
Biological Child

"Sean's blood type...." Sammy paused and let out a relieved sigh. "Turns out his blood type is the same as mine. Oh, come on, why did I get so worried? It's clear that Sean is my biological child." Sammy closes the folder again and places it on the table. "I've slept with Ariana many times, it's undoubtedly my seed that grew inside her womb."

Meanwhile, for the past hour, Ariana has been in her room, holding Sean. She has been very scared after hearing about the intruder in the house. Even though there are many guards outside, Ariana still thinks that anything is possible to happen.

Ariana glances at her phone and sees there is an incoming call. She doesn't know who is calling her now, so hesitantly, she answers the call.

"Hello?" Ariana tries to greet first.

"How does it feel to hide my child?" the voice on the other end said.

Ariana is shocked and drops her phone right away. Her eyes stare in horror at her phone lying on the floor. Her chest rises and falls with heavy breaths. Ariana feels this is a terror scarier than the business rival's terror.

"No... It can't be," Ariana uttered.

Ariana quickly picks up her phone and ends the call. She is trembling; she doesn't know what to do. If she makes a wrong move, Ariana might put herself in danger. She looks at the baby in her arms. The baby is Brian's biological child. Chances are Brian has already started guessing about it, and Ariana starts to wonder if the person who called is indeed Brian.

"How is that possible? Isn't he busy with other women? Didn't he think I was pregnant at the time?" Ariana monologued with a frightened expression.

Her lips tremble, her eyes dart anxiously, and her breath is uncontrollable. Ariana isn't afraid of meeting Brian again, what she fears is Brian trying to forcefully take the baby from her. Ariana doesn't know what is on Brian's mind when he comes back into her life.

Shortly after that, the sound of the door opening is heard. Ariana turns to see Sammy entering the room with a worried expression. Ariana smiles awkwardly, adjusting her body gesture to appear calm. Her hand wipes away the tears that have fallen. Ariana has to act normally so as not to raise Sammy's suspicion.

"Ariana? What happens?" Sammy touches Ariana's shoulder. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, I'm just scared about the terror earlier. I wonder why someone would disturb our family," Ariana said.

She also wants to hide what she knows. To her, it will be a problem if she reveals that Brian wants to come back into her life. There could be contact between Brian and Sammy that might expose the truth about Sean's real status.

Ariana's biggest fear is Sammy being disappointed in her and distancing himself from her, and at that moment, Brian would come and forcibly take Sean from her. It would truly shatter her life, so Ariana will do her best to conceal this truth.

"Forgive me. I couldn't make you feel safe. After this, you and Sean will have tighter security. I assure you that you'll be safe." Sammy hugs Ariana and kisses her forehead.


"You're starting to act brave against me," Brian stares at his phone while grinning. "Is it because you think that foolish man can protect you? Don't feel safe, Ariana."

Behind him, there are already dozens of people waiting for his orders. "Create chaos everywhere, don't let Sammy enjoy a peaceful life for taking my girlfriend away from me."

"Understood, Sir."

Brian gazes back at the beautiful city view from behind the glass walls of his company. His eyes catch a photo enclosed in a brown frame - It was a picture of Ariana when she used to be his girlfriend. Brian smiles bitterly, realizing it is a foolish decision to dump Ariana a few months ago.

Now he knew that the woman he married a few months back was pregnant with another man's child. Brian deeply regretted it; after discarding Ariana, love for her grew inside his heart. Brian's life became even more miserable as his love for Ariana persisted.

"I won't let you go, Ariana. I don't care who your current lover is; I'll win you back." Brian shows a serious expression, clenching the table partition so tightly that the veins in his hands are visible.

Occasionally, Brian glances at his phone, then picks it up and tries to call Ariana again, but unfortunately, Ariana had already blocked Brian's number, so he couldn't contact her.

"Damn it, she's trying to provoke me, it seems. Does she forget that I'm the most ambitious man in this world? Having her is an easy task," Brian said.

Brian seems to be relentless in causing terror in Ariana's new life. With a sinister grin on his face, he presses a button on his phone and laughs gleefully when his action is complete.

"Let's see what happens next." Brian leanes back, waiting for the outcome of his actions.


A notification came through Sammy's phone. Sammy walked towards the bathroom and didn't notice the notification. Shortly after, Ariana enters the room and sees Sammy's lit phone screen.

"It's unusual for Sammy to leave his phone on the bed. I better put it on the table." Ariana walks towards the bed and picks up Sammy's phone.

Initially, Ariana didn't want to open Sammy's phone; she didn't want to be seen as an intrusive and disrespectful wife. However, after seeing the notification on her husband's phone, Ariana changes her mind.

"I wonder what's in this file? Why does it look so suspicious?"

Ariana then presses 'open.' Her eyes delve deeper into the contents of the file. She suspects that it might be a message from Sammy's possible affair partner. Yet, on second thought, she can't believe Sammy would do such a thing, knowing how much he loves her.

"Video? What video is this?"

With a heavy breath, Ariana presses 'open.'

"N-no way." Ariana is stunned, dropping Sammy's phone out of shock. "This video is..."