
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

chapter 19: different povs

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


"It's complicated." Juliet said as she sobbed.

"It's complicated, I-" I said then I immediately covered my mouth as I realized what I said.

"Heather? Heather, are you home?" Rafael shouted from outside.

"Who is that?" Lauren asked as she looked at me.

"U-Uhh, m-my boyfriend—I mean, I don't know what he is t-to m, b-but he is in between the friend and b-boyfriend zone, you know?" I nervously replied then I did a nervous laugh.

"J-Just take care of those earrings of yours and see you in the weekend." Lauren said then I nodded and she went back to her portal.

"Yes, I'm here!" I said as I shouted back and I opened the door.

"Hey Juliet, are you okay? I'll talk to you in a few minutes, okay?" I said as I whispered, touched my earrings and I walked to the door.

"S-Sure, Heather." Juliet said then I released my fingers from my earrings and I opened the door.

"Hey princess! There wasn't traffic on the highway, that's why I arrived so early than I expected." Rafael said as he chuckled.

"G-Great! D-Did you read my text?" I asked as I smiled and he went inside.

"O-Oh, you texted?" He asked as he pulls out his phone from his pocket.

"It seems like my phone died when I was on the way here. What was on your text by the way?" He asked as continued as he tried to turned on his phone then he looked at me.

"I-I was sort of asking if you could buy some ice cream around the corner-" I replied as I looked back at him then he cutted me off.

"Oh sure, I could get ice cream if you want to-" He said as he puts down his backpack and walked to the door then I stopped him from walking as I grabbed his arm.

"No, it's okay I could just buy some ice cream in another time." I said as he looked at me.

Then there it happened. We stared at each others' eyes just like in some romance movies where they will soon end up kissing and kissing and—wait, what am I even saying? He isn't planning to kiss me, right? But then, he slowly leaned in as I started shaking like I wanna push him away, but at the same time, wanted to kiss him—then bang, we got a notification at the same time in our phones which cutted off our moment.

He did an awkward face as we pulled out our phones from our pockets then the notification I got is from Juliet saying..

What did you said about you not in the lovey dovey section at the moment? ;)

"Who is that?" Rafael and I asked at the same time as we looked up at each other.

"M-My dog." He replied at the same time as I did.

"I-I mean, my b-bestfriend." We nervously said then we faked a laugh and looked back at our phones.

At this point, I don't even know if you're actually guiding me or stalking me 🤦🏻‍♀️ I texted back.

"I-I better get going to my room a-and arrange this stuff." Rafael said as he chuckled.

"Oh yeah, you will be using the guest room for awhile." I said as I looked at him and he started walking through the hallway.

"Sure then." He said then he left and sighed in relief.

I went to my room and I looked at my phone then realized it's already Thursday then I touched my earrings to communicate with Juliet.

"If you're hear to be mad at me for thinking that I am stalking you or interrupting your guys' moment, I'm really sorry." Juliet said.

"What are you talking about? I am not mad, but can you atleast choose the times you will guide especially in a private time?" I asked as I sighed.

"I'll try my best. So, I see that you and Rafael were about to kiss?" Juliet asked as she chuckled.

"Oh no, don't even mention the 'about to kiss' moment. Besides, you know that I was shaking at that time." I replied as I groaned and sat on my bed.

"Yes I know, I can literally feel you." She said as she chuckled then I sighed.

"But in serious note, why does my phone say it is already Thursday when it clearly was Tuesday before I went to the parallel universe?" I asked as I frowned.

"Oh about that, the parallel universe's time goes faster unlike the real world, so particularly you've gone in here for over two days." She replied.

"I see why, speaking of real world, wh-what happened to you the moment Lauren the guardian of the Magicias showed up literally from my phone?" I asked then she sighed.

"Sh-She was my bestfriend back in the time and I had tears of joy that I get to see her now." She replied as she chuckled.

"Well get ready for some tissues, because I will meet up with her in the weekends and mostly everyday of my life starting today." I said as I chuckled back.

"Oh I will, don't worry." She said.

"Also, do you think your man is hiding something from you? Even though I am not in the real world, I can sense when someone is being secretive with something." She continued.

"He probably just felt awkward after our 'almost kiss', besides I'm sure he is an honest gentleman." I said as I chuckled.


7 minutes ago

"Oh sure, I could get ice cream if you want to-" I said as I put down my backpack and walked to the door then Heather stopped me from walking as she grabbed my arm.

