
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

chapter 34: second mission

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


"Oh hey Avior! Travis and Gemini are currently in the lobby while eating their breakfasts." I said as I bring all the necessary things and Avior walked towards me.

"Great, let's head together." Avior said as he smiled then I smiled back and we walked to the lobby.

"Hey Avior?" I said then he looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked as he frowned.

"I-I just want to let you know that you are such a great person and once we will finally defeat the Devilio team, I hope we could get to know more each other more in the real world." I replied.

"O-Of course, sure no problem." He said then I nodded.

"Hey you two, Maria already sent us the portal to the parallel universe. I'll give you atleast five minutes to eat your packed breakfasts then we will head to the parallel universe." Travis said as we arrived at the lobby.

"Sure thing, Travis." Avior and I said at the same time then we sat down.

"So, is no one gonna ask why Travis looks and talks young right now?" Gemini asked as she stood up.

"Oh about that, I did use a spell for it so that I can fight along side with you guys." Travis replied as he looked at her.

"So, it's fine for you to get physically hurt?" I asked as I grabbed my breakfast.

"Of course, this young age spell won't affect anything on my actual age." Travis replied as Avior and I started eating our breakfasts then the users and I nodded.

Timeskip after eating breakfasts and travelling through the portal Maria sent us, we finally arrived at the parallel universe. I looked around as I admired the beautiful surroundings. It's twice as better as both the real world and the Magicia portal.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Gemini asked as I looked at her and she walked towards me.

"Yes it is." I replied as she looked back at me.

"Just like in some movies or tv shows." She replied as she chuckled.

"I agree with that, Gemini." I said as I looked back up at the sky.

"Not calling me Sassy bird or Miss Sassy anymore?" She asked as she smirked.

"Nah, I would like to be a good guy once." I replied then she laughed.

"You remind me of someone." She mumbled.

"What did you say?" I asked as I looked back at her.

"Nothing." She replied.

"Gemini, Zane! Let's go!" Travis said as we turned at him and Avior then we followed them.

After a five-minute walk, we arrived at the location where Maria sent us.

"This is it." Travis said as we stopped walking.

"Under maintenance?" Avior asked.

"I think Maria is tricking us, Travis." Gemini said as she looked at Travis.

"But this is the exact location." Travis said as he sighed.

"Why don't we just head inside and prepare our weapons in case it is a trap?" I asked as I looked at them then all of them nodded.

I opened the manhole as the others followed me. Once we arrived, we looked around, holding up our weapons.

"Alright everyone, stick to the plan-" Travis said then he cutted off his own sentence because of a black smoke surrounding us.

"Is it too late to say that I am asthmatic?" Gemini asked as all of us coughed.

"Welcome my fellow Magicia team or should I say my enemies." Maria greeted as she evilly grin and appeared from a distance.

"I never knew we would set up our props before we start the battle." Avior said then he cleared his throat.

"Oh honey, the battle has already started." Maria said as she walked towards us then we did our confused faces.

"Look down." She continued then we did so.

Great, now we are trapped in some chain. Little do we know, Maria brings out her hand with her Devilio Magic on it as I looked up and pulled up the shield.

"Prepare everyone, this isn't a drill." I said as I looked over at them then they nodded.

"By the power of Magicia, I ask to use the power of Destruction to destroy the chain below us." Avior recited a spell as Travis gasped then he brings out his hand and destroyed the chain.

"Avior, what did I tell you about using your Magicia?" Travis asked as he started raising his voice and they looked at each other.

"Just let it be Travis, Avior did the right thing for us to defeat this villain." Gemini said as she glared at Maria and we walked towards Maria.

"Oh, so we are really starting now, huh? Cue music." Maria said as she evilly smirked then she snapped her fingers.

[A/N: Play 'Survivor' by 2WEI as you read the next parts of this chapter.]

The music started playing as Travis and Gemini pulled out their weapons while Avior and I stand before them to protect them from Maria. Suddenly, someone walked out from a room.

"Seems like I just arrived on time to the party." The guy said as we faced at him.

"Great call, Saville." Maria said as she evilly smirked and they stood next to each other.

"Who is that?" Gemini and I asked at the same time.

"Her mystery ally." Travis replied.

"By the power in me, I demand to use my wind smoke power and surround it on them." Saville recited a spell as we walked backwards.

