
Love and Dangers

With great power comes great danger. Riley is a 16-year-old who thinks her life is miserable because she was born with great power that she can't control. People blame her for her parent's death and don't want to have anything to do with her, calling her a witch. Riley accepts her loneliness but things got more complicated when she finds herself running for her life from people who desire her power. She is saved by Aiden the strange guy from school who turned out to be what she never expected. With time she developed uncontrollable feelings for Aiden. Riley finds out her true identity and Aiden's true mission, this leaves her heart broken. But the love she had for him made it hard for her to hate him. Now Riley has to choose between love and death

Slay_kwen1975 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Chapter 5

" Follow me," he said leading the way through the vent while she followed. she had no idea where he was leading her but she followed trusting that he was helping her. they took two or three turns before getting to their destination. Riley watched him jump down. she draws close to see the height of where he jumped and her eyes fell wide open. it is too high I can't make that jump. she thought to herself

" Are you alright " that calming voice spoke, interrupting her thoughts. it was too high and there was no way she would tell him that she was scared " we have to hurry. jump I will catch you "

looking down at the guy with an eyebrow raised. who is this guy? she wondered. she still could not see his face " alright " she replies

closing her eyes and without thinking she jumped. she squeezes her eyes hoping that he keeps his promise to catch her. Riley landed on a pair of strong arms, the cold night breeze hit her skin but was immediately taken by his warmth " are you alright " he asked making her open her eyes looking up at him, she finally saw it, his eyes. the most beautiful pair of dark blue eyes she has ever seen, amazing jawline, breathtaking lips. his entire face was breath taken. Riley was certain she haven't seen this face before but why did he feel so familiar. " Riley " her name coming from his lips felt so relaxing " you good?" with an eyebrow raised calling her back to reality

" oh, am sorry " she quickly goes off him. she suddenly felt cold again making her wrap her arms around herself. it was a very beautiful night, the full moon. Riley studied the guy in front of her, his height, that familiar black hoodie. there was only one person Riley knew with that kind of hoodie " hoodie guy?" there was confusion in her tone, no wonder he smelt so familiar. how is it possible that the weirdo from school saved her " what the fuck " she cursed

" language " corrected" we have to get out of here " he added making her frown

" First you have to explain what the fuck you are doing....." she was cut off by him pulling her along with him in a hurry

" there she is " they were suddenly interrupted. Riley turns to see men after them. her speed increased.

running through the woods as fast as they could, The hoodie guy was still holding her hand as he led the way. he was faster than her resulting in her slowing him down. several bullets were released at them but he didn't mind. he had a plan.

when he was certain that they were far away from the lab. he shocked Riley by turning around. pulling her behind him " stay down" he said. Riley was now on the ground with her eyes closed. she didn't know if she wanted to see what was going to happen next.

with an abnormal level of speed, He pulled two 50 AE from his belt taking down every single one of them without missing a shot. when he was done he returned the guns using his hoodie to cover them. he turn around looking down at the scared young girl and he smiled, he always found her adorable when she was scared " it's over " he said

Riley, not sure if she should open her eyes slowly did. she studied her environment with pure horror in her eyes then looked up at him " you..you killed them "

" I didn't have a choice" she was in shock. how could he kill them so easily and still talk comfortably? she slowly stood up and to a step back away from him

" We go to the same school right," she asked but he remained quiet this was enough to give her the answer " you are the weirdo," she said

" The name is Aiden " he correct. Damn his voice was amazing

" Who are you and why did you save me " after a while of silence, she watch him take down his hood. a gasp escapes her lips at the sight before her. he had amazing dark hair and his eyes were sparkling under the moonlight

" My name is Aiden " his lips moved smoothly as he spoke " I am from a secret organisation. I was assigned to keep you safe " Riley was shocked

" by who " with her arms crossed, there was no way she was going to believe him

" someone you may know" he replied

" and don't this someone have a name " there was curiosity, in her tone

" it's not in my place to tell you. you will know when you meet him " his words, got her more confused

" meet him. what do you mean to meet him "

" I was assigned to protect you until it was time to bring you back and it appears that it's time "

" what the fuck " she yells

" Language" he correct. this made her angry

"it's time?. first of all, how long have you been protecting me?" she asked

" since you were 12 " Riley got even angrier

" wait you are telling me that you have been spying on me since I was 12 " she yells

" protect," he said

" fuck protecting, you've been stalking me since I was 12 and you call it protecting. I get sold my by best friend's mother and some weirdo from school shows up and saves me only to find out he's been following me since I was 12?. those it sounds ok to you " Aiden didn't really. Aiden was they type that didn't talk much and had no time to argue. he speaks when necessary with few words and remains quite during agreements " so now where are you taking me " she asked

" you will find out " was his reply

" fuck it " she whispered.

" Language" he corrected

" stop doing that " she yells frustrated " am not going anywhere with you " Riley announced, " I don't even know you, I just know you like the hoodie guy "Aiden raised an eyebrow at the name " I can't trust you. yes you just saved me but how sure am I that you didn't save me for your own benefit " she turns and was about to take a step and was taken by pain " aaa " cries. Aiden who now carried a worried look studied her and saw that she was bleeding on her right leg

" you are bleeding" walking toward her but she stopped him

" stay away from me," she said before taking back her attention to the injury " I must have gotten shot inside the lab, I wonder why I didn't feel anything till now " she carried a confused look but the injury was not going to stop her. she wanted to get away from here, away from him. she began walking away, leaping,

" where are you going," he asked

" home " she replied. Aiden shakes his hand with a smile. she was stubborn and he knew, he knew her too well. he has been protecting her for a very long time and saved her severally . she had no idea