"No, it's okay I could just buy some ice cream in another time." Heather said as I looked at her.

Then an awkward silence happened. We stared at each others' eyes, its like I've been with the most beautiful girl for so many years. Wh-Why did I just confessed to her this late? Maybe its God's perfect time after all. Little did I know, I am slowly leaning in to kiss her, but then I started sensing that she is shaking inside. As I was trying to stop myself, we got a notification at the same time in our phones which cutted off the moment.

I did an awkward face as we pulled out our phones from our pockets then the notification I got is from an unknown number saying..

What do you think would happen if you and your lovebird end up in love a quarrel once I will send her this mail through her mailbox?

"Who is that?" Heather and I asked at the same time as we looked up at each other.

"M-My dog." She replied at the same time as I did.

"I-I mean, my b-bestfriend." We nervously said then we faked a laugh and looked back at our phones.

The mail that this unknown number will send says, What if I'll tell you miss Heather if your new lovebird is also seeing another girl behind your back? Then a picture of me and the drunk girl from the bar weeks ago closed to each other when we are literally far at each other during that time.

"I-I better get going to my room a-and arrange this stuff." I said as I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, you will be using the guest room for awhile." She said as she looked at me and I started walking through the hallway.

"Sure then." I said then I left and closed the guest room's door.

You won't dare sending that to her. Please leave me alone or I'm calling the cops. I texted back then I looked up and saw Heather infront of me.

"H-Heather? What are you doing here?" I nervously asked then she walked towards me with a glare.

"Debt? Rafael, what does this mean? I-I may sound like a golddigger, but I'm not, I just want you to tell me the truth." Heather replied in anger.

"H-Hey Heather, listen I can explain-" I nervously said then she cutted me off.

"Why didn't you told me you are having financial problems? Y-You could've just told me that you are struggling, because I can help you-" She said in anger then someone cutted her off.

"He's worthless anyway, we can just leave to New York without him." A familiar voice said in the background.

"D-Dad?" I said as I mumbled.

"You don't deserve by having this Magicia bracelet after all the lies you told to me, Rafael McAdams!" Grandpa Romeo said as he walked towards me.

"G-Grandpa? How did you got here?" I asked as I walked backwards.

"You're a liar! I don't even know why I chose to be with you with or without label!" Heather shouted in anger.

"Stop." I mumbled as I closed my eyes then covered my ears.

"Rafael McAdams? More like Problematic McAdams." My grade school bullies said then they did an evil laugh.

"You're the reason why your Mom and Dad died, you are nothing but a failure to everyone." Grandpa Romeo said in anger.

"Stop it!" I shouted as I started to tear up then I slide down to the floor and unintentionally put my fingers on the bracelet.

"Don't you want for these scenarios to happen to you, Rafael? Join me, be apart of the Devilio Magic team. I'm your only hope to get rid of these nightmares." Maria said in my head as I started shaking and the people and voices paused.

"I-I.." I mumbled as my surroundings turned to color black.

"Be part of the team Rafael or your worst nightmares come to reality." Maria said in anger as I panted.

"Alright! I will, just please stop this!" I shouted as I opened my eyes then the voices and the people in the room disappeared.

"Great choice Rafael, you do have some serious nightmares, glad I was able to use them." Maria said then she did an evil laugh.

"P-Please don't do those again, I promise I'll be on your team." I said as I panted.

"As long as you do your promise, I'll think about it first. Now, since you are part of us, your Magicia bracelet will now be connected with the Devilio ring." She said.

"Alright, alright, what should I do afterwards?" I asked as I sighed.

"Now you wait and I will send you a text message once the plan is settled." She replied.

"Okay, see you soon, I better start doing my routine." I said as I slowly stood up.

"Alright then, but remember, if you dare to betray me in any ways, I will break my promise and all your nightmares will come to life." She said in anger.

"I won't, I won't." I said as I sighed then I removed my fingers from the bracelet.

I sighed as I wiped my tears then I opened the door and went to the kitchen. Suddenly, Heather and I bumped into each other as she left her room.

"I-I'm really sorry." We said as we looked up at each other.

"If you don't mind me asking, but are you okay?" Heather worriedly asked then I looked down.

"I.." I replied.

If you dare to betray me in any ways, I will broke my promise and all your nightmares will come to life. I recalled Maria's words.

~ mj <3