
Love Agreement With The King

When two people unsatisfied with their already written fate meet, what they can do to finally live the life they desire is enter into an agreement. The agreement is sanctioned by Prince John, a man who was never seen before, because of that he’s considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the city. John is a cold-hearted man, ruthless and unsympathetic. He’s unable to love, having a rich history with breaking hearts he came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t date anymore. The only person he ever cared about, besides himself, was his father. After his sudden death, Prince John had to ascend the throne. When he met Roselyn, a girl who was known for her skeptical thoughts about love and her free spirit who had simple desires which didn't include a man to be fulfilled he sees in her the potential to achieve what he always wanted. The agreement required them to fake their marriage and pretend they are in love deceiving the whole world including their own family. In return, they could live the life they always wanted to live. As the story develops more mysteries and hindrances threaten their perfect plan, such as Roselyn’s supernatural rare powers and sudden wars. -------------------------------------------------- Abstract: "I like to think this is a strange twist of fate. You’re the kindest person I know. So beautiful and precious while I am a cold-hearted guy hunted by his demoniac nature." John leaned over to her, gently lifting her chin so that she could meet his gaze. When Roselyn did, he smiled. "Your nature allows you to create life, mine allows me to take it." He chuckled shyly. "I am not forcing you to accept my darker side, but maybe we were destined to meet. You are the peace to my senses, the sun to my darkness, the reason that wakes me up in the morning. I hate the way you make me feel, so vulnerable and sensitive." His gaze moved to her peachy lips. He stroked her hair behind her ear. "At the same time I love it because, in all my immortal existence, I have never felt more alive." Roselyn finally smiled, as she understood that he didn’t have two opposite sides. He just had one, the evilest vampire in the village. But when with her, his heart melted that ice shield to reveal a completely different person who only she could have access to. --------------------------------------------------- Link server: https://discord.gg/rVkRwbHk join to find updates, new, and coins free The book contains intense smut, read at your own risk Extra chapters will be posted on sunday based on the number of golden ticket collected during the week! Send summoning pens to get an anticipated release! . [The book cover belongs to their respective owner.] ALERT warning: 18+ smut -> however the chapters with smut will contain an alert of start and end smut so you can freely skip that part if uncomfortable!

Elle_Lynn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
361 Chs

Eating alone

"But you have to tell me what you are. You are a supernatural creature, aren't you?"

His question made Roselyn explode in laugh.

When she noticed his serious expression, she understood he wasn't joking.

"Yeah, I am. Can't you see the huge angel wigs that grew from my shoulder blade?" She said, rolling her eyes.

"You are. That's why I asked about your real name."

"Can you stop saying things so ridiculous?" She complained, folding her arms.

John was seriously speaking. Contrary to Roselyn's expectations, he felt like there was something different about her. He couldn't figure out if it was involving being part of the supernatural creatures or it was just some sort of gift. But he was sure that was his supernatural feeling could catch the air she emanated differed from every human he's met before. It was like a huge shield that prevented supernatural creatures to read her emotions protected her. All they could perceive by looking at her were biological factors as heart-beats, saturation, breath ect.. but whatever it was involving emotional factors was completely undetectable.

"Let's sleep now then." He stated. She was already turning to her opposite side to lay in a more comfortable way.

They both fall asleep in a few of minutes, the light breeze lullabied them goodnight as they fall in a deep sleep.

When Roselyn woke up, birds were chirping, and the sun was rising. She turned around to see John had disappeared, wondering where he could possibly be. Suddenly she spotted his long leg coming out from behind the carriage's door. She smiled when she felt reassured not to be alone.

She spread her arms to enjoy the light wind that tousled her hair and the perfume that the sea emanated. She ran toward the shore to sit right by the surface where the water could slightly caress her feet, giving her a pleasuring feeling.

She looked up at the sky to admire the sun rising.

The light was gentle and shy coloring the sky of a golden shade, water was almost white and seemed so pure and clear. All she could hear was the melody of the waves hitting the rocks. The sun, from a little spot, began always bigger to assume slowly its normal shape. As it grew, the sky colored of an intense orange, the sun was the protagonist of that beautiful scene.

"Wow!" she murmured to express all the amazement that view provided her.

If she had the possibility to stop time, she would definitely do that now to have that memory for the rest of her life.

After enjoying the view, she went to get back on the carriage to see the King waiting for her.

"You missed a spectacular view." Roselyn said as the carriage started.

"I enjoyed it from here." He replied.

"We're heading to the castle now. To get everything prepared for our marriage." He said to the coachman, who took off as soon as he finished his sentence.

When they finally arrived in front of the Royal House, Roselyn felt her legs tired. Which was understable since that day was quite tiring, and she was not used to live all those emotions.

Roselyn got down from the carriage thanks to the King's help, who gently stretched his hand toward her to help her step down. The first time she entered there she didn't even know how the King looked like and now she is going to marry him.

Life takes different turns every minute and you can expect nothing to be certain in the future.

When she stepped into the hall room to walk into the living room, it seemed like that place assumed a completely different appearance.

The room was designed in a traditional classic way; It was so big that it alone probably would be bigger than most of the houses in the villages. There was a vast table in the middle of the room, its surface almost fully occupied by a flowerpot. Upon it from the ceiling fell a glass chandelier very prominent, the remaining space left was occupied by sofas statues and decorative ornaments.

The door was opened by one maid followed by other two maids; they reached Roselyn and bowed down.

"You can call them whenever you want. They're at your service to fulfill every request you have."

The King said, gesturing his hand to show the three ladies that still had their head bowed.

"Thank you." Roselyn replied, and they finally lifted their head.

One of them took Roselyn jacket off and handed it to another one who brought it to another room, Roselyn stared at her wondering where she was bringing it when the third maid, like if she could read her concerns replied: "The jacket was brought to your room."

"Bring her to the dining room, she must be starving." The King commanded, and they walked. Roselyn assumed she had to follow them, so she rushed to keep them walking. It seemed like she walked for kilometers when finally the dining room was reached.

If the bouquet at Lord Victor seemed huge, that bouquet she had in front of her was totally a different level. The meals on the table would satisfy the hunger of three starving armies, leading Roselyn to wonder how much he actually expected her to eat.

She saw there was just one chair. "Why there's just one seat?" She asked as soon as the question imploaded into her mind.

"The King won't have lunch with you." The blonde maid replied, moving the chair near Roselyn.

"Have you asked him why?"

Both maids looked at each other hearing Roselyn question, as they were shocked to be asked such a thing.

"Miss Roselyn, we may not ask questions."

Roselyn tilted her head to one side as she inhaled a sharp breath. "Would he come here to have dinner if I was the one who required so?"

The maids gazed at each other once again, then they both shook their head.

"Please milady, don't put us in any dangerous situation." The brunette maid replied under her breath.

Roselyn helped herself to pick from the great variety of food what seemed like the best good looking portion of blueberries omelettes and a slice of plum-cake.

"Dangerous situation?" Roselyn's eyebrow raised after she took a bite of that delicious course.