
Chapter one

Melanie's PoV

The breeze seemed cool enough. Everywhere was bright and beautiful in its own way. The leaves were rustling peacefully as they were being blown away by the wind. It was on sunny days like this that I forgot my troubles.

But what if can never forget, and will remain engraved in my memory for the rest of my life, was the look on Avery's fave as I revealed the secret that was as heavy as a stone and had given me sleepless nights for the past two weeks.

Then suddenly, Avery laughed and sipped a little from the bottle of Tequila ley she was drinking.

"Honestly Mel, I could have sworn that you didn't just tell me you slept with my fiancé."

I sat down instantly. This was harder than I thought.

"Look Ave. It was nothing, okay? It was just a one-night stand. "

What was It even saying?

Mum put me up to this. In fact mum threatened me to do it. But there was no way i could tell my little sister that.

"I never should have... " I continued "And I'm not denying my responsibility or my role in it either, but this just proves that Oliver isn't the one for you. " I tried to explain.

Avery hauled me up to my feet and dragged me by my collar.

"And that was not your decision to make. How dare you, Mel? Why do you always get all that belongs to me? Why? Why don't you always mind your own business? Why do you delight in ripping me to pieces? I so much despise you Melanie. You are supposed to be my sister for crying out loud. " She screamed loudly at the top of her lungs.

I couldn't stop the tears that were filling my eyes. My heart was breaking more from the things she was saying. They were in fact the exact opposites. In actual fact, my family is complicated. I know my parents have many hidden skeletons in their cupboard as well.

When I was still a high school student, I usually had a lot of boyfriends, but my relationship always never lasted beyond three months. The reason is because Avery, with her more beautiful form, usually seduced them and lured them away from me. The reason I have a 12-year old daughter, with no husband is because Avery was caught in a hotel room with my ex-husband when Olivia was just four years old. She later told me they'd been having an affair for a very long time. The most painful part was that he didn't deny it either; and I had to divorce him. But i forgave Avery because she was my younger sister and I loved her.

"I'm so sorry Avery. I wish I could turn back ..."

The slap that landed on my cheeks stopped me from speaking further. I cradled my cheeks in my palm and backed away instantly.

"Leave my office right now. I don't wanna see you." Avery yelled.

I picked up my bag and thought of going back to my office, but at the last minute, decided against it and went home instead.


i wondered if i was doing the right or the wrong thing. I went straight to my bathroom and sat in the bathtub, as the warm water cascaded down my shoulders. Yet, i still didn't feel relaxed.

Avery was like the society princess. Everything she does or says is the right thing. She's been over pampered right from childhood. Our parents have always loved her and treated her like an only child. They've always supported her decision until this recent decision she made. She recently announced her engagement with Oliver Stone, the Chief Executive officer of JFK technologies.

Our parents disagreed because her fiancé was the son of their business rival. He was just as ruthless as his father and he was a player. Avery's naivety didn't allow her to see beyond his romantic gestures.

"Mum??!! "

That was my daughter. I got up quickly and grabbed a towel. I'd been so overwhelmed with my thoughts that I didn't hear her knocking on the bathroom door.

"Hey Liv " I kissed her on the cheeks and smiled as she hugged me back. "Aren't you supposed to be with grandma and grandpa?"

She looked worried. I held her hand and led her to the living room, still in my towel.

"Gee mum. Get dressed. We need to talk"

I searched my cupboard for something casual to wear, since i wasn't going anywhere. Being the daughter of wealthy business tycoons, I had everything I needed at my disposal.

"Hurry mum!! " Olivia yelled.

I quickly selected a pink dress that stopped just on my knees.

"So what did you want to talk to me about? "

"I... I... I.. uh.. don't really know. It's aunt Avery. " She looked scared, worried and there was also a glint of unhappiness in her eyes. I cuddled my daughter, feeling scared too.

"Okay baby. Calm down and talk to me. Tell me what really happened. "

"Okay." She sighed. "I was just telling granny and grandpa about my new project, when aunt Avery stormed in angrily. She told them she needed to talk to them. I stood up to follow them but the death glare aunt Avery shot me was enough to make me sit back down. I couldn't help but feel curious. I tiptoed to eavesdrop on their conversation. "

She pushed, looking at me.

My heart rate increased as i tried to imagine if she knew about what was going on.

"Okay baby. What did you hear? " I urged her.

"Aunt Avery told them you did something terrible to her. I couldn't hear exactly what that was, but granny replied that Melanie is really a disgrace and she has brought shame to the family. They said so many hurtful things against you and then when they finally came out, they all chased me out of the house. "

"Oh my God!! " I exclaimed, shocked at the revelation. I was more shocked by the fact that my mum was taking sides with her. Mum asked me to seduce Oliver. She asked me to do that to prove to Avery that he wasn't a good person. I did that mainly because of my mum, although it was not my intention.

I looked at my daughter who sat, watching me with intent eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby girl. Don't worry about what they said "

"That's not even the problem. I'm worried about what you did to aunt Avery "

I sighed. "It's alright Livie. I'll go see them now, okay? "

She nodded and smiled, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I knew she wanted something.

"Mummy please can I go to Leah's place for a sleepover tonight? "

I shook my head in the negative.

"No Livie. Remember we... "

"Mum!!!" She screamed. "Leah's parents have security guards, so I'll be safe. "

She was already winning and judging by the triumphant look on her face, she knew. I loved her dearly and it was practically difficult to refuse her anything.

"Okay fine. But make sure you call me every two hours. " I warned her sternly.

She laughed.

"Chill mum. I'll be fine" She kissed me on the cheeks and grabbed a little travel bag that I didn't know she'd packed. Before I could react to that, she winked at me and ran out the door, leaving me all alone in my state of turmoil.

I stood up too, and grabbed my coat with the intent of talking to Avery and trying to sort things out with her. If she won't forgive me, I'm okay with that but then she shouldn't drag my daughter into it. As I got to my car, my phone started ringing. I brought it out from my purse and saw that it was my PA.

"Hello Mia. " I said as I swiped right to accept the call.

"Miss Hart. You really need to see this. Come over to the office right now. "

"I think we've moved past the formal greetings " I rolled my eyebrows.

"You really think I'm joking, Melanie? Your recent escapades, or should I say sexcapades" She blurted out.

I held my card door tightly to stop myself from falling down. "Wait! What?! "

"This is not something to be said over the phone, Melanie. Get your fat assets down to the company right now. " She repeated and hung up on me.

This could only mean one thing that I don't even want to think about.

I opened my car door, got in and drove above speed limits to the company Avery and I managed.

Hart Industries was built solely by my father and upon his retirement, he handed it over to Avery. I was in my final year in medical school at that time. When I finally graduated as an OB/GYN, My father's company was in ruins.

My parents then begged me to leave my medical career and help to rebuild the company. That was how I became a co-partner to my greedy sister.

The entrance of the company was filled with cars. I couldn't make out what was going on so I just parked my car in a secluded spot and walked upstairs to Mia's office.