more times than she can count.

thunder claps echoed like the screams of the many deaths of her heart at the stab of betrayal following suit of the lightening tearing across the sky.

The darker the night. The brighter the light

One strike of light swallowed the darkness spread across sky expanse.

darkness with how wide it was humbled before a string of light. darkness never curtails light.

It was a lesson. A sign that when her light would come, it would overshadow the dark days. She'll relish in it until she forgot past aches

It would come one day. She knew. but that one day seemed out of reach, Yonder.

could she survive till then? when there were thinner hopes to hold on to.

when life had reduced to nothing but a grand illusion!. not even the ones she loved and right before her eyes all she ever adored, everything her existence pinned onto faded into void and her present was painfully echoes of her yesteryears when she had been just a child, unaware of what it was to struggle to live.

Her eyes had seen more cries than smiles and her mind, barely seventeen had been cast to depths of gloom by the ones she held close.

Alas not even the sanctity of blood ties could stop human selfishness from unleashing it fangs and gobbling the whole being of its subject of target.

It was true, like mirrors, people once broken are never whole again but remain as paradigm of a scarred existence and she knew she was never going to be the same girl.

"Salima!" She heard her name from the other end of the house

Oh no she is back

As she rushed towards the door,she wondered if there was anyone in the world whose heart threatened to desert its cage upon hearing the voice of their own kin, a kin that seemed to suck up every bit of breathable air the moment they stepped in and no sooner you already wished they'll vanish and never come back but unfortunately it was your destiny to share a life with them.

Perhaps there wasn't and that's why her life was such a predicament....