
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

epilogue: Rena Greene

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


"No, no, no. There is no way this is real, I-" Rafael panickedly said as he paced around the room.

"Rafael, can you please stop pacing?" I asked as I sighed.

"How can I stop pacing when you've kept this secret from me since we met-" Rafael asked as he started raising his voice then Romeo cutted him off.

"Rafael, I think Rena is right. Come on, have some boba tea to stop your pacing side." Romeo said then he sighed and sat down infront of us.

You must wonder on what is happening in here. Especially on the words that Rafael mentioned like 'secret', 'there is no way this is real' and the 'since we met'. Trust me, I couldn't even believe it either. There is a lot to take in but I have to face the reality. Wait, who am I even talking to? Right, this story I am in right now—alright in serious note. Where should I begin?

Flashback after the tragic war between the Devilio and Magicia teams

"Do you think that this whole hotel thing will work? You know, I am in a little debt at the moment-" I said then Rafael cutted me off.

"Oh no, don't worry about paying on our stay in our hotel. It is all on me besides this is all just temporary." Rafael said as he received the keys from the front desk then we walked to the elevator.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna sound rude but weren't you having financial problems back when we first met at the train?" I asked as we went inside the elevator then he clicked the number 6 button and it started moving upwards.

"Yeah about that, d-don't worry about it. The next day we met I got a job that pays enough money for my needs." He replied as he looked at me and he cleared his throat.

"Congratulations! What job is it?" I asked as I smiled then I looked back at him.

"I—uhh, like, a-assistant manager. Y-Yeah, assistant manager!" He nervously replied as he looked around.

Let's all be real in here. He is bad at lying, I had three conversations with this guy in my life and I must admit that his lying skills could do a little work.

"S-Sure, congratulations. Anyways, I wanted to ask if we will be staying on the same room together or-?" I asked as I frowned then we arrived at the 6th floor.

"Oh no we won't, because aside that I-I have a girlfriend or a-admirer back in the Philippines, I want to give you some privacy." He replied as we went out the elevator then we walked through the hallway.

"No worries, I completely understand. What rooms did you book us for, by the way?" I asked as I frowned.

"Yours is 619 while mine is 620." He replied as he pointed the rooms.

"Great, thanks Rafael!" I said as we walked to our rooms then he smiled and we went to our rooms.


At first, everything was fine. Well, until I forgot that I still have my Magicia bracelet with me. Luckily, I quickly removed it and slide it to Rafael's room which is infront of my room. Let's say that the war I was in was pretty tough, I never knew that the Devilio team would actually strike like that. Oh well, moving on.


Two weeks passed since everything happened, since I am really bored at the moment. I decided to check on Rafael because let's say that the last time we actually spoke for more than 5 minutes is the first day we are in this hotel. I left my room then I knocked on his.

"Hey Rafael?" I said.

There was no response, like at all. So, I had no choice but to knock again. You might say that he is probably sleeping, but lemme tell you this—it is literally noon. Everyone is awake by now, trust me. If this man ain't wake up by this time of the day, he might be either drinking or is actually sleeping because of everything that happened weeks ago.

"Rafael, I know you are listening to me. So, if I were you, I will open this door right this instant before-" I said as I hold the doorknob then I accidentally opened it as I cutted off my own sentence.

There he was. Lying on the floor with bottle of beers all around him, there is even spills on his clothes and some broken bottle of beers scattering on the floor. Boy, I told you I was right, he is drunk. But, damn, I never expected anything like this. I might be actually living in a teen movie right

now—alright, I'mma shut up now.

"Oh my God, what happened to you, Rafael McAdams?" I panickedly asked as I immediately went to him then I tried to slap him so that he could wake up.

Nah, he isn't awake. Oh well, I guess I have to bring him to his bed as I take care of this mess after all. Timeskip from all the cleaning his mess, thank you to the cleaners of the hotel. I sat down on a chair next to him as he slowly opened his eyes.

"H-Heather?" Rafael said as he looked at me.

"Uh no, I'm pretty sure I'm way far looking like your Heather." I said as I did my confused face then someone knocked on a door.

"Come in!" I said then the door opened as he went inside the room.

"J-Jonathan?" Rafael said as he looked at the man who just came inside.

"Rafael, it's me, your Grandpa Romeo. R-Rena called me and told you that you are very drunk. A-Are you okay?" Romeo asked as he walked towards Rafael.

