

Prince Haoran has never seen anyone eat as much as the lady in front of him.

"Suzhen" he called.

She looked up at him and smiled as if urging him to continue.

"About the marriage with the prince of Naishi" he said as he observed the smile on suzhens lips slowly slip away from her beautiful face.

Suzhen sighed. She stood up from the small gazebo they we're in and walked along the fish pond. "I have already accepted my fate" she tried to sound calm but prince Haoran sensed the nervousness in her voice as it breaks down. She must be in so much pain. Not physically but emotionally. Who would want to be in a loveless marriage.

Prince Haoran stood from his seat and walked towards her. Turning her around to face him he saw tears attempting to fall the beauty's eyes.

They made eyes contact but suzhen breaks it. She felt embarrassed that prince Haoran saw her like this; weak.


This is not the first time.

"Suzhen,look at me" she heard him say but she couldn't. His eyes were like an abyss,meant to trap you into his wrath. And she couldn't think straight whenever she looks into his eyes.


No reaching.

"Li suzhen!" He commanded.

She did just so. Their eyes met and Li suzhen was lost in his eyes. Tears now started to fall. Why is being so emotional?

The sun is setting. Tommorow,the day when suzhen will meet the crown prince of Naishi and once their marriage is finalized,she will leave this place and go to Naishi. By a chance she might become empress or not. But all she wants is to live a normal life. Find love ,have children and grandchildren and life will go on until her last breathe. But why is life so cruel to her?

"Suzhen,just know that I'm here for you and always will be. I'll won't let you be sad,okay?"

Prince Haoran didn't think twice before saying what he just said but he knows that it must be his heart and that's confusing him. Why is he saying this to someone that he just met two months ago and they never really talked to each other much till today.

Suzhen slowly nodded.

She'll leave.So she has to do it now, whether it'll lead her to her death or not but she's willing to try to take the risk. What's the point of leaving a long life full of sadness than a short life full of happiness.

It's now or never.

Looking at him straight in the eye she said "I'm sorry, Ah-hao"

"Sorry for wh-" before he could finish his sentence, suzhen pressed her lips against his.

Prince Haoran was caught by surprise. She kissed him so softly. And her lips - the taste of Jasmine and rose tea. He didn't know if it was the tea she just drunk or... but nevertheless,he kissed her back.

Wrapping his arms around her slim waist,he enjoyed this moment. Their lips went in sync as if they did this before.

As she tip toed to wrap her arms around his neck,years rolled down on her cheeks.

She thought prince Haoran will shout at her,hit her or throw her in prison but to her surprise he kissed her back.

She never imagined her first kiss to be like this : filled with sorrow and not pleasure. This is just way too painful.

well, at least she kissed the person she loved. Yes. Suzhen loves prince Haoran and forever will.


"Announcing the arrival of the young miss,Li suzhen. Daughter of Duke Li Tai zhong and Duchess Li Feijing" The Eunuch announced the arrival of Li suzhen as she walked in the throne room with grace.

A week had pass and today suzhen was going to meet the prince of Naishi,after today there is no going back.

"Greetings Your majesties, highnesses." She curtsied just right. A perfect bent of her back.

"You may rise, little girl" stated the emperor.

Suzhen slowly lifted her head and smiled lightly. Yeah,with no reason.

"Hope you know who your getting married to" The emperor began. "This is the prince of Naishi. Prince Luo" he gestured to the person on his left.

Suzhen looked at the prince of Naishi. Their eyes met and he smiled as he winked at her.

He has dark brown eyes,thin lips, a perfect angular nose and chin. He would have been handsome in her eyes if she wasn't marrying him.

The moment he winked, suzhen looked away. 'Annoying' she cursed.

"Why don't you get to know each other first" suggested the empress.

"Fern" she called one of her ladies-in-waiting.

Fern came closer to the empress and bowed "My Lady"

"Please escort the crown prince and young miss to the royal garden-" but was cut off by prince Lou.

"No need,your highness. The young miss will lead the way"

He stood up and walked down the leading stairs for the platform. Once he was standing in front of her,he took her right hand and kissed the back of it. Smiling,he said "Please show the way"

Suzhen felt disgusted the moment he kissed her hand. But she can't show it.

Reluctantly she gestured the way "Right this way, your highness"


"Suzhen" he called.

Suzhen, who was thinking about how she was going to run away from him,looked up "Yes, your highness" She responded slowly.

"It's Luo" he corrected.

"Huh? But your highness"

"Just call me by my name, that's an order"

"I dare not"

"Okay,when we are the two of us,call me by my name. But wh

en we're in public,call me by title.okay?"

Suzhen nodded. The last thing she'd want to do is mention his name.

When they reached the garden, suzhen was caught by surprise when prince Luo suddenly pinned her to the wall nearby with her hands above her head, intertwining with his.

"Your highness,w- what have I done" she asked,scared of what he was going to do because their faces were now inches apart.

Suzhen couldn't breathe properly with his closeness.

He cupped her face with his hands. What a smooth,pale skin. She's a great beauty. And she will be the woman that he wanted to please him.