
Love and Magic: The Origins

—Meet Juliet Fitzroy, a shy girl who loves reading books. She happens to meet a boy who secretly loves her since they were kids that he finally had the chance to make a move on her. But, what if she also happens to cross paths with the boy she love since the day they met. Little do the three of them know, each of their families creates their very own magic, but has a history of each other. Would the group help them to overcome this? What would really happen between the feud of their families? Would there be fate in between Juliet and her chosen guy? Find out by reading this novel now! Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts about it. New chapter every Tuesday and Thursday in Philippines time.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasia
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46 Chs

chapter 1: plot

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


year 1958

"Well hello there, M'lady." The guy  with dark-brown hair, wearing a white button up-shirt with light brown pants greeted as he walked towards a girl.

"Oh, hi." The girl with black colored hair, wearing a simple yellow dress with buttons said while writing on a book.

"What are you writing over there?" The guy asked as he looked over to the book the girl was writing.

The girl didn't respond the guy as she is focused writing on her book.

"Alright so um, I heard from the students that there will be a science project and it will be done by pairs, for the upcoming Science Month here in our school." The guy sighed as he stopped looking over the book, then he looked at the girl.

"So I was meaning to ask you to be my partner for the project?" The guy nervously asked then she looked up at him.

"May I ask, why me?" The girl asked the guy as she looked straight at him.

"What do you mean, why me?" The guy asked as he frowned.

"Just out of curiosity because you are one of the popular guys in this school and you managed to asked a quiet girl like me." The girl replied in confusion.

"Come on, I am not that popular you know." The guy said as he smirked then the girl glared at him.

"Okay maybe I am, but you haven't answered my question yet." The guy said as he looked at the girl.

"You don't even know my name, Mr. Popular." The girl said in a sassy tone as he frowned.

"Well I pardon, Ms. Sassy or whatever your name is." The guy said as he moved his face closer to the girl.

"It's Juliet to you mister, and don't call me that ever again." The girl said as she sighed and put up her hand for a handshake.

"Well Ms. Juliet, my name is Travis. It's a pleasant opportunity to meet you." The guy said as he reached for Juliet's hand then they both shaked their hands.

"So now we both know each others' names, can you be my partner for the science project?" Travis asked as they both released each others' hands from the handshake.

"If you don't call me the nickname you gave me ever again, then I will." Juliet as she sighed.

"Great, so it's settled." Travis said as he smiled at Juliet.

Afterwards, the bell rang as all the students proceed to their respective rooms for their next sessions.

"It's nice meeting you Travis, I gotta get to class right now." Juliet said as she stood up, bringing her book and things.

"Oh please, let me walk you to class." Travis said as he helped Juliet with her things.

"Thank you but I can manage walking to class by myself." Juliet said as she smiled at Travis.

"No please, I insist." Travis said then they started walking to the English room.

"Thank you once again, Travis. See you tomorrow during the Science period!" Juliet said as she slightly grabbed her stuff from Travis.

"Likewise, M' lady." Travis said as she smiled at her then they both went to separate ways.

Timeskip to 4 hours later

"Hi Travis! Do you wanna play basketball later at my house? My mom will be baking cookies." Travis' friend asks as he walked towards Travis.

"Of course! Besides, I love your Mom's cookies." Travis replied with excitement.

"That's good to hear! Come on, let's go home already." Travis' friend said then they both walked home.

Timeskip outside Travis' house

"Hey, is it okay that I will change into my extra shirt first before we start playing?" Travis asked as he pointed at his house across the street.

"Sure, go ahead." Travis' friend said as he nodded then Travis directly went to his house and to his room.

He put down his bag and finds his extra shirt  but then, he unexpectedly found something that made him stopped from looking for his shirt.

"Ms. Sassy's book?" Travis asked in confusion.


I looked over my bag and all I see is this book that Ms. Sassy own. It is a brownish kind of book with the saying in the book cover, Diary of Juliet. I looked over my surroundings, checking if no one is around. Afterwards, I decided to open the book with a little hesitation.

In the first pages, she drew some people on it. Some are with her family, friends, then I saw a page of a boy but sadly, one fourth of the page is ripped so all I could see is the boy and girl then these words down below the drawing.

Juliet likes

Because of curiosity, I had to looked over to the other pages and see what I can find and there I saw a quote she wrote.

I blush to think what you have heard tonight. If I should you now for vows of love, I know you would say aye. . . but if you swear my love, you may prove false.

After reading that saying, I looked up then thought about it.

"Why is it familiar? Have I read something like this?" I asked to myself.

But then, I remembered one of my favorite poets of all-time. William Shakespeare. He is the one who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet.

"God why would I forget something like this?" I said as I did a facepalm to myself.

I immediately thought of why would she wrote something like that especially in her diary. I looked back at the ripped page where she drew a boy. His clothes are familiar as well as his face but I don't think I've ever saw someone like the one Juliet drew on this page.

"Oh Travis? He's still upstairs in his room." I heard my Mom talking to someone downstairs.

But I didn't bother to move, I was just stuck there thinking of who is the boy that my Juliet like. Wait, what did I just said? My Juliet? Then I heard someone coming upstairs as I was still there staring at the book.

"Travis, are you done changing with your extra shirt?" My friend asked as he walked towards my room.

"Not yet, but I will now." I stuttered as I quickly wear my extra shirt.

"What is that?" My friend said as he walked towards me then pointed at Juliet's diary.

"It's nothing at all, I swear-" I panickedly said as I stuttered then my friend grabbed the diary.

"Juliet's diary? Isn't this the Juliet girl you told me in the past two weeks? The girl you like since middle school?" He asked as he looked over the diary.

"Yes it's hers, Romeo." I sighed as I stood up then grabbed the diary.

"Why do you have her diary? And does she know about it?" Romeo asked as I put back Juliet's diary in my bag.

"I don't know, maybe it happened when I helped her by bringing her things as I walked her to class." I replied as I look up at him.

"Well, did you scanned through the pages?" Romeo asked.

"Of course, it's the girl I like we're talking about here, Romeo." I said as I did a facepalm.

"But what if its private?" Romeo asked as he frowned.

"If you have the diary of the girl you like, aren't you gonna open it?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"I mean." He said as he nodded.

"So, what was in there?" He asked as he pointed the diary that is inside my bag.

"Some drawings, oh and one of it is a drawing of the guy she likes. She even wrote a quote from a play of the famous William Shakespeare." I sighed as I opened my bag and grabbed the diary.

"She's very good at drawing." Romeo said as he scanned through the pages.

"Oh so this is the guy she likes? I must say that he doesn't look anything like you." He said as he looked up at me.

"You don't have to rub it in, Romeo. I know it's a different guy and that's what I'm trying to figure out." I said as I grabbed the diary then rolled my eyes at him.

"Well in her drawing it says that he has a curly and thick hair. So maybe those are some hints."  He said.

I looked over as I think of who is the mystery guy then I looked back at Romeo. What if it is-

"Travis, Romeo! It's getting dark already, will the both of you still play basketball across the street?" My Mom asked as she went upstairs.

"Oh yes, we will still play basketball Mrs. Johnson." Romeo replied.

"Come on Travis!" He said as I zoned out.

"Oh right, let's go!" I said then the both of us went downstairs.

Little do I know, I forgot about the thought I was thinking earlier.

~ mj <3