
Brandon and Darrina Finally Get Married

It's been a few days since Bae and Gerwyn's wedding and the castle is electric with anticipation for Brandon and Darrina's wedding. Bae hosted a dinner party for them, and everyone has eating, drinking, and having fun. Rath has brought a fresh batch of his whiskey, and the boys were playing truth or drink. The guys were laughing and having fun when the king walked in, and everyone stood up. "Your majesty!" everyone said at once. Bae waved his hand down and everyone sat, and Rath poured a drink for him. "Thank you, Rath. Are you boys playing that delightful game?" asked Bae. "Yes, please join us your highness." said Brandon. Bae sat and looked at Brandon with a twinkle in his eye. "Brandon, are you excited for tomorrow?" asked Bae. "Yes, I can't wait to marry Darrina. I just wish my parents were here to share in the joy." said Brandon.