
Love and destruction in another world

alex111black · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


After hearing Yui's questions, Reo observes his surroundings and sees that he and his friends are not in their classroom, he sees those people are not speaking Japanese and he can't understand a word that they are talking. 

In a faraway mountain which is filled with green grass, plants and trees, there is a cave which is closed by a giant boulder, inside that cave, there is a black sword resting on the ground and absorbing some glitter particle which was present in the air. That black sword shoots black lighting in the direction of a city, that black light travels through the city and enters a palace and dive down to an underground room where those 4 are standing. That black light enter in that room without anybody noticing it and enter Reo's body when it entered his body he started to understand the language in which those people were talking and learn how to help his friends understand this language as well, before he can tell anything to his friends one those 12 people starts to moving and make a group of 3 line and 4 rows, a person who is in front of middle line come forward and remove his hood and robe but for those 4 it become  quite a surprise because that person is not a guy but a beautiful girl with blond hair and green eyes she look like a fairy tail princess. She comes near to those 4 and chants something and golden light starts to glow but this time a golden ring is floating around their neck and it is about to touch their neck that suddenly a black light breaks those golden rings and gives them the ability to understand this world's language. 

Itsuki looked at that blond girl and asked her with confusion," Who are you people and what was that light ring just now."

After hearing Itsuki's question that blond girl look at those 4 neck and see that golden ring didn't work so she smile warm heartedly at them and says in a friendly manner, " Welcome 'Another world humans' to our world 'Mellrth' and those golden light is to help you understand our language so we can talk to each other and understand each other. My name is Azaliya Von Matrik, you can call me Azaliya. Please come with me. Our Emperor wants to meet you and wants your help. That's why our world's goddess sent you 4 to help us."

She do a hand gesture and one of those 12 want out to inform their king about summoning and Azaliya starts to guide them to throne room where king is waiting for them, while they were walking Azaliya tells them that they are in another world where they can use magic and everyone has the affinity toward a certain try of magic and geography of this world. This world is divided into 7 nations: 3 nations which are ruled by humans, 2 ruled by beastman and dwarfs, 1 ruled by elf and fairy and 1 ruled by demons, right now they are in the Asmil empire, one of the human nations which share a border to demon nation. While they are talking about this they find themselves in front of the Emperor and see everybody is kneeling down toward the Emperor. 

A soldier comes forward and shouts," You are in front of our Emperor so you have to kneel down." He looks like an aggressive person. 

When that soldier told them to kneel down those 4 where get little irritated and Itsuki says while losing his temper," First you summoned us here without our concern and now you want us to kneel down for you bullshit I don't want to kneel down and I not going to kneel down."

When Itsuki tells them that he is not going to kneel down, that soldier gets angry and tries to attack Itsuki, he starts running toward Itsuki to beat him to a pulp. Itsuki watches him quite amusingly, he is about to hit Itsuki on his face but someone stops his punch with his palm. Soldier feel power in front of Reo who is hold his punch with his palm, Reo who always look calm now look angry he punch that soldier on his chest and throw him by that punch, his silver armour get a dent where Reo just punched him and now he is coughing but Reo ignore him and now he is look at the Emperor and tell him in angry way," If you are going to behave like that then, we better go somewhere else and try to find a way to go our home back."

Hearing Reo's words Emperor exhale air and say in a calm way, " What he did is wrong and you already punished him, it's just culture difference in this world if you don't kneel before a member of a imperial family that mean you are looking down at him and didn't give him respect that why he got angry at your friend but we don't harbour any ill will toward you. I personally ask for your forgiveness for his actions but I also want to see how strong the chosen one really are that's why I didn't stop him."

Yui says to Emperor respectfully," Emperor my name is Yui Nora and they are my friends Reo Konishi, Itsuki Hara and Sarena Asato ( she point at everyone when she introduce them ) we are willing to help you but we don't know how can we 4 help you when your whole army can't help you."

The Emperor says in a heavy old man voice," Miss Yui....."

Yui interrupted him and said, " Only Yui is fine, you don't have to use 'Miss'."

Emperor says, " Ok so, Yui we want your help to save this nation as you already know our nation share a border to demon nation and 1000 year ago we 7 nation take a oath to first hero that we will never start a war again and made a peace treaty if any nation's army attack any nation then according to treaty other 6 nation will attack that nation and destroy that nation completely that why I can't use my army to fend off the enemy, I need your help in that."

Sarena asks the Emperor, " If a demon nation is invading your nation, why don't other 5 nations help you to destroy them?"

Emperor says in little angry voice," The reason is because demon nation says that those people that is attack us are exiles and bandits so they are not responsible for that but those exiles and bandits are as strong as my elite knight so normal soldiers can't defeat them and after so many years no one fear the oath so everyone wants a reason to invade one another, to stop this we summoned you guys if one of you have the title Hero then he can make all this nations peaceful again."

