
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

One night stand

" Xuiying"

"What's wrong?"

" Qianfan is coming back tomorrow"

Cough cough cough**

Lin Rouxue looked at Ma Xuiying in shock and passed her a glass of water while patting her back

" Whats wrong with you ?....how can you be so clumsy....mmm why do I feel like you are hiding something"

Ma Xuiying's face paled at the thought that her best friend found out about what happened between her and Han Qianfan after their graduation

'No that's not possible'

she cleared her throat to clear her mind off what

was disturbing her

"Hello!!! Xuiying...are you going with me"

"Going where... I have work tomorrow"

" yeah right....what do u want to go to the office to do on a Sunday"

"Still am not going"

"Tch...well sorry to tell you miss Ma but you'll have to come with me whether you like it or not, it's not a choice for you you to make "

Ma Xuiying almost rolled her eyes at her friend's sarcastic remark but still she had to go with her



Meanwhile after Lin Donghai and Shen Nuwa got back to the Lin family Mansion, the man snapped and stared screaming in anger

'' That ungrateful brute still has the gods to talk to me like I am one of her colleges in school....just you wait and see I'll deal with her ,once am done with her she'll wish she had followed her parents the same time they died "

His wife looked at him like he was stupid and unreasonable.for years she had always regretted marrying him and not his twin brother, while Lin Donghai was irrational, ignorant and unreasonable

his twin brother Lin Genghis was the polar opposite of him

rational, reasonable, wise and very gentlemanly.

Lin Genghis was the first man she had her eyes on when her father told her she was going to marry the first son of the Lin family , she was overwhelmed with joy.On the day she was to go visit the Lin family to have her pick ,the first person she saw was Lin Genghis and after talking to him she was blown away by his gentlemanly charms and charisma but at the end of their discussion he told her not to have any hopes because he had someone else in his heart,she refused to believe that and secretly started trailing him until one day

her men she asked to dig up everything about him came to her with a stack of photos in a paper bag .With trembling hands she brought out the photos but the first thing she saw made her cry over a man for the first time in her life .

After all the troubles and hassle she ended up marrying the other twin Lin Donghai ,till today she still regretted not rejecting her father

Back to the present *_*

"Donghai if you really want to get rid of her and force her to get married to that Casanova of the Long family there is only one way.... kidnapping"

Hearing that , Lin Donghai finally calmed down

"How do we go about it "

"Leave the planning and execution of everything to me....just focus on convincing the young master of the Long family to let go of his feelings for Lin weiying "

" okay....no qualms"


The next day

the sound of Lin Rouxue's phone rang she opened her eyes groggily and picked the call without checking the name on the contact

" Hello"

" XUEXUE!!!"


Lin Rouxue fell to the ground from the persons response ,she finally became fully awake.

She checked the name on the number and frowned

" Qianfan??? why are you calling me so early"

"come pick me up "

the woman looked at the time on her alarm clock which said quarter past 8

"I don't understand what you mean... isn't your plane not supposed to land till 2 In the afternoon"

"Yeah I know I'll explain when you come"


After hanging up she dragged Ma Xuiying out of the bed

"Xuiying...let's go Qianfan called to say he just got back "

"No let me be ..I....want to sleep some more "

After a few more words of persuasion she finally relented .

20 minutes later they walked out of the house together and left after hailing a cab

At the Airport

a young man of about 6ft tall with long legs and a lanky body sat on one of the waiting chair's at the Security door with his legs crossed and his light blue eyes covered with sunshades

he had well shaped eyebrows,thin lips ,high bridge nose and dark brown hair. Although he looked laid back and nonchalant he was still able to pull off a noble aura which made people give him a second look

Getting into the airport, Lin Rouxue dialed Han Qianfan number which he picked on the second Ring

"Hey I have been waiting for almost an hour now ...and if I don't see you in the next ten minutes I'll call my chauffeur to come pick me up

the woman scoffed" where are you I can't see you anywhere "

the man immediately stood up

"" Come to the 5th security bay you'll see me by the door "

5 Minutes later

" Rouxue"

the woman who had been turning around heard her name


the man dropped his luggage and ran to the two women and hugging them both

" Ahhh I have missed you guys.... seven years is really long time"

Ma Xuiying face turned red the moment she saw that haughty face that always tormented her dreams

"Qianfan stop misbehaving.... we're in public "

Ma Xuiying spoke first

"Hush let me hug you guys for a little longer"

When they finally left the Airport and boarded a cab Han Qianfan started babbling about what happened in his life within the span of seven years with only Lin Rouxue and Ma Xuiying adding a little questions here and there

"I am hungry let's go somewhere to eat...BTW it's my treat"

" Sure whatever suits you" Lin Rouxue replied with a smile

the car became awkwardly became silent and it was starting to become depressing

"Something is going on between you both. Spill it "

Ma Xuiying eye's widened in fear ,she debated on coming clean and confessing but Han Qianfan beat her to it

"She offended me"

Ma Xuiying heart began to race

"She didn't come to see me off the day I left for America....hey not just that

she also started avoiding me since after the graduation like she offended me and is scared of coming clean "

Her heart finally calmed down ,just when she was about to defend herself

the cab driver spoke

"we're here"

they got down and walked into the Hot pot restaurant

" Order anything you like tabs on me "

after ordering Han Qianfan seemed to remember something

her turned towards Lin Rouxue and

"where's Han Ping?, why didn't he come with you ....the last time I remember you both were inseparable "

Lin Rouxue's hand clenched and her eye's dimmed at that question

" We broke up"

psssft Han Qianfan spurted out the water he was yet to swallow and coughed rigorously

cough cough cough***

"sorry I thought I heard you say you broke up"

"yes" she told him to confirm what he heard was true

"when ?


what even caused it?"

" it's a long story"

"Cut it short..."

She agreed and told him everything but opted the part where they planned to drug her and get men to gang rape her

"wow! alot of things went wrong when I was away "

at that moment the waiter served them and they all dug in at the same time, finished their meal then left the restaurant

"does your parents know you are back"

" yeah my mum knows ,but the old man doesn't know "


"I'll be leaving then Give me your address so that it will be easier for me to come visit at anytime"

Han Qianfan collected their address and left immediately after that .

Because the restaurant wasn't that far from their condo district,they decided to walk down home

"Xuiying"Lin Rouxue called her name out in a commanding tone


"Spill it"

Ma Xuiying feigned ignorance

"spill what "

"What's going on between you and Qianfan"

"I don't understand you"

"Ma Xuiying if there's anyone who knows you and how you react when you lie is me "

Ma Xuiying eye's darkened while she told her everything from the time they had their graduation dinner banquet and how she ended up having a one night stand with him while they were both drunk

Lin Rouxue stopped and looked at her in surprise

before before breaking into laughter

"Haha ha ha ha ha "as she laughed she placed one hand on her tummy

"yeah right....haha you and Qianfan? one night stand "

" hahahaha_" she finally stopped laughing when she saw she wasn't joking


"Yeah "

"Does he know "

Ma Xuiying shook her head

"I doubt .... he doesn't even remember"

"that's good.... it's better he's left in the dark about it "

"you should also keep this a secret Rouxue...I still feel ashamed about what happened that night"

" I won't tell a soul. I promise "