A huge wind surrounded us, with a huge dark smoke. We coughed once again as we closed our eyes. Afterwards, Maria pushed all of us with her extreme power.

"Gemini, use your Super Senses right now as you find Juliet while we use our weapons to physically defend them." I whispered as we looked at each other.

"I don't know if all of you are deaf, because I literally told-" Travis said then I cutted him off.

"Just trust me in this, okay?" I said then he sighed and Gemini nodded.

"By the power of Magicia, I ask to use the power of Super Senses on Juliet Fitzroy." Gemini recited the spell as we slowly stood up.

"Travis, your mind reading power!" I said then he nodded.

Travis used their powers as we ran towards Maria and Saville. Avior and I pulled out our swords and my shield as Maria and Saville bring out their hand with their magic spells. Gemini, in the other hand, crawled as she passed by to Juliet's room.

"Travis, watch out!" Avior shouted then he ran to protect Travis from Saville.

As I looked at them, I saw Maria in the corner of my eyes running towards me. Luckily, I immediately faced to her and hit her with my shield. She fell to the floor as she grunted in pain then I looked down at her.

"Look Maria, I don't wanna hurt you even a little bit, just give up with your stupid Devilio Magic and let us free. We can be a team to fight with any bad people will face in the future." I said as I glared at her and she panted then she looked back at me.

"You'd really think that I would lose my own battle, Zane?" Maria asked as she evilly glared at me.

"H-How did you-?" I asked in confusion as she immediately stood up then she grabbed me on my neck.

"Come on Zane, I know you don't wanna be weak infront of the person you like, right?" Maria asked as I grunted in pain.

"Y-You left me no choice, M-Maria." I said in anger then I punched her and she fell down to the ground.

"By the power of Magicia, I ask to use the power of Telekinesis to control Maria." I recited a spell then I brings out my hand and faced it towards Maria.

"Not this stupid magic." Maria said as she groaned.

"Stop what you are doing or I will put you in much danger." Saville said in anger as he puts his hands together with a Devilio Magic in between.

"I don't think so, Saville." Avior said as he and Travis walked towards me.

"Avior, use your destruction power now!" Travis said from behind then Avior stood still.

"Avior?" I said as I looked at him then I looked at Maria as she clenched up her fist and I did my confused face.

I bring out my hands as I controlled Maria then she panted as she released her fist from clenching. Avior and I looked at each other then I nodded and he faced back at Saville.

"Destruction!" Avior said as he puts his hand together and his power appeared in between him.

Saville and Avior puts their hands upfront with their magics, coming from their hands. As Travis walked towards Maria, holding the Fortune Telling's crystal ball.

"Hands on the crystal ball, Zane." Travis said then I nodded and controlled Maria to put on her hands on the crystal ball.

"Maria, show me your plans all along." Travis said as he closed his eyes.

"It's time to give up, Avior. You have done enough already." Saville said in anger as I looked at them in confusion.

"Try me." Avior said then he pushed his Destruction power more towards Saville.

Travis whistled at me as I looked at him then he frowned. Afterwards, Gemini arrived with a girl which I'm guessing it's Juliet. They walked towards us as they panted.

"They are planning to destroy the holder of the Magicias all along." Travis said as Gemini, Juliet and I looked at him then I gasped.

"That's not true!" Saville shouted as he looked at Travis.

"It is." Juliet said as she glared at Saville.

"I'll explain later. Avior, do it now!" Gemini shouted.

Avior's Destruction power finally destroyed Saville's power as Saville panickedly panted. Gemini looked around, using her Super Senses power then she grabbed Avior and Juliet.

"Travis! Zane! Quick, the stones in this place will fall over anytime soon!" Gemini shouted as Travis and I looked at her.

Travis and I nodded as Travis removed his crystal ball from Maria. I used both of my hands by controlling Maria and Saville then I pushed them using my power to the wall as they hit the Devilio's crystal ball. A huge dark smoke appeared from the crystal ball as it surrounded both of them.

"Hurry! Climb up now!" Juliet shouted as she, Gemini and Avior climb up then we followed them.

The moment all of us arrived above the ground, the place exploded as stones fall down to Maria's lair. We panted and grunted in pain as Avior worriedly looked at us.

"A-Avior, are you okay? You seem d-distant." I said as I worriedly looked at him then the rest looked at him as well.

"I-I'm good, I just feel like I am draining, th-that's all." Avior said.

Why does he feel different?

~ mj <3