
The Law

In the dining room. There were a lot of cutleries and beautiful porcelain plates on the huge shiny wood dining tables. Fresh flowers and candles made the table decor look prettier. A romantic atmosphere was created to make the situations less tense.

Jayden twisted his glass a few times before taking a sip of the wine in it. The 1998 Sauvignon accompanied him for dinner with Renny today. Jayden was still patiently waiting for his princess to come out.

"I bow to the Wei great sun's son." Renny came out from her chamber and greeted Jayden with an elegant gesture that Kayla had taught her before.

"Ye... Yes," Jayden stuttered, Renny was stunning. Finally Renny came, she entered gracefully and slowly. Jay turned to see the girl's appearance. Jay froze, stunned in silence. Renny looked amazing in her black night dress until could make the Goddess jealous of her beauty. Shiny stones sprinkled beautifully on the evening dress. There was a slit on one side of her skirt, making Renny show off her one smooth and long leg.

"Is there something strange, Your Highness? Why are you looking at me like that?" Renny felt awkward, this black dress really highlighted her chest too much. Showing her cleavage.

Jayden stood up to greet Renny, He held Renny's hand and kiss the back of her palm. "You are very beautiful tonight, Princess." then he smiled.

"Is it true?" Renny blushed, even though it was amusing but Renny liked it. Renny loved the way Jayden seduce her with sweet praise.

"Yes, My love..." Jayden kissed Renny's ear tightly, making Renny's body vibrate when she felt the sensation. Wet and warm, ah, he was too passionate, Renny could not deny it.

[Ugh... crazy, My heart, please calm down!! Please, remember that you will leave him sooner or later.] thought Renny. Her face was red like a pomegranate.

"Come, Princess, Let us eat." Jayden opened a chair for Renny beside him. Not usually a Prince serves the Princess. But Jayden put those manners aside, he truly loved Renny.

Renny saw a row of spoons, forks, and knives arranged neatly in front of her eyes. The silver cutlery looked so beautiful with rose carvings on each end of the handle. In the middle, a porcelain plate was still upside down.

"Wow... I wonder, why the arrangement of cutlery has rules, huh?" Renny was amazed by the table set for the five-course meal in front of her. She never ate with so many spoons before.

"Of course, Princess. Everything will work out well if there are rules and according to the rules." Jayden took Renny's hand. Explaining the meaning of order.


Renny jolted when she heard Jayden. Renny was silent, what Jayden said was true. Obeying the rule of this country meant she doesn't deserve her position. Her crown as a princess was not valid, she never registered for the election.

Her election as Crown Princess, definitely didn't happen according to the rules. Either due to system errors or data input errors. What she knew now. Without the right rules, things would never go well. What kind of punishment would await her if the entire kingdom know about the error? Renny didn't deny it in the first time, so it made the case more worse.

"What happens, My Lady? You look confused," asked Jayden.


"Ah, I know!! You must be hungry." Jayden smiled, and Renny nodded covering her fear. She gulped water quickly.

"Tell the chef to serve the food!" Jaden clapped his hand to the maid.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The palace maids and cooks prepared dinner for them. They worked hard to satisfy their appetite. Renny's mouth started to drool at the delicious smell. She was afraid of the law, but she was more afraid of getting starving. Who can refuse the smell of roasted chicken with sweet honey sauce and mushroom soup? This appetizer indeed matches her taste bud.

"Is it your taste?"

"Yeah, it's so delicious, Jay... " Renny spooned more soup into her mouth.

The cook turned to grill the beef. Tender meat with lots of marinated seasoning was put on the fire. The aroma made Renny couldn't wait. Juicy wagyu beef for the main course was served in front of them in no time.

"Try the steak, you will love it." Jayden took a knife and sliced ​​the steak into small, ready-to-eat pieces, and put the plate in front of Renny.

Her eyes were sparkling so bright when she put one slice of meat into her mouth. So Juicy, tender, smoky, and rich in flavors.

"Wow, delicious!! And the meat is very tender." Renny felt very happy. This was the most delicious beef meat that has ever entered her mouth. She rushed for another bite.

"Slow down, Princess. There are still many and no one has taken them from you." Jayden smiled.

"Ahahaha..." Renny felt embarrassed by the way she ate like a barbarian. But it couldn't be helped, the meat was really good.

"Ah ... I'm full .." Renny finished all without anything left.

"Great!" Jayden gave two thumbs up.

"Is that a compliment or satire?" Asked Renny before taking a glass of water from the table.

"Of course a praise. You really have to eat a lot to be healthy and strong. You'll have to bear our children someday." Jayden teased.


Renny was splitting out the water that was in her mouth.

Jay closed his eyes. All the maids rushed to clean and wipe off the spray of water from Renny.

"Waaa.. sorry!! I'm sorry, Jay..." Renny came with a cloth and wiped Jayden's face.

"It's okay."

"I sincerely apologize, Your Majesty." Renny knelt in front of Jayden. Her eyes were watery because of her guilt. Her eyes looked so attractive.

"All of you come out!!" Jayden yelled to give an order.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Are you going to punish me, Jay?"

"Of course," Jay smiled mischievously. He helped Renny stood up.

[Oh No... how stupid you are Renny! Why do you have to ask him!] Renny cursed in her heart.

"Come on follow me!!" Jayden pulled Renny on her wrist.

"Where are we going to?" Asked Renny.

"To get your punishment..."