
Love and Dangers

With great power comes great danger. Riley is a 16-year-old who thinks her life is miserable because she was born with great power that she can't control. People blame her for her parent's death and don't want to have anything to do with her, calling her a witch. Riley accepts her loneliness but things got more complicated when she finds herself running for her life from people who desire her power. She is saved by Aiden the strange guy from school who turned out to be what she never expected. With time she developed uncontrollable feelings for Aiden. Riley finds out her true identity and Aiden's true mission, this leaves her heart broken. But the love she had for him made it hard for her to hate him. Now Riley has to choose between love and death

Slay_kwen1975 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Chapter 37

walking past several hallways, Riley made her way to the lab. she needed to leave this place. there was no way she will be used as a weapon by her father to control the world, she can't allow that. the pain Riley was feeling was far worst than the ones she felt when her parents died. she wasn't hurting because she just found out that her father was a monster but the fact that she was still stupid enough to trust Aiden, after being betrayed by everyone around her. she trusted him and he lied to her. he broke her.

finally made her way to the exit. Riley stopped at her track. Wilson and Linda were standing with countless security guards patiently waiting for her. like they already knew she will be there. " where are you going, princess " Wilson stepped forward

" get out of my way " angrily. the usual Riley would have lost control due to how angry she was right now but Aiden's teachings were effective

" you didn't answer the question princess " smiling brightly

" I am leaving. "

" I thought you wanted to be a hero?" with an eyebrow raised

" Hero?" Riley was completely speechless at his words " is this a joke "

" oh, Riley....."

" get the fuck out of my way " her voice took him by surprise

" wow. " he frowned " am sorry to break it to you, Princess. you are going nowhere"

" you can't hold me against my will. you have no right " Breathing heavily.

" I do. " he took another step forward " you see Riley. since it is no longer a secret " he wiggled his fingers in mid-air " I made you. and at the beginning of my experiment, I had good intentions. but everyone turned against me because they couldn't accept the fact that certain things have to be done to achieve this greatness " he spoke angrily " the government put an end to my work "

" you were killing people" Riley marked

" you don't understand Riley. you have no idea what it means to go out of your way to achieve a dream. a dream that you have worked for all your life and people fail to recognize that dream people fail to recognize you " he spoke with frustration " even your mother was against me. when I found out that a baby was needed for this experiment, I told her about but she refused. she refused to see my vision." he smiled " I had to get her out of the picture"

" yo...you killed her " her heart dropped to somewhere around her kneecap. Riley never knew her real mother. she never knew she had a different mother but knew that her father was the one who killed her. knowing that her loving Dad was a monster. made it very difficult for her to breathe

" I did what I had to do "

" how could you " she cried even more

" I made you and I do what I want with you. I will say when you get out of here ok "

" you can't do that "

" but I can " he gave that evil smile " put the bracelet on her " he instructed one of the guards. the guard made his way towards her and in his hand, she saw that familiar metal bracelet that Anthony put on her.

" get away from me," she said. thrown him back he landed on the ground in front of Wilson. everyone was taken by surprise.

" you have control," Linda said from behind him. Riley could feel the shock in her tone " you've been deceiving us "

" This is Aiden's doing isn't it "

" not your fucking business" angrily " now get out of my way "

" First you will go through us. get her " he instructed.

with three guards running towards her. Riley didn't want to hurt anyone but had no choice. sudden the lights became unstable. they went flying up, hitting themselves on the wall and the ground severally until they finally drop to the ground in pain. Riley was in shock. she wasn't the one who did that

" don't you dare touch her " That familiar voice appeared from behind her?

" Aiden " she whispered in confusion. why was he helping her again? Aiden looked angry

" Aiden?" Wilson had a confused look as well " what do you think you are doing"

" I said I will protect Riley no matter what. even if it's from you "

" you have grown bolder by the day. Aiden. "

" Riley " Aiden turn to Riley, ignoring Wilson " I'm sorry. I am so sorry " Riley was the honesty in his eyes " we attack ok. and the moment you get a chance, you get away from here ok. "

" you want me to believe that you want to help me now " she was boiling in anger

" There is no time for this Riley. you are what is important right now " his tone was calm and as always it has the power to calm her down " you will leave here the moment you get the chance and I don't want you to turn back no matter what ok " Riley didn't respond " ok?"

" ok "

" Good " Aiden turn back to face them " you heard what she said. get out of the way "

" Aiden. you are making the wrong decision" Wilson said, trying to remind him of the consequences of defying him

" GET. OUT. OF. THE. WAY " with a tone that scared everyone. immediately the guards made their way toward them. Aiden threw them back. some Attacked from behind and Riley didn't give a second thought to finishing them. more came with guns and Riley was surprised. she couldn't believe that her father will order them the shoot his daughter

" take them " he ordered. before they could get the chance to shoot, the guns left their hands and went flying in the air before crashing into pieces. it was Aiden's doing

" Well, I got to learn that one " whispering to herself. she watches Aiden lift, Wilson and Linda, in the air. throwing them to the wall with great force and they landed on the ground. Linda passed out instantly but her father struggled in pain.

" let's go " He took her hand and they made their way to the elevator. immediately the elevator door opened she said to her " find Noah and tell him that 'the bird has left its cage' he will take you out of here "

" But what about you " with worries in her eyes

" I can't leave " he had a sad tone " now go " he pushed her into the elevator. the moment Riley entered the elevator she heard a sound that made her heart stop for a few seconds " aaaaaa" Aiden's cry of pain. immediately she turned around to see him on the ground, struggling in pain. his eyes were bleeding. he was dying

" Aiden " his name escaped her lips