Itsuki says in cheerful ways," Hero, how can we find out who is the Hero among us."

Seeing Itsuki's cheerfulness, the Emperor laughs and says," In this world we all have a status bar which can indicate our power, level, title and skills. You just need to focus and call for your status bar to appear before you. See you titles and help us."

After knowing how to use the status board all 4 of them give it a try and see what their status is. First Itsuki opens his status window and others are looking at him, to know what his job will be. When he opens his window he sees he is already at level 20 and has high mana capability but his magic attack power is not so high which makes it look like a support character, so he looks a little bit disappointed. 

He looks at others and says in a disappointing way," Looks like I am a support type of character by my stats."

When the Emperor heard that he also looks disappointed but he smile and says, " Itsuki you don't have to worry about being a support type worrier, they are also very important in battles and if you work hard you can also learn new skills which can help you become a offensive type worrier so you don't have to worry you just have to work har...."

When the Emperor is about to finish his sentence Itsuki interrupts him and says," I have the main  job of the divine summoner and sub-job of the tamer and some good abilities too."

Azaliya's eyes were wide open when she heard that Itsuki got the job of the divine summoner, she told Itsuki, " Sir Itsuki you have 1 of the 10 Divine titles and Hero is also one of those 10 divine titles so you have equally good title as a Hero. You don't have to worry about anything because divine summoner summon creatures to do his work so he don't need that much of attack power."

When Itsuki heard that he has an equally good title as hero, he said with excitement," I know it, I get a good job and also get good abilities like summoning, taming, appraisal, item box and elemental magic. They are pretty good abilities."

While Itsuki is talking about his ability and skills Yui comes forward and says," Ohhh I have the title of Hero." She has a mocking grin on her face when she is looking at Itsuki. ( She has level 18 but she didn't say it, she saw her status to everyone so she don't have told them her level every one can see that by themselves )

When she says that everyone looks at her with excitement but Reo and Sarena are still looking for their titles. 

When Itsuki sees that Sarena and Reo are still looking for their title, he asks them," What about you 2 did you find out your title or you need our help Reo, Sarena."

Sarena looks at Reo and then she looks at Itsuki and says," I also get two titles one is sorceress queen and another one is Saint. I also have magic domain ability, ability to use every type of magic and  some healing magic and offensive type of magic. ( she looks at Yui ) Yui what ability you get." ( She also shows her status board to others, she is level 18 as well.)

Yui says with a confident smile, " I have some cool skills as, absolute barrier, judgement strike and I can use fire, water, wind, earth and light magic."

After finishing her sentence she came near Reo and asked him," Reo, Reo what you get for yourself." She looked at him in a cheerful way. 

Reo looks at her and then others and says, " Well I have 3 jobs but my main job is showing question marks instead of any name. I said I didn't meet the requirement to unlock the main job but my side jobs are necromancer and Saint."

( He is level 31 highest among all four of them )

Itsuki says in envy, " Those two are pretty cool jobs you got there, why you always got so much mystery around you well leave it and tell me what your skills are."

Reo scratch his head and smile awkwardly before saying," Do you really want to know."

Itsuki says angrily," Just tell us what you get, you don't have to be this mysterious."

Everyone starts smiling or laughing by Itsuki's behaviour. The Emperor  tries to look calm but he is also smiling and forcing himself to not to smile but he fails. When Itsuki notices that everybody is smiling or laughing at him he feels embarrassed and his face turns red from embarrassment .

Reo smiles and says," Well Itsuki if you want to know about my ability that much then it can't be helped."

Itsuki says with an irritated voice," Just tell us already."

Reo gives him a smirk and says, " My skills are Necromancy, Ruler of darkness, Ruler of light and wisdom and I can use every type of magic."

When Itsuki hears Reo's ability he says in jealousy," What if you all have badass abilities, I have the most useful one like an item box and appraisal."

Yui innocently," I also have those abilities."

After Yui , Sarena also says," Me too."

Itsuki's heart crushed and he looked at Reo while almost tears in his eyes and asked," What about you Reo."

Reo looks at Itsuki and says," No I don't have those abilities ( Itsuki face lit up with a smile ) but I have other similar abilities such as eye of wisdom and special box." 

When Itsuki heard him his smile went down and he felt like his pride got crushed down. Seeing Itsuki so down a dark and sinister smile appeared on Azaliya's face, but suddenly a chill went down her spine and she looked to the other side and saw that Reo was looking at her with a chilling gaze. They exchange glances without anybody noticing them .

Azaliya thought to herself, 'He is not an ordinary person, first he breaks enslavement magic and now his gaze, he is too dangerous to leave alone .'