"Oh right, G-Grandpa Romeo, i-it's been awhile." Rafael said as he slowly sat up and they looked at each other.

"Well, it is the weekends so I do need to pay you a visit." Romeo said as he sat down next to Rafael.

"But, it seems like you and I need to talk to each other." Romeo continued.

"I-I think its best if I head outside for a bit." I nervously said as I stood up.

"Sure, Rena." Romeo said then I walked away and left as I closed the door.

Yes, I know I did say that I will head outside and I might sound rude but trust me it is all part of a plan. Anyways, I closed the door as I listened to Romeo and Rafael's conversation inside the room.

"Alright, what do you want to talk about?" Rafael asked as he sighed.

"I haven't had the chance to talk to you about you being one of the villains of the Devilio team you joined in after the war that happened weeks ago. Do you mind if you will talk to me right now?" Romeo asked.

"S-Sure, I guess." Rafael replied.

"But, about that, I just want to start off by saying I'm really sorry, like I am genuinely sorry. I knew joining our enemies' team would be a bad choice, I knew that from the very beginning. But, Maria couldn't stop threatening me with all my nightmares coming to life, you know how much I get easily afraid and how I sort of tried to overcome those until she showed up. Aside from that, I-I was dealing with financial problems for the past weeks before we traveled back to the Philippines. I wanted to tell you so bad but I know you have been dealing with high blood pressure these days and I didn't want to be a burden to you. That's why I had no choice but to agree to Maria's offer. I swear I never thought that we or they would go this far and as we took a flight to New York City, I had to break things off between me and the Devilio team." Rafael continued as he started tearing up then Romeo and I gasped.

"As I've continued to be in the team, she won't stop threatening me if I won't do on what she asked me to do. Then those nightmares will appear again and again until Juliet helped me through with it-" He said then Romeo cutted him off.

"Wait, Juliet helped you? Like m-my Juliet Fitzroy?" Romeo asked as I did my confused face.

"Y-Yes Grandpa but anyways, I tried so hard to keep it to myself because I needed the money so I continued to be strong infront of all of you. Until these past weeks, Travis' words can't get off of my mind and all the other bad things I did to you and for both teams. Th-That's why I am drinking all the pain because m-maybe I could forget all over it but I was wrong. I-I am really sorry Grandpa, please forgive me. I know I made a huge mistake to you, to Heather, her parents and especially the Magicia team. None of this would happen if only I chose to be brave and strong to Maria back then." Rafael replied as he started crying.

Damn and I thought this guy is livin' a life and the same guy whom I met in a NYC train. I guess we will never judge anyone before we actually get to know them.

"Grandson, to be honest with you, I-I wasn't really expecting all of this but everything is over and we couldn't change the past anymore. I know you are a kind-hearted person and that you have a logical explanation for all of it. Of course I will forgive you even though I am a little mad deep inside of me but I only have a few time left in this world and I don't want to hold a grudge on you and any of your bad choices. You are one of the people I have in this world, you mean the world to me. I love you my Grandson but you must promise me that you will never be on the bad side ever again and you won't drink any beers anymore. You know that it is bad for your health and it isn't the solution for any of our problems." Romeo said as Rafael sobbed.

"From now on, I want the both of us to be honest with each other. No more secrets, no more lies, okay?" Romeo continued.

"Thank you Grandpa, you're the best Grandpa in the whole world. I don't know what would happen to me without you." Rafael said as Romeo chuckled.

"You're welcome Rafael, same to you too." Romeo said.

"Anyways, since you told me everything already, I guess its my turn to tell you something which is one of the reasons on why I suddenly came in here." Romeo continued.

"Sure Grandpa, what is it all about?" Rafael asked.

"Rena! Please come in here." Romeo said then I sighed and I opened the door as I went inside.

"Rena and I wanted to tell you something for awhile now and it seems like we finally found the right time for it." Romeo said as I sat down next to Rafael then Rafael did his confused face.

"But before we will talk, you must promise to hear us out first." Romeo continued then Rafael slowly nodded.

"Rafael McAdams, I-I am not just some ordinary girl you've met in the train a month ago. I-I.." I nervously said then I took a deep breath.

"I'm Selena McAdams, you, Olivia and I are triplets." I continued then Rafael gasped as Romeo nodded.

~ mj <3